· Nov 19, 2023 1m read
NativeAPI for Java from WebTerminal

Based on the successful solution for my 2nd contribution to the Contest
I used an adapted version for this package. And have some findings I'd like to share.

Multiple communication steps over CPIPE may take time.
You won't recognize it on a fast machine. But a slower box with
Windows + Docker Desktop + your browser (and more) is neither
"Speedy Gonzales" nor a "Road Runner". 🙂

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0 182
· Oct 17, 2023
FHIR Profile Validation Issues

Hello Community,

I've created my FHIR patient profile and POST into FHIR endpoint in Intersystems FHIR Server.


I use the profile url into my Patient resource without the meet the profile requirements.


The resource is stored successfully in the FHIR Server instead of a FHIR exception.

Why the resource doesn't validate with the mentioned profile?

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Hello everyone,

I'm currently conducting tests using the docker image intersystemsdc/irishealth-ml-community:latest. I'm accessing the Linux terminal and attempting to utilize the superuser functions, but I'm encountering an issue with the password. Could someone assist me, please?

Best Regards,

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0 181

Do you ever spend an age entering criteria in the message viewer page, trying to find a message just to realise you're in the wrong instance of IRIS?

Or get lost in a sea of message tabs struggling to spot that Visual Trace page your were JUST looking at?

Well, have you tried the IRIS WHIZ browser extension and its suite of tools designed to help you avoid such unpleasantness?

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· Oct 22, 2023
JWT enabled Web Application

Hello Community,

I've enabled the JWT Authentication in my web application. I invoked the /login page to get the JWT and it creates an entry in %SYS.TokenAuth table. Is there any time span for the entries will rid out from the table automatically or It's a manual process? Where can I find the JWT signature private/public key

settings screenshot

web application

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0 173

I'm trying to configure an SSL/TSL configuration in our test environment so we can send ADT messages to an external server. I've verified connectivity/firewall to the external server.

type is set to Client, Server certificate verification is set to Require.

I have received a certificate from the external supplier and linked that in the "File containing trusted Certificate Authjority certificate" field. (I've also imported it into the cert store and tried using %OSCertificateStore).

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1 173

Hi everyone.

Is there a sensible approach to having a lookup table in Namespace A, and then accessing this from Namespaces B, C, D (etc)?

I'm trying to avoid creating a Global mapping of the lookup table global (^Ens.LookupTable) as I fear that it would then link all other lookups in that global and lead to some unexpected behaviour, but would be open to trying something in this realm if it's the best option.

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0 173

What changes are to be made while customizing a FHIR server package when adding a new field. As provided in the documentation, we have a sample JSON package of favorite color and it is added in the table, but when we are adding a new field 'Insurance', it does not imports the package and says package already exists. We have three files of JSON

1) Package.JSON

2) SearchParameter.JSON

3) StructureDefination.JSON

What should we have to change for adding new field.

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0 171

Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to combine FHIR, CDS Hooks, and the low-code Healthcare Rule Editor into an easy-to- use, powerful platform to help ensure information is delivered in the best possible way:

Clinical Alerts & Notifications on FHIR: Putting the Healthcare Action Engine into the Workflow @ Global Summit 2023
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Nov 30, 2023
Multitransformations of HL7

This question originally appeared in the comments of the post: Making use of Multiple Sub Transforms in a main map || HL7

I'm having a similar problem trying to get PRD(1) into PV1:ReferingDoctor and PRD(2) into PV1:ConsultingDoc

Running the subtransform will populate referring doctor for the first PRD, and then the second running will delete the PV1, make a new one with only the consulting doctor populated.

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In the previous article, we saw different modules in IRIS AI Studio and how it could help explore GenAI capabilities out of IRIS DB seamlessly, even for a non-technical stakeholder. In this article, we will deep dive into "Connectors" module, the one that enables users to seamlessly load data from local or cloud sources (AWS S3, Airtable, Azure Blob) into IRIS DB as vector embeddings, by also configuring embedding settings like model and dimensions.

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