Hey Developers,

This week is a voting week for the InterSystems Interoperability Contest! So, it's time to give your vote to the best solutions built with InterSystems IRIS.

🔥 You decide: VOTING IS HERE 🔥

How to vote? This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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Hey Developers,

Please welcome the first session from InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020:

Creating InterSystems IRIS Analytics Solutions Using Docker & VSCode

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· Nov 20, 2020 2m read
Enrich your analytics projects with NLP

According IDC, 80% of all data produced are NoSQL. See:

There are digital documents, scanned documents, online and offline texts, blob content into SQL, images, videos and audio. Imagine a Corporate Analytics initiative without all these data to analyze and support decisions?

In all the world, many projects are using techonologies to transform these NoSQL data into textual content, to allows analyze it. See:

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How can you allow computers to trust one another in your absence while maintaining security and privacy?

“A Dry Martini”, he said. “One. In a deep champagne goblet.”
“Oui, monsieur.”
“Just a moment. Three measures of Gordons, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?”
"Certainly, monsieur." The barman seemed pleased with the idea.
Casino Royale, Ian Fleming, 1953

OAuth helps to separate services with user credentials from “working” databases, both physically and geographically. It thereby strengthens the protection of identification data and, if necessary, helps you comply with the requirements of countries' data protection laws.

With OAuth, you can provide the user with the ability to work safely from multiple devices at once, while "exposing" personal data to various services and applications as little as possible. You can also avoid taking on "excess" data about users of your services (i.e. you can process data in a depersonalized form).

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Yuri Marx for the InterSystems Interoperability contest:

OCR Service for InterSystems IRIS

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Hello developers!

I submitted for the contest a solution that would allow organizing message notifications and providing information to users of the messenger Telegam. This is achieved by creating two bots: an administrator and an informant. The administrator manages the list of users connected to the bot informator and their access rights.

The Solution based on project

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My team is working on redesigning an Interoperability solution that currently runs on a HealthShare server that is part of a mirror. Most of the messages are delimited records processed using Complex Record Mapping. We were told to utilize cloud services available in AWS, use containers, autoscaling…

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The productions are components developed with InterSystems IRIS Interoperability module to promote integrations between systems, data sources/targets, web services, API, message channels, etc. Productions are composed by:

1) Business services to get/ingest/get data events or requests;

2) Business operations to send or persist data to repositories, systems, API, web services, etc; and

3) BPL - BPEL flows to orchestrate, mediate, compose and route data from business services to business operations.

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· Nov 10, 2020
Why change?

I have already asked a question about migrating an Oracle database to Caché, and I was promptly answered. Now, I have one more question, however it is more conceptual. In general, any tool defends its benefits, and looking at Caché's, among many, there is a lot of talk about speed. The question is, if I already have a database, and at the moment, its performance is not a problem, I would like to know what else could influence the change of this database? Remembering that it is functional and without any apparent problem.

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InterSystems IRIS has long supported the obvious translation functions required to for converting to upper or lowercase to enforce case-insensitive string comparison (e.g. in ObjectScript with $zconvert) and sorting (e.g. with SQL collation functions, not to be confused with NLS collation). Customers in international contexts have at times used custom workarounds to also treat accent insensitivity or even more advanced normalization duct tape. We’re looking to address such use cases at the system and SQL level to increase convenience for this international audience, which is well represented on the Developer Community.

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Hey Developers,

See how InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics can be used to aggregate and query billions of records from a virtual cube, applying machine learning and analytics to that data.

InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics in Action

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Developing InterSystems IRIS solution using GitHub Codespaces

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· Nov 4, 2020
IRISReference in Native Api

I am trying to use IRIS Native API in .NET code I see following code snippet here https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

  IRISReference valueRef = new IRISReference(""); // set inital value to null string
  String myString = valueRef.value;               // get the method result

But IRISReference is not available as a type.

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