· Sep 6, 2018


I'm trying to get a text value of a xml node of a XML Document through the xpath activity within a BPL diagram.

I set the source to Request and all the other properties.

The error I always get back is Method does not exist...

Could anyone help me out?

Kind Regards


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InterSystems IRIS supports publish and subscribe message delivery. Publish and subscribe refers to the technique of routing a message to one or more subscribers based on the fact that those subscribers have previously registered to be notified about messages on a specific topic.

This article demonstrates how several InterSystems IRIS capabilities can work together:

In this article we would send emails about:

  • New workflow tasks
  • Unassigned workflow tasks
  • Uncompleted workflow tasks
  • Ensemble alerts

Email recipients would be determined using Publish/Subscribe operation and each user would receive only digest email whenever possible.

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1 551


We have Mirroring established between NODE 1 & Node 2 . We have set the "cachesys" database enabled for Journalling. But we dont see the User Accounts , Roles, Resources created on Node 1 ( favoured Primary) reflected on Node 2 . Is creating them manually again is the only option for this ? . Is there any way to sync them or would adding %SYS to MIRROR a possible solution. Would it be great if anyone has faced this as we have an issue that during failovers Team is locked out .

Best Regards,

Arun Madhan

1 10
1 761

Hello, our Team is trying to develop Ensemble DTL to transform incoming X12 files into persistent data records. We created a persistent class and we can insert data using SQL. We tried to verify that %Save() gets called by adding %AddToSaveSet() method to persistent class and there writing to a global. We had to extend our persistent class with Ens.VDoc.Interface class or we could not see %Save() being called from Ensemble DTL. We suspect that %Save() gets some kind of error. We tried to debug by overwriting Transform() method in our DTL class.

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0 731
· Sep 7, 2018
Remove FHS segment from file

Is there any out of the box capability in Ensmeble to remove an FHS segment from a batch file? We have a client that is creating a batch of HL7 messages and they insert an FHS but there is no trailing FTS.

We are hoping to avoid custom COS code to handle this scenario.

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· Oct 11, 2018
Double Quotes


I am trying to have the output of a field in sql have double quotes around them. The script is in Studio and I am accessing It through a task.

I have tried """"tect"""" and others...Please help



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0 1K
· Oct 10, 2018
Reply Code Actions


We would like to retry message so that it's restored to end of operation's queue. This is in situation where order of messages is not needed to be handled by Ensemble, there is version number in message data and receiving application can ignore incoming message if necessary.

We would try to send message until it's accepted (or manually suspended), but this should not block operation's queue.

We have already this in actions:

D - Disable the Operation, log an error and restore the message to the front of the Operation's queue.

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0 779
· Sep 25, 2018
Wireshark with ensemble


We see a lot of TCPIP connection error for few of the components not sure if it is a network glitch at the source/target or is it with us. And most of the times these errors are very transient and vanish on their own and the connection gets re established and the messages get processed. Here is the error we mostly see

ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: TCP Read timeout (30) expired waiting for terminator SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|50007|10620, data received =''


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1 1.3K
· Oct 2, 2018
%NOLOCK in insert query

I would like to know , if its safe to use %NOLOCK in insert query while doing some parallel processing in Ensemble. We will have pool size of more than 1 for a business process. The business process does an entry in internal meta data table , which will be used for some internal reporting. The same row might get updated by some other process later point of time. i could not produce any error or any issues . Looking forward to hear some opinion on this.

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0 1.1K
InterSystems Official
· Sep 29, 2018
InterSystems Caché and Ensemble 2018.1 Release

InterSystems is pleased to announce that InterSystems Caché and Ensemble 2018 are now released!

New in these releases are features that improve security and operations, including:

· Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) support
· Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) integration
· Integrated Windows Authentication support for HTTP
· SSH enhancements

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0 1.6K
· Jun 23, 2017
Ens Alert for Warning Types

I created a Ens.Alert process and set my services Alert on Error as well an my message router. But I would also like to be alerted for warning types. Is there an setting to be alerted for this type?

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0 495

I"m doing a SQL insert in my BPL, one of the fields in my SQL table is an MSSQL TimeStamp. How do I get the date/time from my HL7 message and format it so that I can then insert it into my TimeStamp column in my SQL table? I've tried lots of different combinations.

I used CONVERT(DATETIME, substring(:request.GetValueAt("EVN:RecordedDateTime"),1,8)) to get just the date portion and it works, but I'd like the whole DateTime inserted into my TimeStamp field. This is an a BPL.


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0 946
· Sep 14, 2018
Business Rule Looping

Does anyone know how to loop through a segment that is part of an ordered set in a Business Rule and if one of about 10 possible values exist in any of the iterations of the segemnt:field I then allow the message to be skipped?

It seems like it should be fairly simple, but i am having a difficult time figuring this out. The Contains function only allow for one value to be identified. I have tried the intersectsList and while I think I have it formatted correctly i believe it only allows for 4 values to be verified.

0 5
0 632

Hello Experts,

I have a silly question of using InsertParam method and usage. I understand it is name value pair. I am using GET method to send a url and to get the details from server. URL has multiparameter

URL - api/Identifier/Image/?Verify.EDD={EDD}&Verify.Ethnicity={ETHNICITY}

I have used the URL in a method and called that method directly in the business operation. I am using Insertparam method -

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0 463

Hi Team,

i'm learning about CSPGateway configuration, but while trying in MacOSx i'm confused what need to done.

i have CSPgateway file, and Apache 2.4 installed on Mac. Please guide me further.

this our Inbuild private Apache with run on 57772


but i want run in 80 or some other configured port



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0 485

I have a class extends %Persistent & %XML.Adaptor

It has 100 properties for example

Now I do intend to create a xml schema that I can import in Ensemble->XMLSchemas

I did try to use XMLExportToString and %XMLWriter.GetXMLString

but didn't give me a proper schema. May be I am missing some small step

Can someone pls help

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· Sep 13, 2018
Operators as Variables

We have the need to write a function that can loop through say a field in an OBX segment within HL7 and compare it to a string passed. Is it possible to have the user enter the Operator ( >,<,=,<>) as a variable inside Cache object script? Does anyone have any examples they can share?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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