Have enabled LDAP for our numerous , Ensemble, IRIS and cache instances with many namespaces. All is working fine and the ldap logins work.

But have noticed that the first instance that the user logs into the namespace is assigned to that user, but when that user than logs into another instance the default namespace from the first login is still there and doesn't update to the new namespace.

So this doesn't effect the ldap login but is now effecting the terminal logins where the user is now getting access denied.

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I have a custom process that is parsing HL7 and inserting it into a table. Periodically the inserts fail with # due to error: ERROR #5803: Failed to acquire exclusive lock on instance of....

Traditional databases would wait until the lock is removed then do the insert, but cache fails. I'm sure it's my coding approach.

How can I work around this? A Try/Catch loop?

Thanks in advance.

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0 846

hi, i am new to Studio and also new to objectscript, but i am not new to programming and

want to implement some synonymfunctions e.g. LOCATE should be used as InStr (.. like in much languages ;o)

more generally spoken, i want to implement a library for my string routines BUT of course i want an need autocomplete.

defining a macro $$$InStr does no autocomplete when i type $$$In<CTRL-SPACE>

example: my lib is called STRINGS and the functions are: InString, Split, ...

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I assume there is a simple explanation for this, but I do get <OBJECT DISPATCH> error, when I am trying to set a global to a value.

My example is huge, but I reproduced it using Samples namespace:

First I delete the Title from ##class(Cinema.Film) - 3


SAMPLES>s ref=##class(Cinema.Film).%OpenId(3)
SAMPLES>w ref.Title

SAMPLES>set ^AK(1)=$G(ref.Title)

SET ^AK(1)=$G(ref.Title)
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *Property 'Title' in class 'Cinema.Film' must be MultiDimensional

0 4
0 743

Hello all,

I have a Recordset object which contains data from a table "XYZ".

Currently i use this object to extract data using %Get(COL1,COL2...) in a loop and than pass it to a function which inserts the data into another dynamically created Table "ABC" for each record. This takes a lot of time when 100's of records.

Is there a way i can directly copy a RecordSet to a dynamic table without looping through..?

Something like copy Recordset (COL1,COL2..)--> "ABC"



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0 783

Say I have a property in a persistent class that stores list of colours and I would like to query that field and return a list and be able to loop that list to get individual colours how will l go about achieving this I have tried something like this but its not working as expected

 &sql(SELECT colour INTO :colourList FROM favouritecolours)
 While (SQLCODE = 0) 
 for i=1:1:$LENGTH($P(colourList,","))
 set fvalue=$P(colourList,",",i) 
write "the first"_fvalue,i, 
0 1
0 482

Hi all,

I am trying to create multiple tasks all in a single task.

For instance MyApp has three tasks.

One to send a email if a limit is exceeded = MyApp-check-credits

One to purge files = MyApp-purge

One to auto delete files = MyApp-Del

I would love to get all tasks MyApp-check-credits, MyApp-purge, MyApp-Del into a single parent task called MyApp-AllTasks.

Is there anyone that could give me guidance of how to complete this it would be much appreciated.

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· May 29, 2019
Tortoise GIT Setup

We are currently trying to implement TortoiseGIT into Cache Studio as per the following Github project


Our architecture is as follows:

- A server with Ensemble installed on

- Team of several members connect to the server and perform their code build

TortoiseGIT was installed on the server, however, should the REPO location be:

- on the server itself (as a shared path)?

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· May 24, 2019
Unlock the records


I want to search a process ID in Object Script using the reference variable e.g. 1119102928 and kill that process ID. Please guide how it can be achieved.

Thanks in advance.

Vinay Purohit

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0 451

Hi everyone,

Im new in cache, i came from Java and im missing some features that i couldn't find in the documentation, I hope you can help me with this questions.

Just a brief introducction:

- Im in a project with old cache version, so saddly i can't use Eclipse + Atelier, so im using Studio.

- Currently im in a project with persistent classes, we want to turn apart the globals and focus on tables.

The questions:

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In our table, we have a column cities, which has a filter which displays the cities of a state depending on the state

For simplicity let's assume we have a page

Property State As %String = "CA"

Our filter should run this query to show all cities of state ca

0 9
0 447


Need some technique to solve an issue about zen page table.

- "xyz" table exists in all my namespaces.

I have a simple Zen page in "USER 1" namespace. It has a tablepane which pulls data from "xyz" table.

OnLoad of the page i want the zenpage to pull the data from "USER 2" namespace with same "xyz" table name.

Zenpage has to be in "USER 1" namespace

1 10
2 318

here is my trigger:

   DECLARE @var_row_data VARCHAR(16336);
      1 = 1 
      and 1 = 1
   -- I will use OLD/NEW alias here set @var_row_data = ''; LANGUAGE sql insert into mytable (id, data) values(1, @var_row_data);

here is error message:

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0 228
· Apr 10, 2019
Incremental Compile Issues

First, my $ZVERSION:

Cache for OpenVMS/ALPHA V7.x (Alpha) 2010.1.6 (Build 952_2 + Adhoc 17754) 3-JAN-2018 14:32:54.07

Second, my issue:

I believe my current villain is “incremental compiling.” I was able to compare early compile output with later compile output:

Compilation started on 04/10/2019 10:46:32 with qualifiers 'cuk'
Compiling class UnitTests.Task3496 incremental compile detected
Compiling routine UnitTests.Task3496.2
Compilation finished successfully in 0.800s.

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