Hi! I have a complex SQL select query which I execute via %ResultSet. It also includes a UNION. The select statement within the union should only be done when an external parameter is set, and I'm not sure of way of doing that within SQL, other than something like


WHERE (some conditions)



WHERE :doUnion = 1 AND (some conditions)

...this works, but I don't think it's particularly optimal as I believe it will still execute the second SELECT regardless of :doUnion. It's also sort of hard to read...

1 12
0 415

If I open a terminal and type the following commands, sc is an error:

set validator = "sc = ##class(%Library.Numeric).IsValid(""BLAH"")"
set @validator
write sc

At the end, when I write sc I get:


However, if I call the following class method using the arguments "%Library.Numeric" and "BLAH", sc is undefined

0 12
0 377

Hi Dev Community,

I have a persistent Document class that has a FileName string property and another Question class that has an optional one-to-many relationship with Document.

I'm trying to add a SqlComputed property to the Question class (docFileName) where docFileName = Document.FileName if there is a related Document or an empty string if there isn't one.

I'd prefer the property to be SqlComputed so that if Question.Document changes, Question.docFileName will automatically update.

0 12
0 387

in order to do analysis on huge data volumes, it is better to take you data to a separate machine for analysis away from the operational machine, so trying to write huge globals or tables into files as is would take a huge space, what could be a solution or best practice ?..in python for instance, there is the pickling option (serializes data to byte string and saves it to a file) to save space, what could be best in object script ?

0 11
0 1.2K
· Sep 30, 2021
Portal's category.


I’m looking for a way to find out which category of portal a connector belongs to.
I looked at the class ‘Ens.Config.Production’ and ‘Ens.Config.Item’ but without success.

An idea about the ‘ObjectScript’ code to design?

Best Regards.

0 11
0 267
· Nov 30, 2021
Iris vs Java

Hello. I'm having problems migrating a java application that is running with cache 2018 to Iris
The application uses json generated by the cache to receive it as a string in java.

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httpRequest POST file Upload multipart

1. is there a code example step-by-step, how to build each part ?

I tried the demo from intersystems doc's,

I checked it in .Net response, that didnot recognize the File-data part

2. I noticed, there is :

SET BinaryMIMEPart.ContentType="application/octet-stream"

but missing :

SET BinaryMIMEPart.ContentDisposition (as analogue, let say for VBA EXCEL )

or I do it via the:

Do BinaryMIMEPart.SetHeader("Content-Disposition",...) ?

that is not analouge for VBA

2 11
1 1.8K

Quite a complex scenario we are trying to solve but should be able to understand.

We're developing a task executer that runs on a server with a certain timezone.

The tasks run every day at a defined time, but in different timezones.

We're saving in database at what time we want to execute the task, and in what timezone (don't go to the save in UTC pitfall, as with DST it will be at different times)

What I want to do if when opening a task from the database, convert 02:00 Europe/Madrid, either to UTC or to local (server) time.

0 11
0 534

Starting installation
Starting up InterSystems IRIS for loading...
../bin/irisinstall -s . -B -c c -C /usr/irissys/iris.cpf*IRIS -W 1 -g2
Starting Control Process
Unable to allocate 242 MB shared memory...
Unable to allocate 232 MB shared memory...
Configuring minimum system...
Unable to allocate 139 MB shared memory...
Unable to allocate shared memory minimum of 139MB (errno=22)
Startup aborted.
Startup error. See messages.log for more information.
Call InterSystems Technical Support if you need assistance.

0 11
0 332


So I am a front end developer working with REST API with Cache database on the BE. The BE guys are currently using Cache through a Windows virtual machine and they claim it is not possible to have a development server to work with. All the work they are doing is directly on the production server and changes are immediate and I think this is a bad idea going forward and we most definitely need a development server that has access to the same code base and different version (through git) to be able to do development. We also do all the testing on this production server with test accounts, but we cannot do automated testing with this setup.

0 11
0 477

I have a need to create a custom deployment package for our production. I can't do a full deployment of the production so I need to create a custom deployment package that will add our new classes, business processes, rest end points and transforms. I would like for the production to add and configure the business services, process and operations as well.

Does anyone have an example for doing this?



2 11
0 357

I have a requirement to update the Ensemble Host Settings Programmatically. Mainly the "AlertOnError,QueueCountAlert,QueueWaitAlert,InactivityTimeout" settings.

I used Ens_Config.Item (persistent) class to get the settings (list object) and then update it. But for some of the Business Host's, I dont see the above settings in the table, but present in Settings of that particular Host in Ensemble Management Portal. So my logic is not working.

1 11
0 488

We have a Unicode installation of Cache'. A client wants to send us documents that will be machine-read and loaded, automatically. They want to create the documents in ISO-8859-1 ("Latin-1"). We'd need to convert the text to UTF8 for our system. I saw the documentation on the $ZCONVERT function, but I didn't see this option. How should it be done?


0 10
0 1K

Good morning everybody,

In Html sometimes we need to use entities code for don't have problems with browsers all over the world. Ex. 'á' is converted to code: 'á' / 'é' is converted to 'é'.

I have a question, how can i convert a string like my name to this type of code? Ex. "Flávio" will be "Flávio". I tried this way:

0 10
0 554

Hello All,

I am just wondering if there is any inbuilt function or utility available in IRIS to clean up "null" elements from JSON e.g. I want to remove "null" elements from payload below before I do any processing with it.


recipients: [

{ "name":"Utsavi", "email":"utsavi@gmail.com"},

{ "name":"Utsavi 1", "email":"utsavi1@gmail.com"},

null, null


content:[null, {"title":"Test.pdf", "data":"ygwehfbnwfbhew"} ]


Thanks & Regards,

0 10
0 579

I'm working on a project were we are going to be receiving a non-HL7 formatted flat file that will contain a single result message per line and each result messages may contain repeating OBX fields that will need to be parsed out so that can be sent as an HL7 ORU messages that contains multiple OBX segments.

0 10
0 425


I am writing a POST API using IRIS. My POST API Endpoint invokes a Business Service -> Business Process -> Business Operation in an IRIS production .

I am trying to import the JSON payload into a JSON enabled class and work with the JSON class in my Business Process and invoke different Business operation(s) based on the data supplied. This works fine for simpler JSON schemas.

The POST API I am writing now needs to handle a complex schema. I.e. one of the Item on my JSON schema ("recipient") can be an array of "anyof" 5 different schemas.


0 10
0 629

Under the previous python binding method (Cache) it was possible to pass in parameters, execute a class query, and fetch the result sets. I have been unable to find a way to do this via PYODBC or the Native API (perhaps I am just missing something).

My work around is to create a SQLquery string and execute it through a cursor. I would much prefer to simply execute the debugged and more secure class queries that already exist and and have been precompiled.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated



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