· Feb 8, 2018 1m read
Atelier security quirk

When defining a server connection in Atelier we are required to enter a username and password because these are mandatory fields in the dialog. However, if the /api/atelier web application definition on that server has only the "Unauthenticated" checkbox set in the section titled "Allowed Authentication Methods", then our Atelier connection will succeed even if we supply an invalid username and/or password.

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· Feb 7, 2018
Next Word Behavior

When using Atelier on COS ctrl-left and ctrl-right considers a word to start on each capital letter in variable names. So if you are on the word:


The cursor will stop on the capital U, S, and N. Same thing in javascript files, but NOT in css files. In Studio it didn't use to stop on capital letters in variable names etc. Personally I consider this very annoying and requires a lot more key presses to jump across code to the right spot.

Is this behavior changeable to NOT stop on capital letters?

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Well my last post got cut off for some reason. I am trying the new beta and wondering about the following functionality from Studio that I don't find in Atelier:

F12 = Open the routine and jump to the tag of the current call the cursor is on in a routine

F2 / <Ctrl> F2 = jumping to a bookmark / toggling a bookmark

<Ctrl> G = Jump to a tag in the code

When might these things be in Atelier? I use them a lot in Studio and the absence of these really slows me down.

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Have you heard interesting things about Atelier, the InterSystems Eclipse plugin, and want to learn more?

Join @Michelle Stolwyk, a software developer at InterSystems, for Enter a New Era with Atelier, a webinar in which she shows how Atelier can simplify your development workflow. She also discusses the feature priorities InterSystems has for Atelier and even explains how your feedback can affect these priorities!

Do you have questions for Michelle following the webinar? Feel free to post them below!

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· Jan 17, 2018
Atelier Dark theme


Has anyone managed to get a dark theme (Like Darcula or Obsidian) working on the Atelier plugin. The Eclipse themes apply to everything in the IDE except the editor window, so it kind of defeats the purpose. I've tried searching for one but so far no luck. I know you can set each colour individually in the settings but I'd like a single config I can load if possible.


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Where did the RemoteSystemsTempFiles project come from?

If you're using Atelier, you may have noticed a project called "RemoteSystemsTempFiles" in the Atelier Explorer and Project Explorer views. This project is automatically created by the Eclipse Remote Systems Explorer (RSE) on start-up. The RSE allows you to connect to and work with a variety of remote systems.

You can either hide this project within your views, or remove it completely by following the steps below.

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I have the Atelier plugin (latest stable release) installed in Eclipse Oxygen running on Ubuntu 16.04.2. Working well except for the BPL visual editor. When I select it, it displays a pixelated image in the view tab. Not sure if this is a Atelier issue or an Eclipse/GTK issue? Has anyone else seen this behavior?


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Hi Community,

I would like to share with you my experience regarding to debugging via Atelier.

I'm developing a REST API and would like to attach to a process when I call the API via a REST Client tool, for example Postman. The purpose is to inspect values from HEADER and BODY of the HTTP request during the debugging process.

Come on! How am I doing? I am going to demonstrate that by using a class from SAMPLES namespace.

1 - Open Atelier;

2 - Open your REST Service class;

3 - Go to the method related to the URI that you need to debug;

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· Jan 2, 2018

Hi I am new using atelier and i want to use some of the InterSystems server for me to train so is there any server connections that i can use. Please help me on this.

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· Dec 28, 2017
Atelier 1.1 Release

InterSystems is ready for 2018 since Atelier 1.1 is now available as a stable release! Bring on the new year!

To subscribe to the NEW Atelier release channel, please follow the instructions on the Atelier Download page.

Stick with the beta update channel if you want to be an Atelier insider and get the latest new features and enhancements before anyone else. #VIP

With this release, you can:

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[Update] The problem has been fixed.

The update sites listed on the Atelier download page will be temporarily down for some time. We will notify the community here once the servers are brought back up.

As a result, you will not be able to install Atelier 1.1.391 from the beta update site until this work is completed.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

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· Dec 20, 2017
Atelier Evaluation Sandbox?

Hello everyone, I work for a company that currently uses Studio on version 2016.1.2, and will be looking at options to upgrade to 2016.2 and beyond. This would also include the potential to switch from Studio to Atelier, however there are a lot of workflow changes and new features to test.

Does Atelier have a simple way to evaluate what it has to offer without needing to setup an entire separate environment? How did your organization demo its features before committing?

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I have Atelier client installed on a Mac and every now and then it just stops working. Currently I am getting this error when I try to synchronize my workspace with the server.

Synchronization failed: [server is broken] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Provider org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No generator was provided and there is no default generator registered

Is anyone else experiencing similar problems and if so, what is the work around?

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Hello everyone. So as title says, I used to install Eclipse with Atelier plugin recently to work in instead of Cache Studio and spotted that all my JS-code on CSP page is colored green as you can see here:

I couldn't find how to make code-detection on CSP files like JS files. All I found is this element which controls code inside HTML tag <script></script>

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I started with the Atelier Stand Alone.

Now I have moved on to Atelier as a plug-in to Eclipse.

With the Stand Alone I had access to two help topics, the Workbench and the InterSystems Atelier.

Now, as a plug-in I have access to a number of other help topics.

When I do a Help Contents, how do I eliminate those help topics I have no interest in?

Or only do a Help Contents on the topics that apply to me as a Atelier user?

I apologize if you have already covered this, but there is so much to read on Atelier already.

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You probably have a similar experience.
The more I use Atelier the more I miss INSPECTOR that I had in Studio!

First for PROPERTIES that can inherit a variable number of Parameters beyond imagination.
take %XML.Adapter as the most obvious.
Where to find all inherited methods that I eventually want to overload? Take %Persistent as example.

Or where or how can %OnBeforeAddToSaveSet() (the correct camel case) be overloaded ?

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· Nov 17, 2017
Atelier 1.1

Hi everybody,

I use atelier form my developments,

i use Routine file and i remark that not all methods don't appear in Outline if in a method we have the sql stattement &sql(...) (see the copy screen)

if the sql stattement is not in the method1 we see i Outline the 2 methods

have you a workaround to resolve this problem ?

Thank you



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