· Aug 23, 2019
New Video: Globals Quickstart

Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Joel Solon, InterSystems Senior Technical Trainer:

Globals Quickstart
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Hi Community!

You're very welcome to watch a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann, InterSystems Product Manager:

InterSystems API Manager Introduction
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· May 31, 2017 28m read
Cogs Library

Cogs Library

Over the next few months I will be releasing a number of open source libraries and tools to the Caché community.

Most of the code has evolved from previous production grade solutions over the years and I am collating it together under a single overarching library package that I am calling Cogs.

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Hello community,

I am trying to parse the below HttpResponse in Cache. Cannot get the Iterator to work. Is there a single loop which can parse both or single messages and grab the error?

{ txt1:'error msg1'},

{ txt2:'error msg2'},

error: {
'error msg1',

'error msg2'


Jimmy Christian

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In this article I'll describe how to set up web services and/or REST services using EWD 3.

Since EWD 3 is designed to be modular, you can construct the environment that exactly meets your needs, but for much of the time you'll probably find that the pre-built EWD 3 ewd-xpress super-module does most of what you need because it hooks together all the core EWD 3 and other building-blocks you'll need:

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I am still new to cache objectscript and am trying to figure out how I would go about removing the escape characters from my JSON below. When I call the $toJSON method it's adding the "\" character in the file path.


My Code:

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Referencing this post:

I'm not sure how to actually interact with the result set I get from doing something like this. I want to return something like:

[{"field1":1, "field2":2}, {"field1":2, "field2":10}]

I'm finding it very difficult to get it in this format, since %Print appends a newline onto the end of the {} object it prints.

Here's the closest I've gotten:

1 5
3 1.3K

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

is there any indication that the .NET object representation of Cache objects (i.e. InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll) complies with .NET Standard? I'm planning to extend our existing .NET client/server solution with a mobile option by Xamarin Forms and can't find any significant hints in the internet.

I'm just fooling around a bit and made some expreiments with a REST API and a generic object-to-JSON tier:

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· Mar 7, 2019
JSON challenge

Hello folks,

I have an JSON object that need to be updated before being parsed into a JSX component.

Source JSON obj:

var Obj = { "data": [
  {"id":1, "text":"Task #1", "project":"10", "sub_project":"10-1" },
  {"id":2, "text":"Task #2", "project":"10", "sub_project":"10-1" },
  {"id":3, "text":"Task #3", "project":"11", "sub_project":"11-1" },

Required JSON obj result:

0 1
0 389

Hi All,

I am trying to get JSON data from a REST api. I am using my web browser to get the data by hitting the URL.

The data is receiving properly, but the JSON contains a few HTML tags.

These tags are not not receiving in the browser while hitting the url. Is there any way to overcome this issue ?


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Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

API Design for REST
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Hi all,

I have an incoming JSON message with a string field exceeding in length the 'caché long-string limit' of 3641144 characters.

Using {}.%FromJSON(instream) I am able to create %DynamicObject properly. However, I am unable to access the long property, as in every assignment, I get the <MAXSTRING> error.

Is there any way for me to obtain contents of the 'too long' string field as a stream?



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When using the JSON_OBJECT() function in Caché SQL on a %String property that contains JSON syntax, it converts the %String into a JSON object instead of escaping it as a string literal. How can I prevent this? (without ridiculous hacks like "add a space to the beginning of the value" as we don't always know which properties will contain these values and I certainly don't want to have to check for nulls and add/remove a space every single place this value is used in the application)

I don't want these strings automatically marshalled into JSON objects.

For example:

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I am trying to use the automated unittest class for a %CSP.Rest service.

So my Unittest code set's %request and %response from %CSP.Req/resp respectively

I build a tProxy with the fields I need for the post and set it %ToJson... I have tried seting %request.Content = tProxy (and not)

I call the method for the post url directly...

When that method calls %fromJson to set an object with the info. I passed...

- when I don't set %request.content.. I get a error '5035 - premature end of data code 12'

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Recently, a partner company started to develop an Angular client for their Cache application. Together, we decided to leverage the power of Caché dynamic objects to exchange JSON encoded data between client and server parts. However, we realized that currently there is a gap in Cache JSON implementation that prevents simple use of traditional registered and persistent classes to exposed their data with the same ease as with XML. I wrote a small JSON adapter, that does the job and bridgers the gap. It's purpose is simple expose data described by a regular Cache class in a one-to-one fashion to a %DynamicObject. On the other hand, when a serialized JSON data comes in, it can be easily deserialized into dynamic object and subsequently bound to regular class by the newly created adapter.

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