InterSystems products (IRIS, Caché, Ensemble) already include a built-in Apache web server. But the built-in server is designed for the development and administration tasks and thus has certain limitations. Though you may find some useful workarounds for these limitations, the more common approach is to deploy a full-scale web server for your production environment. This article describes how to set up Apache to work with InterSystems products and how to provide HTTPS access. We will be using Ubuntu, but the configuration process is almost the same for all Linux distributions.

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In this article, we will run an InterSystems IRIS cluster using docker and Merge CPF files - a new feature allowing you to configure servers with ease.

On UNIX® and Linux, you can modify the default iris.cpf using a declarative CPF merge file. A merge file is a partial CPF that sets the desired values for any number of parameters upon instance startup. The CPF merge operation works only once for each instance.

Our cluster architecture is very simple, it would consist of one Node1 (master node) and two Data Nodes (check all available roles). Unfortunately, docker-compose cannot deploy to several servers (although it can deploy to remote hosts), so this is useful for local development of sharding-aware data models, tests, and such. For a productive InterSystems IRIS Cluster deployment, you should use either ICM or IKO.

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Here you have an easy way to write and execute COS code from your unix scripts. This way one does not need to write routines or even open Studio or Atelier. It can be an option for simple and small actions for instance things like installation tasks or compiling.

See sample bash script ( to compile classes:

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Hi InterSystems Developers!

Recently I've updated the FHIR dev template so that it now publishes an IPM package fhir-server that makes the setup of InterSystems FHIR server a trivial manual or automatic or programmatic procedure one command long.

Please see below how you can benefit from it.


USER>zpm "install fhir-server"

All the details below.

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· Jul 27, 2018 4m read
Load a ML model into InterSystems IRIS

Hi all. Today we are going to upload a ML model into IRIS Manager and test it.

Note: I have done the following on Ubuntu 18.04, Apache Zeppelin 0.8.0, Python 3.6.5.


These days many available different tools for Data Mining enable you to develop predictive models and analyze the data you have with unprecedented ease. InterSystems IRIS Data Platform provide a stable foundation for your big data and fast data applications, providing interoperability with modern DataMining tools.

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· Aug 1, 2019 3m read
Nested set model for ObjectScript

In many projects I was faced with storing hierarchical data (tree) in classes.
By tree, I mean such data, where each node has a parent node — an object of the same class.
Many examples of such data can be given. For example, a catalog in the online store. Suppose that this online store sells books, in this case, the category tree might look like this:

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Hi Developers!

Recently we launched InterSystems Package Manager - ZPM. And one of the intentions of the ZPM is to let you package your solution and submit into the ZPM registry to make its deployment as simple as "install your-package" command.

To do that you need to introduce module.xml file into your repository which describes what is your InterSystems IRIS package consists of.

This article describes different parts of module.xml and will help you to craft your own.

I will start from samples-objectscript package, which installs into IRIS the Sample ObjectScript application and could be installed with:

zpm: USER>install samples-objectscript

It is probably the simplest package ever and here is the module.xml which describes the package:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Export generator="Cache" version="25">
  <Document name="samples-objectscript.ZPM">
      <Resource Name="ObjectScript.PKG"/>

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· Dec 1, 2016 2m read
Atelier Equivalents for Studio Actions
TaskStudio ActionAtelier EquivalentAtelier Keyboard ShortcutSee also ...
Display line numbers.View > Show Line NumbersWindow > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Show line numbersCTRL+,Atelier Editor Features: Line Numbers
Code completion assistanceImmediately suggests completions as you type, unless explicitly disabled.You must type CTRL+SPACE to invoke content assist.CTRL+SPACEEditor Content Assist
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The following post outlines an architectural design of intermediate complexity for DeepSee. As in the previous example, this implementation includes separate databases for storing the DeepSee cache, DeepSee implementation and settings. This post introduces two new databases: the first to store the globals needed for synchronization, the second to store fact tables and indices.

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Generally speaking, InterSystems products supported dynamic objects and JSON for a long while, but version 2016.2 came with a completely new implementation of these features, and the corresponding code was moved from the ObjectScript level to the kernel/C level, which made for a substantial performance boost in these areas. This article is about innovations in the new version and the migration process (including the ways of preserving backward compatibility).

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· Sep 23, 2016 6m read
Creating a RESTful Service using Ensemble

This is a detailed guide to develop RESTful services using InterSystems Ensemble. The goal of this guide is to make you understanding the basic concept and building blocks of a RESTful service. The service is going to provide a very basic functionality (a “Hello world!”).

You will learn how to create required components as Ensemble classes, configure the run-time as an Ensemble Production and create a service configuration as a web application.

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Hi Developers!

Often I find questions on how to install IRIS, connect to IRIS from IDE, setup the environment, compile, debug, maintain the repository.

Here below possibly the shortest way to set up all the environment and start development with ObjectScript on InterSystems IRIS.


Make sure you have Git, Docker, and VSCode installed

Install Docker and ObjectScript extensions into VSCode

Sign in or Create an account on Github

Here we go!

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Here I’ll walk you through the process of creating a simple Node/Express API and connect it to a InterSystems IRIS instance.

I won't go into much detail about how to work with any of the technologies I will mention in this tutorial but I will leave links, in case you want to learn more.

The objective here is to give you a practical guide on how to set up and connect a node.js back-end API to IRIS.

Before we get our hands dirty, make sure you have Node.js running on your machine. So I'll check:

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When you first start working with InterSystems IRIS, it’s a common practice to install a system with only a minimum level of security. You have to enter passwords fewer times and this makes it easier to work with development services and web applications when you're first getting acquainted. And, sometimes, minimal security is more convenient for deploying a developed project or solution.
And yet there comes a moment when you need to move your project out of development, into an Internet environment that’s very likely hostile, and it needs to be tested with the maximum security settings (that is, completely locked down) before being deployed to production. And that’s what we’ll discuss in this article.
For more complete coverage of DBMS security issues in InterSystems Caché, Ensemble, and IRIS, you may want to read my other article, Recommendations on installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for a production environment.
The security system in InterSystems IRIS is based on the concept of applying different security settings for different categories: users, roles, services, resources, privileges, and applications.

Users can be assigned roles. Users and roles can have privileges on resources — databases, services, and applications — with varying read, write, and use rights. Users and roles can also have SQL privileges on the SQL tables located in databases.

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Making a Chart using Intersystems IRIS + Python

How to use the IRIS Native API in Python to access globals and plot some charts.

Why Python?

With a large adoption and use in the world, Python have a great community and a lot of accelerators | libraries to deploy any kind of application.
If you are curious (

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The article makes an attempt to demonstrate that Atelier is not just repeating the functionality of Caché Studio on a new IDE platform (Eclipse) but goes far beyond. Due to my personal experience, and challenges in former projects I picked first XSLT Debugging. Is it an ordinary task? Not at all. Who is doing XSLT every day? Probably none of us. Than why XSLT Debugging? Simply because there are solutions in our product portfolio which are using XSLT inside and those solutions require customization. Customizing XSLT without some sort of toolkit is more than challenging. The examples of such solutions starts with HealthShare IHE message, CDA vs. SDA transformations, goes through ZEN Reports, and ends by HealthShare CDA document viewer. Is that enough reason to spend time reading the whole article through not just the teaser?

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