· Jul 25, 2023
2FA on REST API with JWT

I successfully setup a REST web application with JWT enabled, which is fantastic. My next configuration 'challenge' is to add 2FA to this REST app. First question first - is this possible with the OpenAPI generated /login? The end goal is to build out a SPA (React) using /login for the JWT and adding the Auth bearer token for api calls. I'd like to prevent the token generation until the 2FA is satisfied - or generate the token, but test if the 2FA is satisfied before allowing calls forward. Hope that's clear.

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We have a global with 65 million entries. All we are doing is just iterating through each entry to find out the total no of entries. It is currently taking 110 minutes. Is this something normal? What can we do to speed up this process? Below is the program for just iterating each entry in the global.

s sub=" ,count=0
s sub=$o(^YYY(sub)) q:sub=""
s count= count +1
w!, "Total Count:"_ count

3 19
1 419

It is clear how to get the request header value with a specific name:

Class My.RestController Extends %CSP.REST

ClassMethod processRequest() As %Status
    #dim request as %CSP.Request 
    set request = %request
    set h = ##class(%REST.Impl).%GetHeader("...")
    return $$$OK

But I can't figure out how to enumerate ALL the request headers (and also get all values).

1 7
0 359


We are in the process of upgrading to 2023.1 for InterSystems Health Connect, and the Business Rule Engine editor is very difficult to use compared to 2022.1. It's difficult to scan over the rules as it all looks the same style with barely any distinction between rules, constraints, conditions, whens etc. There's also tonnes of whitespace, and searching on the page is hit and miss (using Ctrl + F) . I can see the previous editor is still available when you modify the URL, but I'm wondering if we can set it to be the default editor, and if this is something supported.

2 7
1 358


I don't found how to get params send by a GET REST query (not in url but by request param).

this is config of the call in postman

I try to get %request.Data, doesn't work : Data is undefined

I try to get %request.GetCgiEnv("Data"), doesn't work, return ""

I do ZW %request and see that my parameter is present in cgi parameters, but I don't now how to access it.

0 9
2 356

We are trying to come up with huge DataStore which needs to store HIPAA transactions and Data getting partitioned with idkey - YYYYMM. Current Live data get inserted into current Month DB - HIPAA_202306. 10 years (Hipaa retention policy) old data is going to be sitting in to 120 DBs ( 201606_HIPAA, 201607... 202305) for historical audit legal compliance purposes.

Currently if we create Namespace we get 2 databases - CODEDB for routes/classes & DATADB for journals data.

0 7
0 317


An exception occurs randomly.
I expect the value of ^TEST to be 20, but it's not.
Did i miss something like closing, flush the stream or locking the global?




0 13
0 310

I'm setting up a web application as CSP/ZEN to host a React SPA. SPA's typically need to use a fallback page to deal with server requests based on the browser route, unless you use hash routing in the browser code. Our requirements prevent us from using hash routing, so we need to deal with 404's - redirecting/fallback them to index.html - a very common practice. I 'think' IRIS uses Apache under the hood, so I tried adding a .htaccess in the applications root directory - which did not work. I found that CSP has an Error class,

0 2
0 301

Hello, I tried to convert HL7 message to JSON in a business process and I got errors. Has anybody converted HL7 to JSON? Are certain characters not allowed in JSON?

I just tried to set a property to quote request.RAWContent and quote. I will try to put example in GitHub and share here later.

0 5
0 283

Hi everyone.

I have a few processes where I rely on them being triggered by a schedule to run, and in the past I have relied on the following setup:

The Scheduled Task is a custom class that runs a minimal amount of code to simply create and send the specified service an Ens.Request, and equally the Service is also a custom class that simply passes the Ens.Request to the Process for it to kick the process off.

0 8
0 273

Hi All,

We're doing our first babysteps with embedded Python and IRIS with an interoperability solution. We want to convert a CSV file to an Excel xlt file.

As service we've got a EnsLib.File.PassthroughService which picks up a csv file

As operation we've got a EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation which writes the Excel file.

In the middle:

We've created an Business Process with an %Stream.GlobalCharacter in the Request and a %Stream.GlobalCharacter in the Response.

0 3
0 266
· Aug 17, 2023
ICMP/Ping with ObjectScript

Is it possible to "Ping" a remote host in IRIS for Health using ObjectScript? We host hundreds of TCP connections over hundreds of VPNs. I'm working on a project that would make it nice to have way to ping remove clients over the VPN to monitor connectivity and keep the tunnels alive.

Another thought/method would be to make an OS system call (AWS Linux), but I don't see a way to do that either.

1 9
1 266


I'm trying out VS Code with IRIS for Health 2023.2 (not available in above dropdown) in a local container. I can open read-only files in the Objectscript viewer and have a local folder connected to the correct namespace. However, when I make changes and try the "import and compile" option, I get:

ERROR #16006: Document <filepath> name is invalid

The first four chars of <filepath> appear to have been truncated

Here is my settings.json


"": "open",

0 4
0 260
· Aug 25, 2023
Reply Code Actions Question

Hi Everyone

I'm just wondering if anyone might have a list (or the experience to make a list) of the most often used / useful Reply Code Actions?

In the Help section of Health Connect Management Portal, it lists

'E=F' and ':?R=RF,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W,:T?=C'

as the default options, though I'm curious if anyone else has found other codes or strings of codes useful?

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes


0 3
0 258

Hi Community,

Can I please check what the size limit for the parameter in $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Decode() method ?

I have a 12 page base64 encoded PDF document, which is failing when decoded. I am getting the error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zXSDToLogical+1^%Library.Binary.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

OBX:5 size=4233781

I tried the below from terminal, but it is not able copy the whole string for the parameter so couldn't execute it.

0 4
0 254

Hi community members!

I'm trying to deploy a container based on IRIS Community for Health ML image available from this url but when I start the container the memory consumption skyrockets to 99% making impossible to work with the instance (it never goes below the 95% of the memory). When I do the same with the IRIS Community for Health image it never goes over 80% of memory.

0 2
0 245


Method Execute (args...) As %Status {
 #dim statement as %SQL.Statement
 set statement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New(2)
 set statement.%Dialect = "CACHE"
 do statement.prepare(query)

 #dim rs as %SQL.StatementResult
 set rs = statement.execute(args...)

My questions are: 1) how do I get the size of args **2) how to get all values of **args **3) is it possible to modify the **args?

0 6
0 244

Our client says the call to send email (method (%Net.SMTP).Send) started returning error # 6167 (Authentication expected but failed.) after installing IRIS 2022.1.2; email had worked before. Properties (%Net.Authenticator).UserName and .Password were configured. We can get email to work when we don't set property (%Net.SMTP).authenticator.

Any ideas what is going on? Thanks.

0 2
0 222