· Dec 12, 2021 1m read

A Repository to Get a Docker Image With a Particular ZPM Package Onboard

Hi developers!

ZPM Package Manager is getting more and more popular and thus the library of packages is growing.

And thus some solutions or samples can be built with InterSystems IRIS and one or two packages installed.

I want to share with you iris-docker-zpm-usage-template - a template that can be used exactly for this purpose.

You can create a new repository or clone it and change the package name to the one that is needed for you and once the docker image is built you get an InterSystems IRIS in a docker container with a package (or set of packages) you like.

By default it installs csvgen package, so change this line and place the package you need and it will move the needle.

Comments, thoughts and pull-requests are very welcome!

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