· Mar 29, 2017
Dollar Ranges

How to setup dollar ranges to get the number of patient accounts. So, I want to capture the number of patient accounts based on the original balance of:
0 to 499
500 to 999
1000 to 2499
5000 to 9999
10000 to 24999
25000 to 49999
50000 to 74000
75000 to 99999


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· Mar 7, 2017
Grand Total

How can I create a calculated field that will give me the grand total of a column? For instance, if I have a row that has 200, 300, 500, 600, how do I get the Grand Total?

I have already used the wrench under Column Options as % of Total so, I can't use that option.

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· Mar 4, 2017
Calculated Fields
  1. How can I create a calculated field to give the previous date. For example, I need to create a pivot table that shows total payments posted for the prior day.

  2. How to create a calculated field to show average daily collections divided by the number of the days passed in a month. So, for today, it would be the average daily collections divided by 4days.


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0 444

My group needs to be able to monitor items / tasks, and let a non-management-portal user see the monitoring. Is it possible to run DeepSee queries on Production items? I feel like I should not be recreating the production environment or the task manager just so that I can query on the items that are running, and on their states (like "successful" or "send email").

Also, I need to log custom events for each task, and I'm running into difficulties with the task manager in this regard; hence the question about using the Production instead, but querying it.

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0 312

I am trying to create a query that returns the best and worst performing products for a given customer, based on this year's net sales versus last year's net sales, weighted by the total net sales for all of the products sold to this customer in the last two years.

I have created Last Year Net Sales (up to the last month end): AGGREGATE(PERIODSTODATE([Invoice Date].[H1].[YEAR],[Invoice Date].[H1].[Month].[NOW-13]),measures.[Net Sales])

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I am trying to figure out how to compare two dimension values in a MDX query such that records where two dimension values are the same will be filtered out.

To test this, I have modified the HoleFoods cube in SAMPLES namespace to have a new dimension called RandomRegion

I want to create a MDX query where the [Outlet].[H1].[Region] value is not equal to the [RandomRegion].[H1].[RandomRegion] value.

Here's the query I need to add the filter to:

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· Nov 30, 2016
Accessing Deepsee plugin in MDX

Dear All,

From my web page, i am passing filter values to mdx query.

when mdx executes, i am getting Error #5001: Invalid member expression: empty name(2).

when i try the same in samples namespace (patient cube). I got the same error.

Below is my sample MDX from patients cube.

NON EMPTY %KPI("PluginDemo","HighScoreCount",,"%CONTEXT") 
ON 1 
%FILTER %OR([HOMED].[H1].[ZIP].&[32000])

Result: 0 This works fine.

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0 386
· Nov 23, 2016
DeepSee: Filtering a filter

When creating a filter located on a dashboard that targets all, is there a way to narrow that filter down?

For example, in our data we have some dates that are well out of range due to data quality issues, but they still appear in the drop downs. Is there a way to say, only make available the below dates in the filter?

Another example, If we want to only look at Emergency data, it still provides all the wards for inpatient activity and activity in other hospitals, meaning, to get to just the Emergency wards you have to scroll through everything?

Hope that makes sense.

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I currently have an MDX query/calculated measure as per the below:

[DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 91 - 180]+ [DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 181 - 365]+
[DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 365+]

however it currently doesn't sum when there is a blank in the data.
How can I amend this query to include empty cells/only sum cells with data?

I've tried using nonempty but it doesn't appear to work in this context

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