
I just updated Atelier to 1.01.263 and now many of the Atelier icons/images are blurry and the spacing in the Atelier Explorer doesn't look right. This is on Windows 10. Is this a known issue? Are there any settings I need to adjust?

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Trying out Atelier , and need to understand what working principles are best to follow.

Scenario I have a local Cache Instance for development that is linked to a GIT repository for Namespace "ABC"

I have got a local working directory /workingdir/ABC

I have checked out branch "a"

So at this point I need to connect to a dev server that has this Namespace "ABC" but currently the branch that is on this server is "b"

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1 441

So I installed Atelier, created my project, imported and compiled all my classes but now I need to import all my CSP files too but I can't find any instructions on how to do so. Just copying the files into [project]\CSp\csp is not working as they don't show up in the project tree.

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0 514
· Jan 25, 2017
Debugging web app

Hello, I'm trying to debug web app in Atelier remotely.

In Studio I could use "Set as debug target" option for this purposes. The class launches with CSPDEBUG option in browser and everything goes fine. But I can't find how to do this in Atelier.

Can anyone help me?

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0 401

In Studio you can open class with typing / pasting full classname Ctrl+O dialogs filenamebox.

in Open Atelier Class/Routine Dialog (Ctrl+Shift+T) you can't give full class name (package.class) and

when typing only classname part it does not give you any hint about package of those classes it shows.

Its' a bit frustrating when we can have ( and we have) lot of classess named similarily in different packages

and we have lot of packages so the tree crawling is a bit slow.

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0 259

In response to a comment on his posting about source control hooks and Atelier Bill McCormick used the example of Studio's SOAP Wizard and talked about providing more information about how Atelier will support this kind of extension.

My Atelier (1.0.116) has a Tools menu with an Add-Ins option and a "Soap Wizard" (sic) submenu.

Is there any information available to us yet about how we can add our own add-ins of this kind?

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0 460

Hi there,

I'm currently getting myself acquired with Atelier and apart from having a lot of fun I noticed an issue that keeps me from merging changes to the server. When importing Files into my project it uses the right encoding (without telling it what encoding to use). When trying to synchronize it shows the Conflict Resolution, with the server side using the wrong encoding therefore displaying gibberish.

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0 273

Hi, I just installed the TRYCACHE 2016.2.1 preview release into a 16.04 Ubuntu VM. The install is dirt simple. Very nice. I've installed Eclipse Neon and used your update site link to get Atelier. Also very simple and nice. Thank you!

I see there is a January update coming. Will it be possible to include a license that lets developers launch one terminal session while connected to the TRYCACHE instance via Eclipse?

When I try to do this, I'm exceeding the TRYCACHE license limit.


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0 382

I just installed the latest update for Atelier (Version: 1.0.255) and I am trying to add the Ensemble 2016.2 build 736 release to my workspace. It allows me to add all the correct information, test the connection (succeeded) , but the "Finish" button is greyed out so I can't save the configuration. Anyone else seeing this?

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Suppose I have a project in Atelier with two classes: Class A and Class B and develop it in my local Caché installation.

If I decide to delete Class A and delete it in Atelier project will it be deleted in Caché automatically or should I do it manually?

Or what is the suggested workflow in this case?

Same question is if I decide to rename Class B to Class C.

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0 579

It appears latest version of field test supports Rules. What does support of Ensemble rules in Atelier mean for Ensemble users? Does it mean compilation and development can now be done in new Studio? If yes, how indentation and aliment work with Atelier?


2016.2.0.726.0AtelierCDS2785Support Ensemble Business Rules in Atelier api
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0 343

I am trying to use Atelier against a 2016.1.1 server:

Cache for UNIX (Apple Mac OS X for x86-64) 2016.1.1 (Build 108U) Wed Jul 6 2016 16:06:38 EDT [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.01.2136 + Linkage Engine:15.0.2136 + Patient Index:15.0.2136 + Clinical Viewer:15.01.2136 + Active Analytics:15.0.2136]

I'm having trouble creating a connection and I realize I need to create the /api/atelier web application manually. I must not be setting it up correctly because I'm still having trouble connecting. I get an error when I test the connection that says:

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0 492
· Aug 25, 2016
New keys for Field Tests?

The FT keys InterSystems currently make available to us in the zips from the download pages are due to expire at the end of this month (31-Aug-16). Will there be new keys soon?

Also wondering when we might expect new FT builds for 2016.2 and 2016.3. The last published ones were 24-Jun-16 and 16-Jun-16 respectively.

I haven't seen an Atelier update for a while either.

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0 337
· Jul 22, 2016
Conversion to Atelier

If our SVN repository already is storing discrete .cls files, does Atelier do any conversion when we load from SVN into our server instance?

At what point would I see .udl files? I am thinking I would only see that if SVN was storing .xml and each of those would be converted to .udl.

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0 427
· Jul 14, 2016
Opening generated classes

I'm wondering if there is a setting to show generated classes in Atelier, if there is, I haven't been able to locate it. I have code which is generating other classes, but am unable to locate those classes on the Server tab, but can see them when I open studio. Is there a setting I'm missing?

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0 299

Does the Caché installer do all of the necessary setup for using Atelier when upgrading a pre-Atelier instance?

I just upgraded an Ensemble 2016.1 instance to 2016.2 and the /api/atelier web application wasn't created automatically. Aside from creating this web application is there anything else that needs to be done to support Atelier?

** UPDATE **
See my comment below -- this was caused by a permissions problem during the upgrade. After fixing the permissions problem and upgrading again Atelier works.

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0 518

When using the "XML Cache Script" export via the Export context menu option (right clicking on a class in the Atelier Explorer View) sometimes the export dialog is empty.

Other times it is pre-filled with the project selected and the individual class chosen as expected. When it is blank you can choose the project but within the list of all classes there is no package hierarchy making it difficult to find your class.

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0 365

I am having a problem when using atelier on my instance, which I just synched from perforce on latest and then did a built

I am getting the error
ERROR #5880: Unable to create source control class: %Studio.SourceControl.ISC [zSourceControlCreate+17^%Studio.SourceControl.Interface.1:%SYS]

every time I want to open any class or routine from %SYS namespace in the Server tab.

Did someone had the same issue?


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0 493
· Jun 7, 2016
Atelier bracket problem

We have noticed that when compiling with Atelier (either Atelier itself or sending the code through the REST interface) that the build will fail if all brackets '() {} []' are not closed. This includes brackets opened in comments.

For example, this will fail:

class myclass


//if someVar {


I do not know if this issue has been fixed or if this issue has been brought up, but it has been a nuisance over here.

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