Hi Team

I have enabled Data Quality manager on InterSystems healthshare Patient Index and the SSN field holds south african Identity numbers on our system.

I would like to modify the rule to validate according to South African ID number and not SSN. Data quality manager classifies this South African Identity numbers as Invalid because the rule is based on SSN.

Please see the current and default SSN rule below and advise how I can go about accomplishing this task, if anyone has that rule please share how it's done.

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· Aug 1, 2022
Email Template

Does anyone have any pointers or maybe familiarity of making Email templates in Objectscript?

I'm currently trying to implement Televisits with our system and am needing to send an email to the patient. I'd like to make it a nicer looking email which will require a good amount of inline CSS. I currently have a method, but is very much a sore sight for the eyes.

I was wondering if there was a way I could use Embedded HTML and pass that into the DO msg.TextData.Write command with the ##class(%Net.MailMessage)?

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Hey DC Members!

In this video, you will learn about new features in InterSystems HealthShare Provider Directory and what's coming next for curating and sharing provider information as a data asset:

HealthShare Provider Directory & Patient Index: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022

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· Oct 29, 2022
Healthshare on kubernetes


I'm thinking to deploy healthshare using kubernetes. Has any one done this before? How will the TCP listeners in healthshare work with kubernetes? Will they automatically create a service endpoint so that I can route traffic?

Please advise me on how to think about this.


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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Achieving Single Sign-On: External Providers, HealthShare Unified Care Record, Clinical Viewer @ Global Summit 2022

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InterSystems announces another developer preview release, as part of the developer preview program for the 2022.3. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and adds support to SUSE 15 SP4 and Oracle Linux 9. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance release of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2021.1.3 is now available. This release provides a few selected features and bug fixes for the previous 2021.1.x releases.

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Hi All,

If I remember it correctly there is a functionality in IRIS to make this possible.

I've got two incoming Business Services of files from different sources.

BS1: An Ens.StreamContainer with some info and metadata which point to a specific file. Ens.StreamContainer will be send to a BP.

BS2: The files where the metadata points to. It's in the Ens.StreamContainer

But dependent on the flow the file could be later available on BS2. So I want the BPL to wait for the file to arrive at BS2.

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First of all thanks for your help.

We have developed a REST Operation. We wonder how could we face that String do have a character limit.

We just need to convert httpRequest.HttpResponse , which is a stream , because $isobject(response.Data) returns 1; which has a JSON inside it, and we need to convert it to a Ens.Response.

This response is structured as same as the JSON's properties:

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0 238
· Nov 13, 2023
Message data global


We noticed from the integrity logs that some of the namespaces in our integration engine are using large amount of space ( ~380GB ) for the global ^EnsHL7.Segment.

We have culling implemented for large globals like MessageHeader and MessageBody.

Is it a standard process to implement culling for ^EnsHL7.Segment global and any idea about what will be the impact of adding culling to this global?

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0 248

First of all, thanks for your help, and time reading this question.

Why, when we send a SOAP message from SoapUI to a SOAP service in a HealthShare environment called 'ESBCHUIMI,' it recognizes the 'Credenciales' header, which has 'usuario' and 'password' as properties. This class is a %SOAP.Header.

However, when we load the WSDL using the SOAP wizard from this SOAP Service to another HealthShare environment called ESBSSCC and send it from SoapUI to ESBSSCC, when it is being forwarded from ESBSSCC to ESBCHUIMI, the ESBCHUIMI's service outputs:

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In healthcare, information accessibility can impact the outcome of a medical decision, or the success of a bundled payment initiative. To ensure that the right information is available at the right place and time, healthcare organizations typically have used HL7® interface engines to share data among clinical applications. But the demands on healthcare information technology are changing so rapidly that these simple engines are no longer sufficient.

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Presenter: Randy Pallotta
Task: Automatically create cohorts of high-risk patients. Send them critical action alerts
Approach: Use the new HealthShare features: “Smart Programs” and “Advanced Clinical Notifications”

In this session, we will cover HealthShare "Smart Programs" and "Advanced Clinical Notifications" which allow you to automatically create cohorts of high risk patients in Health Insight and Information Exchange and to send critical actionable alerts. After this session, you should understand this new feature and how to configure a new program or alert.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. Please note that this content is available only to HealthShare customers and attendees of the Global Summit. On the learning web site you will be prompted for your Global Summit credentials to access this content.

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0 373
· Aug 9, 2016
Storage Management

We want to isolate the storage of our CCDAs from our HL7 V2 data, but keep them under the same namespace. From my understanding, I should create a new database then store those classes related to CCDAs in that database. Is this the correct approach?

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0 379

Hello. New to the forum and was hoping I could get some expert help here. I have one data set that is using CHD Logic to combine Procedure and Diagnosis codes to define Sensitive data and flag the record for additional protected filtering. The files coming in define what is flagged and the Clinical Info Rule and Clinical Info Type are tied to the flag in the file which identifies it as a additional protected record.

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0 384
· Sep 5, 2017
Create Patient via FHIR?


I've been trying to create a patient using FHIR, but all I seem to get back is:

{"resourceType":"OperationOutcome","issue":[{"severity":"error","code":"invalid","details":{"text":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"},"diagnostics":"FHIR create interaction invalid for this end point"}]}

I've tried a variety of requests and read operations work, but create doesn't seem to. Has anyone run into this? Any ideas? Thanks.

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Does HealthShare include functionality to inspect packets to and from the system?

If not, what tools do you use to do this when debugging interface issues?

A colleague suggested 'Wireshark', but I've not used it.

Kind regards,


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0 387

Hello -

I was curious as to if there is any online documentation for TrakCare on how to default collapse this encounter timeline graph? I can't seem to find anything online so I figured I would reach out here. Instead of the timeline auto-expanding, I would simply like for it to be collapsed when opening up a patient's record.

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I am currently using InterSystems for patients data management related to intake treatment planning and delivery of dose.

should I create a new attribute to track Patient ID or using an existing attribute within Audit log ? what are the good practices guidelines?

If I use Event Data field to record Patient_ID is it possible out of the box to search entries for a specific Patient_ID ?

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0 374

Is there any good documentation/tutorials on creating gateways in both directions between FHIR and Hl7v2 (for Health Connect)?

the scenarios I'm most interested in

1. Client application sends a FHIR demographic query to Health Connect - and the interface has to convert this to Hl7v2 QBP^Q11 message to the PAS.

2. Health connect sends a PDF document (from a file or HL7v2 interface) to an EPR over FHIR.




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