· Nov 20, 2020 2m read
Enrich your analytics projects with NLP

According IDC, 80% of all data produced are NoSQL. See:

There are digital documents, scanned documents, online and offline texts, blob content into SQL, images, videos and audio. Imagine a Corporate Analytics initiative without all these data to analyze and support decisions?

In all the world, many projects are using techonologies to transform these NoSQL data into textual content, to allows analyze it. See:

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Hey Developers,

Please welcome the first session from InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020:

Creating InterSystems IRIS Analytics Solutions Using Docker & VSCode
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· Nov 19, 2020 6m read
OCR and NLP together into InterSystems IRIS

According to IDC, more than 80% of information it is NoSQL, especially text into documents. When the digital services or applications not process all this information, the business lose. To face this challenge, it is possible use OCR technology. OCR uses machine learning and/or trained image patterns to transform image pixels into text. This is important, because many documents are scanned into images inside PDF, or many documents contains images with text inside. So OCR are an important step to get all possible data from a document.

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Hey Developers,

See how InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics can be used to aggregate and query billions of records from a virtual cube, applying machine learning and analytics to that data.

InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics in Action
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Hey Developers,

Learn about InterSystems Reports, powered by Logi Analytics, a report-generation tool that enables you to rapidly create and view visual reports of your data.

A Look at InterSystems Reports
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This year's Virtual Summit has more content around Analytics and AI than ever before. We've made this quick video to guide you through the program and put things into context with respect to InterSystems overall strategy for Data & Analytics.
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Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introduction to InterSystems Reports
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Hi guys.

Recently, I get interest in FHIR in order to run for the IRIS for Health FHIR
. As a beginner on this topic, I've heard somewhat about it, but I didn't know how complex and powerful was FHIR. As pointed out by @Henrique.GonçalvesDias here, you can model several aspects of the patient history and other related entities.

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Hi Developers,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introducing Analytic Workflows
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· Aug 2, 2020 1m read
Application Errors Analytics

Hi Developers!

As you know the application errors live in ^ERRORS global. They appear there if you call:

d e.Log() 

in a Catch section of Try-Catch.

With @Robert Cemper's approach, you can now use SQL to examine it.

Inspired by Robert's module I introduced a simple IRIS Analytics module which shows these errors in a dashboard:

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A few months ago, I read this interesting article from MIT Technology Review, explaing how COVID-19 pandemic are issuing challenges to IT teams worldwide regarding their machine learning (ML) systems.

Such article inspire me to think about how to deal with performance issues after a ML model was deployed.

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This is my introduction to a series of posts explaining how to create an end-to-end Machine Learning system.

Starting with one problem

Our IRIS Development Community has several posts without tags or wrong tagged. As the posts keep growing the organization
of each tag and the experience of any community member browsing the subjects tends to decrease.

First solutions in mind

We can think some usual solutions for this scenario, like:

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Now available on Open Exchange is a library of third party charts available to use within DeepSee/InterSystems IRIS BI dashboards. To start, simply download and install, select the new portlet as the widget type, then select the chart type that you desire. If you don't find the type of chart you are looking for, you can easily extend the portlet to implement your desired chart type. These new chart types can be used within existing dashboards or you can create new dashboards using them.

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Keywords: PyODBC, unixODBC, IRIS, IntegratedML, Jupyter Notebook, Python 3


A few months ago I touched on a brief note on "Python JDBC connection into IRIS", and since then I referred to it more frequently than my own scratchpad hidden deep in my PC. Hence, here comes up another 5-minute note on how to make "Python ODBC connection into IRIS".

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Making a Chart using Intersystems IRIS + Python

How to use the IRIS Native API in Python to access globals and plot some charts.

Why Python?

With a large adoption and use in the world, Python have a great community and a lot of accelerators | libraries to deploy any kind of application.
If you are curious (

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Preview releases are now available for InterSystems IRIS Advanced Analytics, and InterSystems IRIS for Health Advanced Analytics! The Advanced Analytics add-on for InterSystems IRIS introduces IntegratedML as a key new feature.

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to join the upcoming InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Data Science, ML & Analytics on April 21st at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this first installment of InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talks, we put the spotlight on data science, machine learning (ML), and analytics. InterSystems IntegratedMLTM brings automated machine learning to SQL developers. We'll show you how this technology supports feature engineering and chooses the most appropriate ML model for your data, all from the comfort of a SQL interface. We'll also talk about what's new in our open analytics offerings. Finally, we'll share some big news about InterSystems Reports, our "pixel-perfect" reporting option. See how you can now generate beautiful reports and export to PDF, Excel, or HTML.

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In Episode 7 of Data Points, product manager @Carmen Logue joined the pod to tell us all about InterSystems Reports — the new reporting feature of InterSystems IRIS! Take a listen to hear about its capabilities, use cases, and how it fits into the existing set of analytics technologies.
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Hi colleagues!

Every day Johns Hopkins University publishes new data on coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic status.

I built a simple InterSystems IRIS Analytics dashboard using InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in docker deployed on GCP Kubernetes which shows key measures of the disease outbreak.

This dashboard is an example of how information from CSV could be analyzed with IRIS Analytics and deployed to GCP Kubernetes in a form of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition.

Added the interactive map of the USA:

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