I have an HL7 message that contains NTE segment with line break inside.

when I try to transform it (with DTL) it stops reading the message after the line break inside the NTE because it treat that as "End of Message".

Is there a way to solve this in the DTL or I need to run a pre process on the HL7 message that identify the line break inside the NTE segments and replace it with an escape char?

1 1
0 121
· Jan 12, 2022
Convert X12 to SDA/FHIR


We are embarking on a project that we are injesting raw EDI files 837's to start with into HS.

We have and inbound X12 adaptor to take in the raw *.edi file and we have an business process that is mostly pass thru. we have been unable to find any DTL to map X12 to SDA/FHIR ( similar to the ones that exist for HL7 , CDA,CCD). If anybody has done anything on this front,would appreciate any tips.


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0 515


Some of our integrations use a system DSN to interact with our Data Warehouse (built on Microsoft SQL Server). We've recently migrated from SQL Server 2016 to 2022 and on the day of go-live we changed DNS cname records as a mechanism for redirecting everything to the new server. This worked great for users and reports, but for some reason we found that HealthShare clung onto the old server name even after several days.

1 1
0 117

Good morning
Thank you for taking the time to read this issue.

In interoperability environments, in what way is it recommended to monitor and detect changes in Web Production components between environments, for example between Pre-Production and Production, or even between alternate Nodes of Production Mirrors?

We ask this question in order to find out what are the best practices, and what is the most methodical, systematic, simple, robust and secure way to perform this monitoring.

1 19
0 471

Since .Net has a unified package manager system (Nuget.org) why doesn't Intersystems create and add a nuget package (.nupkg) containing the InterSystems.Data.IRISClient.dll file.

This would make it easier for external .net developers to obtain the package for creating tools and/or applications that utilize Iris/Iris4Health

Can Intersystems create a nuget package?

1 3
0 79

I am experiencing a problem with an EDI process that uses a SQL Batch Service to connect to our DEV environment. However, when we point the EDI service to our TEST server, it errors out.

I have checked every single property on our TEST and DEV servers as well as the properties on the associated tables. They are identical. Nothing has changed in the SQL either.

0 1
0 314
· Nov 13, 2023
Message data global


We noticed from the integrity logs that some of the namespaces in our integration engine are using large amount of space ( ~380GB ) for the global ^EnsHL7.Segment.

We have culling implemented for large globals like MessageHeader and MessageBody.

Is it a standard process to implement culling for ^EnsHL7.Segment global and any idea about what will be the impact of adding culling to this global?

0 7
0 361

Good day,

We recently had penetration testing conducted on our HealthShare clinical viewer and patient Index instances and below is the recommendation

1. Set a same-site cookie for identified CSPWSERVERID. Please advise where I can do this as I only saw this on web gateway settings and it has enable and disable options only.

0 1
0 214
· Aug 8, 2024
Restart Service

Hello! I was wondering if there was a way to have a Service in HealthConnect restart if there have not seen any messages in a certain amount of time? I have a connection problem that requires me to restart services often and I was hoping to create a task that would automatically restart the services. Thank you!

0 1
0 104
· Nov 25, 2023
New CACHE.DAT file


I have a database drive which is getting full and almost getting out of space. My retention policy is for keeping 3 days worth of data. Seems like I have to modify my code for daily purge as it seems like not doing the complete job. In the meantime, I was looking to move the current CACHE.DAT files for a couple of my databases with maximum size and create a new .DAT file to replace. Can anyone kindly guide on the process?

Thank you,

0 1
0 217

Please help,

I'm using a SearchAndFetchRequest to retrieve a full SDA3 Container from the ACCESS gateway. The response is presented in the pResponse.SearchAndFetchGeneralResult.XMLData property. This property is of type string. I want to put the data from this property in a HS.SDA3.Container and then use this container is a dtl for translation purposes. My current data in the XMLData property is too large to fit in a string. Therefore I'm searching for a way to convert te data to a stream and that import the stream into my Container...

0 2
1 351

Hi Guys

How do get the item name of a class? I have several items derived from the same class, and for error reporting I want to get the name of the item which created it, rather than the class it is derived from from.

e.g. InPhase.LEGACY.GetUpdateNotification, InPhase.LFPSE.GetUpdateNotification and InPhase.ADHOC.GetUpdateNotification are all derived from the same class InPhase.Services.LoadInPhaseUpdates

0 6
0 180

I have a scenario where I send a GET request to a broker and receive a FHIR response. When I attempted to use the built-in InterSystems functions to convert this FHIR response into SDA, the transformation failed—likely because it is not a standard FHIR request.

How should I handle this situation? Is there a recommended approach to processing FHIR responses in this context?

0 3
0 35
· Oct 29, 2022
Healthshare on kubernetes


I'm thinking to deploy healthshare using kubernetes. Has any one done this before? How will the TCP listeners in healthshare work with kubernetes? Will they automatically create a service endpoint so that I can route traffic?

Please advise me on how to think about this.


0 9
1 301

Hi Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out because I have encountered an issue with a new dimension I created, named "Region," and I could use your assistance in resolving it.

The problem is that when I open the cube analyzer, the "Region" dimension does not populate data as expected. Instead, it merely displays the text "sourceRegion," which I specified as an expression in the architect.

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0 126