· Sep 7, 2016
Cache Certification

Caché Application Developer certification:

How to I prepare developer certification of cache .What are the topics are preparing certification . Please give the topics .I will start learning of certification course .

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· Jun 14, 2016
Get variables list


In Caché there is a way to print all current variables using write command without arguments:

USER>set Einstein = 1879
USER>set Mozart = 1756

But is there a way to get a list of this variables? I am looking for something that would return value like $LB("Einstein", "Mozart") for this case.


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I ran the Cache ODBC Driver installer as Administrator on my Windows 7 PC this morning. It completed successfully with o indication of any issues. When I check installed programs and features via Win 7 Control Panel, I see it listed as Intersystems ODBC Driver 1.00.000.

However, when I try to configure the driver via Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC), I cannot find it. The only driver listed under the Drivers Tab is SQL Server.

I am not sure how to proceed.

I appreciate any suggestions.



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A customer is using Caché online backups and needs to automatically purge the cbk files with a scheduled task.

This is a wheel has been reinvented uncountable times already and I know somebody out there has a well written, extremely robust version that has already stood the test of time.

Does anyone have a nice routine/class/task for purging old Caché backup files?

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Hi Community,

How can I create a JSON with the object ID by using the %Object:$toJSON API?

I have the following piece of code bellow where I create an object reference, create a %Object instance from %fromObject and them I am creating the JSON from $toJSON, but it does not expose the %ID (object id). How is the best approach to create a JSON with the respectives object IDs?

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ISCAgent is automatically installed with Cache, runs as a service and can be configured to
start with the system. This is fine – but the complication comes when this is on VCS clusters with
Mirroring on. When installing a Single Instance of Cache in a Cluster, point number 2. Says “Create
a link from /usr/local/etc/cachesys to the shared disk. This forces the Caché registry and all
supporting files to be stored on the shared disk resource you have configured as part of the
service group.”

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· Nov 1, 2016
WebSocket proxy to telnet

Is there any easy way to create a WebSocket to Telnet proxy within the Cache environment?

I would like to use a html5 telnet emulator to connect to cache, but need to create a proxy,

Is this a simple task?

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I would like to write some code to parse a set of HTML pages from the internet in order to gather information from each web page.

All of the web pages are generated using a template, so the format of each of the web-pages is consistent with one-another and the information that I want to gather is always located in the same logical place within the page.

What is the best way to parse an html page in order to gather information at a specific place?

Can XML XPATH be used here? Does anyone have any examples of parsing HTML content?

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· Aug 22, 2016

Hi, all.
I have CSP application and it needs to get and process data from ajax request with json-content. JSON can be very big.
In this case:
Set RequestObj = ##class(%Object).$fromJSON(%request.Content.Read())
} CATCH(Exception) {
Set Status=Exception.AsStatus()
I get just part of getting JSON and validate error in $fromJSON.
If I try to read it all in cycle:
While (%request.Content.AtEnd = 0) {

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I am trying to use %ZEN.proxyObject to send out in JSON format so I do:

set tProxyRequest = ##class(%ZEN.proxyObject).%New()
set tProxyRequest.notanumber = "28001"
set tProxyRequest.aboolean = "true"

set tBody = ##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
do ##class(Ens.Util.JSON).ObjectToJSONStream(tProxyRequest,.tBody,"aelotwu")
w tBody.Read()

and I get:

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For debugging purposes I sometimes need to display stack information to the current device or save it (to a global for example).

There is this snippet offered in documentation:

ClassMethod StackToDisplay()
    For loop = 0:1:$Stack(-1) {
        Write !, "Context level:", loop, ?25, "Context type: ", $Stack(loop)
        Write !, ?5, "Current place: ", $Stack(loop, "PLACE")
        Write !, ?5, "Current source: ", $Stack(loop, "MCODE")
        Write !

And to save stack to a global there's always an exception method:

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· Sep 19, 2016
REST json payload


This almost seems like a silly question, but I am new to REST services.

I have a rest service that has a method for adding records to my database.

<Route Url="/userdetails" Method="POST" Call="SaveUserDetails"/>

My REST client sends data using json in the body of the request. I have verified using debugging tools that the data is actually being sent.

On the server side in my SaveUserDetails method where do I find the json?

What is the proper way to serialize that json into an object?

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· Dec 19, 2016
HL7 Section to JSON

Hi all,

I'm trying to convert a HL7 section to a XML or JSON string.

We need to save the content of PID section into a SQL Column, therefore we need to convert it into a XML o JSON string

is there any easy way to convert it?

I've tried to convert it directly into a DTL, but all my attempts have been unsuccessful

Best regards,

Francisco Lopez

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I have a CSP page that needs to allow the user to submit a file. I have a form with an element in it <input type="file" name="file"/> which allows the user to select the file they want to upload from their local filesystem.

How do I go about actually getting the file to be sent to the server?

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I'm new with writing Caché Objectscript so I need some assistance. I have XML which contains information like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

I have a class representing this object as follows:

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Recently I was asked by a customer with this question. In MS SQL Server, there is a function called host_name() that will return the work station name.

Here is how I would do it in Caché :

With default SQL schema name, in my case SQLUser in SQL (which is equivalent as User in Caché class definition), I have a class called User.dummy, I added a classmethod called hostname and expose it as SQL function host_name:

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I am not system admin. But it used to be very simple to install CSP Gateway on an apache system on Linux with Apache installed. I used to run the CSP Gateway installation program and after it was done, all I had to do was fine tune some configurations on CSP Gateway portal on http://<ip>/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw and I was up and running.

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· Nov 10, 2016
ODBC issue

Hi All,

We are accessing the InterSystems`s cache database via UNIX ODBC and displaying the data in PHP website . Recently we have upgraded the PHP version to 5.6. We are getting the nondisplayable characters (�) for only strings. But the numbers and date fields are displaying correctly.

While querying the database via ISQL everything working fine (No Special characters).

I have looked around the internet and found the PHP 5.6 changed the default character to UTF-8.

For this issue anything, we can do from cache side.

cache version :

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