
searching messages in our Message Bank is quite slow, often runs into timeout.

I wanted to perform a tune table on Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank.MessageHeader because this apparently has not been done yet - the Tune Table utility shows no entries for selectivity, etc.

I tried

 w $SYSTEM.SQL.Stats.Table.GatherTableStats("""Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank"".MessageHeader")

and got this error message

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1 475
· Jul 12, 2019 2m read
Basic Database Metrics example

This is a self contained class that can be run from the Intersystems Task Scheduler which records peak usage details for databases and licenses built up throughout the day and retaining 30 days history.

To schedule the task to run every hour:

d ##class(Metrics.Task).Schedule()

You can also specify your own start time, stop time, and run interval:

d ##class(Metrics.Task).Schedule(startTime, stopTime, intervalMins)

Metrics are stored in ^Metrics in the namespace that the class resides in/is run from.

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3 555

Hello everyone, I’m a French student that just arrived in Prague for an academical exchange for my fifth year of engineering school and here is my participation in the interop contest.

I hadn’t much time to code since I was moving from France to Prague and I’m participating alone, so I decided to make a project that’s more like a template rather than an application.

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0 311

In this GitHub we gather information from a csv, use a DataTransformation to make it into a FHIR object and then, save that information to a FHIR server all that using only Python.

The objective is to show how easy it is to manipulate data into the output we want, here a FHIR Bundle, in the IRIS full Python framework.

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0 522

In this GitHub we fine tune a bert model from HuggingFace on review data like Yelp reviews.

The objective of this GitHub is to simulate a simple use case of Machine Learning in IRIS :
We have an IRIS Operation that, on command, can fetch data from the IRIS DataBase to train an existing model in local, then if the new model is better, the user can override the old one with the new one.
That way, every x days, if the DataBase has been extended by the users for example, you can train the model on the new data or on all the data and choose to keep or let go this new model.

5 2
1 402

Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

What is Embedded Python

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1 291

Hi team,

I'll start with an apology as I am trying to wrap my head around the architecture of how InterSystems IRIS database management works. I am attempting to connect to the platform remotely through say a JDBC or ODBC connection in order to run queries, searches (through SQL statements) on my laptop and was trying to understand whether this would be possible? It is possible to setup an inbound client connection and wanted to better understand the architecture of how the database association works for IRIS database management. Does it use it's own internal SQL database or are we able to connect to our own database and which databases are certified to run against the platform?

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0 337
· Jul 20, 2022
Default Database Resource

Can I please check if anyone know why the data base resource is created differently when creating a namespace after specifically selecting it to use the default resource %DB_%DEFAULT?

I created a namespace and when creating the DB I selected the option to use the default resource

When the namespace creation was complete , database is using a new resource instead of the default.

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0 347

I am calling a stored procedure over an ODBC connection and every time I call it there are several warnings written to the log event {Found no Parameter 1 (used as 1) for query}.I seem to be getting this on every query executed and that seems to happen a number of times the query parameters are per query and its filling up my disc.

1) Is there a way to suppress these warnings as the query seems to be executed and data written to the database?

1 1
0 243

Hey Developers,

Join us for a discussion guide of current operational tasks to reduce storage and an overview of new features coming in InterSystems HealthShare 2021.2, including stream, database, and journal compression abilities:

InterSystems HealthShare Storage Footprint Reduction

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0 202

This formation, accessible on my GitHub, will cover, in half a hour, how to read and write in csv and txt files, insert and get inside the IRIS database and a distant database using Postgres or how to use a FLASK API, all of that using the Interoperability framework using ONLY Python following the PEP8 convention.

12 1
1 666

I am sure I came across this in the past with Cache and just saw this again in IRIS.

When rebuilding or swapping a DAT file for a database it retains the Resource of the DAT file, not the Resource of the Database it is being used for.

For instance, if I have a local Database called APP with a resource %DB_APP and I want to refresh the data from another Database called TEST that has a Resource %DB_TEST I can just copy the DAT file from the TEST folder to the APP folder.

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0 204
· May 6, 2022
User code location


Does anyone know where the user generated code resides, the stuff one might write for a production, I presume it lives in a table somewhere within a database?

Basically, I want to do some dependency analysis of what I've written - find out what's in use, how it's referenced, etc. I know I can export it to an XML file and work on that, but direct access on a table would be quicker for me.


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0 208


I'd like to know if there are any issues if an index is inserted into a table without running the %BuildIndices() method.

It's important to note that data inserted before the index is not important for retrieval, so it's not a problem data inserted before the index don't show up in queries.

The reason why I'm asking this is that I'd like to avoid index reconstruction on big tables which I need to inser such index.

I'm using Cache 2018.1.



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0 309

Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems IRIS Globals Contest 2022 that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Data-model implementation - 5
  • Functional index implementation - 5
  • Data Move usage - 3
  • Embedded Python - 4
  • Docker container usage - 2
  • ZPM Package deployment - 2
  • Online Demo - 2
  • First Article on Developer Community - 2
  • Second Article On DC - 1
  • Code Quality pass - 1
  • Video on YouTube - 3

See the details below.<--break->

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0 321
· Feb 20, 2022
Maximum Global Size ?

Dear people,

I (really) spent hours on finding the maximum size a Global is allowed to be (for Windows, if that matters). All I seem to run into are database sizes (derived from a max number of blocks and block size), but I refuse to believe that is correct because too small to be realistic. surprise

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