· Mar 21, 2016

Create dynamic %Object with object ID

Hi Community,

How can I create a JSON with the object ID by using the %Object:$toJSON API?

I have the following piece of code bellow where I create an object reference, create a %Object instance from %fromObject and them I am creating the JSON from $toJSON, but it does not expose the %ID (object id). How is the best approach to create a JSON with the respectives object IDs?


  Set tPersonObj = ##class(Data.Person).%OpenId(pId)
  If $Get(%objlasterror) $$$ThrowStatus(%objlasterror) 
  Set tObj = ##class(%Object).$fromObject(tPersonObj)
  Write tObj.$toJSON()
  Catch ex
  Set tSC = ex.Status


The outcome is:

Write tObj.$toJSON()
{"Age":28,"MaritalStatus":"Casada","Name":"Emilia de Souza","Sex":"F"}

I am expecting this:

{"ID":5,"Age":28,"MaritalStatus":"Casada","Name":"Emilia de Souza","Sex":"F"}


Discussion (7)1
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In 2016.2, you can do this by overriding %ToDynamicObject in Data.Person as follows:

/// In addition to the default behavior, also set the ID property to ..%Id()
Method %ToDynamicObject(target As %Object = "", ignoreUnknown = 0) [ ServerOnly = 1 ]
    set:target="" target = {}
    set target.ID = ..%Id() //Set ID property first so it comes at the beginning of the JSON output.
    do ##super(.target,.ignoreUnknown)

A few side notes...

The correct/best way to create a %Object from a %RegisteredObject (or vice versa) is $compose, not $fromObject (which has been marked as Internal in more recent builds). This is first available in 2016.2.

SAMPLES>set person = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1)
SAMPLES>set obj = {}.$compose(person)
SAMPLES>w obj.$toJSON()
{"Age":88,"DOB":31520,"FavoriteColors":["Blue"],"Home":{"City":"Youngstown","State":"CO","Street":"1360 Oak Avenue","Zip":74578},"Name":"Tillem,Terry Y.","Office":{"City":"Gansevoort","State":"KY","Street":"4525 Main Court","Zip":93076},"SSN":"132-94-8739"}

Also, you can get %RegisteredObjects as JSON more directly:

SAMPLES>set person = ##class(Sample.Person).%OpenId(1) 
SAMPLES>w person.$toJSON()
{"Age":88,"DOB":31520,"FavoriteColors":["Blue"],"Home":{"City":"Youngstown","State":"CO","Street":"1360 Oak Avenue","Zip":74578},"Name":"Tillem,Terry Y.","Office":{"City":"Gansevoort","State":"KY","Street":"4525 Main Court","Zip":93076},"SSN":"132-94-8739"}

how to remove the "children" tag name from the json output. can anyone know ?

i need:


but i got :


 set tmp = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonSQLProvider).%WriteJSONFromSQL(, "select * from Models.Person")

set st = ##class(Workflow.jsonProvider).%ObjectToJSON(tmp)
return st

this is my code which i used for fetch all data from table. correct me if anything wrong , i m new to intersystems. is any possibility to fetch all record through object without write full query?

Output with null 
