
We have a need to track Database changes over time - down to the SQL level of granularity if possible. Such as: User xyz runs routine ^abc and we get something similar to a changelog that tells us: table A had this value updated, insert, update etc....

Is that possible using IRIS level tools (Audit Log, Journal File, etc...) , is there a way to convert the global sets and kills from the journals into SQL level changes?

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1 435

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Getting Started with IntegratedML

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0 376

Hi community,

I am in the process of building a React Native Application for a restaurant.

I am not quite sure if we can use IRIS as the main database for this and if there is a possibility I am not quite sure how to do it.

If there is a possibility could some one help me out with it please?

Or do you think using AWS is a better choice?

Please let me know your ideas and guidelines in the comments or please feel free to reach out to me directly.

Hoping to hear soon.


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1 335

when i connect to DB via DBeaver , it always report Connection refused, i tried both Cache and IRIS but same error, I have already download intersystems-jdbc-3.2.0.jar as IRIS Driver.

And meanwhile SqlDBx tool is able to connect via internal Intersystems Cache Driver.

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0 782

Hi Developers,

Watch the execution of a speed test for a heavy-ingestion use case on InterSystems IRIS:

InterSystems IRIS Speed Test: High-Volume Ingestion

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0 260

Hi all,

I'm looking for a user-friendly way to make a method library available in DTL, and by user-friendly I mean via '..MyMethod()' or '$$$MyMacro()' rather than '##class(MyPackage.MyClassName).MyMethod()'.

Does anybody know of a way to add a second superclass or a set of macros to a DTL ... or some other trick?



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· May 28, 2021 1m read
Fetch Upstream in GitHub

Hi colleagues!

Often when we collaborate to someone's repo in GitHub we do the following cycle:

Fork-Clone-Change-Commit-Push-Pull-Request-Merge to the original repo.

This is all great and works fine!

And if we want to make a second collaboration right after the merge you need to perform "Fetch upstream" to your forked repo first to "ingest" your own Pull-request in the original repo.

Geeky git-professionals do it with ease but this was always a headache for me so I usually simply deleted the fork and created a new one.

And today I figured that Github added a new UI feature that I can easily fetch-upstream for my fork with the original one and make it up to date and capable for pull-requests.

Here is where the button is:

This is a relief! )

Wanted to share this relief and productivity tip with you!

Bring more collaborations to Github repos!

And speaking of PR - I just made a PR with docker to Google Cloud Run deployment for the FHIRaaS demo made by @Anton Umnikov for the current FHIR Contest! Looking for more of your contributions!

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I'm quite new at InterSystems. I have a business process that's pointing two different business operations, but one of them I don't want it to point to.

I went through the FileSystem settings, data transformations, classes, and code to see what it could be, but I don't see why its connecting to this second operation.

What other inner-system mechanics would I need to consider? What have might I have missed?

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0 142

Hello community,

I am in the process of building a Health Care Application named MediCloud and I was so excited to see that IRIS is one of a great choice that I can make for a database system.

But, I am developing my system with ASP.NET Core Version 2.1. I did see that there is a way we could use .NET with IRIS using PEX (such a useful tip), is there a possibility I could do it ASP.NET Core as well.

Or is it just limited to .Net for the time being?


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0 312
· May 16, 2021
IRIS or Cache?

Hello all,

I am in a bit of a situation where I could get your help please.

I want to get certified with IRIS, but I also do see that there is an availability named Cache.

Are they both the same or different? if different please explain it to me as how?

Also what is the difference between IRIS, IRIS for Health, Deep Sea? Please explain to me.

Also what do you think I should get my self certified with?

Please leave your comments below.


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0 383
· Jul 8, 2020 7m read
Tips for debugging with %Status


If you're solving complex problems in ObjectScript, you probably have a lot of code that works with %Status values. If you have interacted with persistent classes from an object perspective (%Save, %OpenId, etc.), you have almost certainly seen them. A %Status provides a wrapper around a localizable error message in InterSystems' platforms. An OK status ($$$OK) is just equal to 1, whereas a bad status ($$$ERROR(errorcode,arguments...)) is represented as a 0 followed by a space followed by a $ListBuild list with structured information about the error. $System.Status (see class reference) provides several handy APIs for working with %Status values; the class reference is helpful and I won't bother duplicating it here. There have been a few other useful articles/questions on the topic as well (see links at the end). My focus in this article will be on a few debugging tricks techniques rather than coding best practices (again, if you're looking for those, see links at the end).

15 7
11 1.9K
· May 26, 2021
Video: Cloud Backup Strategies

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Cloud Backup Strategies

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0 268

I have run into two annoyances when using VS Code for server-side editing of Objectscript and was wondering if anyone knows of any solutions or workarounds.

1. In .mac routine files, class names that aren't fully qualified (e.g. ##class(example) instead of ##class(Package.example)) fail to be understood, so the class will have a red squiggly underneath it and a problem that reads

"Class 'example' does not exist. InterSystems Language Server".

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0 224

Hi Developers!
Let me share with you some exercises from a workshop about developing interoperability components in Java using PEX (Production EXtension).

You will find slides and step by step exercises about:

  • Understanding simple PEX components coded in Java.
  • Making some changes on them.

All built using containers, so you don't need to build a local Java environment.

3 6
0 372
· May 24, 2021 1m read
Data Platform Levels

It's a challenge when you need, as a software architect, design a corporate architecture to meet the current business requirements, you need achieve level 5. With InterSystems IRIS.
it's possible. With 1 product you get SQL + NoSQL + ESB + BI + Open Analytics + Real time virtual cubes + NLP + AutoML + ML (with Python) and Advanced cloud + Sharding support.

4 2
1 458

Hey I am very new to Intersystems Objectscript and I am trying to find a way of extract 4 digit numbers from a stream.

I have a stream full of results





And I am trying to remove each 4 digit grouping from the stream.

I have tried the following for loop

for i=1:1:$length(result) {

set curr = $extract(result, i)

write !, curr

set count(curr) = $get(count(curr)) + 1


Unfortunately the loop extracts one digit.

0 6
0 392

I'm trying to set up VS Code for ObjectScript using the instructions found here. I've got both Cache 2018.1.2.309.0 and IRIS 2020. When I try to connect to either one of them the connection fails, and I get a notification in the bottom right corner that says "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0". I've checked the JSON settings file that VS Code uses, and they're fine and formatted properly. All of the settings I've entered are correct.

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At the heart of IRIS and Cache is a very interesting database architecture that we, at M/Gateway Developments, refer to as "Global Storage". If you ever wanted to know more about the fundamentals and capabilities of this underlying database, you might want to read a major analysis we've put together:


Amongst other things you'll discover that:

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InterSystems Official
· Aug 21, 2020
Introducing InterSystems Container Registry

I am pleased to announce the availability of InterSystems Container Registry. This provides a new distribution channel for customers to access container-based releases and previews. All Community Edition images are available in a public repository with no login required. All full released images (IRIS, IRIS for Health, Health Connect, System Alerting and Monitoring, InterSystems Cloud Manager) and utility images (such as arbiter, Web Gateway, and PasswordHash) require a login token, generated from your WRC account credentials.

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7 2.1K

Hello everyone,

I have a question, I am trying to use xecute command, but something wrong happen when i was using the command, and i don't know why hahahaha.

I created a file .mac with this code:

label(test) public{
       set routine="variable"
       set call="write routine,!"
       xecute call

But when i run the command, show me this message error:

<UNDEFINED>label+3^tstFJR3 *routine

After that i changed the code to:

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