· Jun 16, 2023

I'm trying to mount a database but it says the following error: ERROR #86: the database default collations is not available

I'm trying to mount a database but it says the following error: ERROR #86: the database default collations is not available

Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: 2018.1.5
Discussion (5)2
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Looks like the database was created with a different collation, and contains a few globals with this collation. 

I don't remember, but I think in the messages.log it should show which collation is expected. And then, you can change it in Management Portal, and with NLS. When you activate NLS which contains the expected collation, it will be able to mount this database.

Hi Dmitry!! Hope you are doing well!!

Could you please describe your procedure in more detail please. I did not find messages.log file and could please explain in more detail how I could do that in Management Portal, since this the .dat file is in offline state. You mentioned about activate NLS could please give me more detail about that.

Thank you very much in Advanced.

Nildo Torres