Most transactional applications have a 70:30 RW profile. However, some special cases have extremely high write IO profiles.

I ran storage IO tests in the ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) AWS region to simulate IRIS database IO patterns and throughput similar to a very high write rate application.

The test aimed to determine whether the EC2 instance types and EBS volume types available in the AWS Australian regions will support the high IO rates and throughput required.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If the system does not stop for 24 hours, old journal files will be deleted at 0:30 according to the "Journal file deletion settings".

A possible cause of journal files remaining that are older than the "Journal file deletion settings" is that there are transactions that remain open.

In that case, you will be able to delete the journal file by searching for processes executing transactions and finalizing the transactions.

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When you first start working with InterSystems IRIS, it’s a common practice to install a system with only a minimum level of security. You have to enter passwords fewer times and this makes it easier to work with development services and web applications when you're first getting acquainted. And, sometimes, minimal security is more convenient for deploying a developed project or solution.
And yet there comes a moment when you need to move your project out of development, into an Internet environment that’s very likely hostile, and it needs to be tested with the maximum security settings (that is, completely locked down) before being deployed to production. And that’s what we’ll discuss in this article.
For more complete coverage of DBMS security issues in InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, and IRIS, you may want to read my other article, Recommendations on installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for a production environment.
The security system in InterSystems IRIS is based on the concept of applying different security settings for different categories: users, roles, services, resources, privileges, and applications.

Users can be assigned roles. Users and roles can have privileges on resources — databases, services, and applications — with varying read, write, and use rights. Users and roles can also have SQL privileges on the SQL tables located in databases.

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Most of us are more or less familiar with Docker. Those who use it like it for the way it lets us easily deploy almost any application, play with it, break something and then restore the application with a simple restart of the Docker container.

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Why should you connect Flask to InterSystems IRIS?

The first thing that comes to mind when we think about combining Flask with IRIS is a portal to interact with your clients and partners. A good example would be a website for patients to access their clinical exams. Of course, this case would require a whole new layer of security, which we did not cover in our last article. However, we can effortlessly add it with Werkzeug, for instance.

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InterSystems and Intel recently conducted a series of benchmarks combining InterSystems IRIS with 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors, also known as “Cascade Lake”, and Intel® Optane™ DC Persistent Memory (DCPMM). The goals of these benchmarks are to demonstrate the performance and scalability capabilities of InterSystems IRIS with Intel’s latest server technologies in various workload settings and server configurations. Along with various benchmark results, three different use-cases of Intel DCPMM with InterSystems IRIS are provided in this report.

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Nowadays, there is a lot of applications that are using Open Authorization framework (OAuth) to access resources from all kinds of services in a secure, reliable and efficient manner. InterSystems IRIS is already compatible with OAuth 2.0 framework, in fact, there is a great article in the community regarding OAuth 2.0 and InterSystems IRIS in the following link here.

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InterSystems IRIS currently limits classes to 999 properties.

But what to do if you need to store more data per object?

This article would answer this question (with the additional cameo of Community Python Gateway and how you can transfer wide datasets into Python).

The answer is very simple actually - InterSystems IRIS currently limits classes to 999 properties, but not to 999 primitives. The property in InterSystems IRIS can be an object with 999 properties and so on - the limit can be easily disregarded.

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· Jan 15, 2022 1m read
Your own webserver logfile analyser

Previously I had published The Article about the dataset from a real webserver, which can demonstrate how can activity and load of the Apache webserver depends on day of week, search engines indexing and some network noise.

Now I want to describe one useful function for most of webmasters and system administrators who are interested in obtaining of exactly information about visitors, hardware usage, and also about errors that gaing to their clients.

Here it is

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· Apr 4, 2022 12m read
Store Mindmaps using Globals

Globals are the core of the InterSystems IRIS for data persistence. It is flexible, allowing store JSON documents, relational data, object oriented data, OLAP cubes and custom data models, like Mindmaps. To see how to store, delete and get mindmap data using globals, follow these steps:

1. Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

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One of the most important tasks of dashboards is, on the one hand, to help you perceive data in an aggregated form, and, on the other hand, not to lose the depth of immersion in the data if you need this. One of the tools that help us achieve this result is drill down. It enables us to display several hierarchical levels of data, from aggregated to detailed.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If the journal file is too large to be searched or filtered using the Management Portal, you can refer to it using the following two methods.

① How to use the ^JRNDUMP utility
② How to reference it in a program

================================================== ==========

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Last time we launched an IRIS application in the Google Cloud using its GKE service.

And, although creating a cluster manually (or through gcloud) is easy, the modern Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) approach advises that the description of the Kubernetes cluster should be stored in the repository as code as well. How to write this code is determined by the tool that’s used for IaC.

In the case of Google Cloud, there are several options, among them Deployment Manager and Terraform. Opinions are divided as to which is better: if you want to learn more, read this Reddit thread Opinions on Terraform vs. Deployment Manager? and the Medium article Comparing GCP Deployment Manager and Terraform.

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· May 1, 2020 1m read
Code sample to concatenate JSON arrays

ObjectScript doesn't include any built-in method for appending one JSON dynamic array to another. Here's a code snippet I use that's equivalent to the JavaScript concat() method.

Call it with any number of arguments to concatenate them into a new array. If an argument is a dynamic array, its elements will be added. Otherwise the argument itself will be added.

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In the WRC, we frequently see customers contact us because their Web Gateway is unable to serve web pages. This article will explain a frequent reason why these errors can occur, and explain some tools which can be used to debug the problem. This explanation is focused on the Web Gateway serving InterSystems IRIS instances, but the same explanation should apply to the CSP Gateway serving Caché instances as well.

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I am often asked by customers, vendors or internal teams to explain CPU capacity planning for large production databases running on VMware vSphere.

In summary there are a few simple best practices to follow for sizing CPU for large production databases:

  • Plan for one vCPU per physical CPU core.
  • Consider NUMA and ideally size VMs to keep CPU and memory local to a NUMA node.
  • Right-size virtual machines. Add vCPUs only when needed.

Generally this leads to a couple of common questions:

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Hi guys!

Was coding today with InterSystems IRIS in a docker container and decided to share with you the commands you may find useful in everyday coding.

# docker-compose build

command to build a container. Remember, it is useful if you have dockerfile in the repo.

if the build is successful call the following to launch it:

# docker-compose up -d

Find IRIS management portal on:


where the port is what you set in docker-compose.yml - 52775 in this case.

Run the following if you want to launch a terminal session inside IRIS container:

# docker-compose iris iris session iris

gfhj gj 



And run the following to shut down the container:

# docker-compose down


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In this 3-part series of articles, is shown how you can use IAM to simply add security, according to OAuth 2.0 standards, to a previously unauthenticated service deployed in IRIS.

In the first part, was provided some OAuth 2.0 background together with some IRIS and IAM initial definitions and configurations in order to facilitate the understanding of the whole process of securing your services.

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I just wrote up a quick sample to help a colleague load data into IRIS from R using RJDBC, and figured it's worth sharing here for future reference.

Ultimately it was pretty simple, aside from IRIS not liking "." in column names; the workaround is to just rename the columns. Someone better at R than me could probably provide some generic approach. smiley

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