If I were trying to access an index of a global variable, what time complexity would this operation have? My understanding of languages like Java/C++ is that arrays are stored as blocks of memory so that x[15] would have a lookup time complexity of O(1) because it just goes to (address of the array + 15) and retrieves the value stored there.

How does this work in Cache where the index of a variable isn't necessarily an integer value? If I were to have a variable like the following:

x("Adam") = "Red"

x("George") = "Blue"

x("Bryan") = "Green"


3 5
0 487
· Feb 21, 2017
Parse %ObjectIdentity


I'm trying to implement %OnAfterDelete ClassMethod for persistent class. As a parameter it gets oid As %ObjectIdentity for the deleted object.

ClassMethod %OnAfterDelete(oid As %ObjectIdentity) As %Status

My question is: how to get ID value from %ObjectIdentity ?

0 2
0 486

I'm trying to implement an OAuth2 server, but I have som issues when trying to setup JWT under OAuth 2.0->Client.

I get the error message saying "No match between server name 'localhost' and SSL certificate values 'cache'". I have set up a SSL/TLS configuration as simple as possible without any certificate files. I'm accessing my server via HTTPS with an unsigned certificate.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to resolve the issue I'm encountering.

0 1
0 486
· Nov 10, 2021
SQL Search index on JSON objects.

Hello there!
I am hoping to get some help with "SQL Search index" and JSON objects.
I am storing a JSON object in a column of type %Stream.GlobalCharacter
Property JSON As %Stream.GlobalCharacter;
I also have a index that looks like below.
Index AnalyticIdx On (JSON) As %iFind.Index.Analytic(INDEXOPTION = 0, LANGUAGE = "en", LOWER = 1);

1 20
0 486
· Jul 27, 2021
How To Pass Custom Class

I've created a custom class that extends to the standard HS.Message.PatientSearchRequest. Inside the custom class i just want to pass the data as input only.

But i am getting ERROR #6277: Type attribute, s01:AcoPatientSearchRequest, does not specify valid type for XML input tag: pRequest (ending at line 5 character 171)

I tried adding Parameter XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 1; and

0 8
0 486

Is there a reason why calling %ExecDirect() (or %Execute) won't set the %SQLCODE of the result set to 100 even when the query returns no data?

Here is the code in question with a bit of contrivance to force the issue:

set statement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
set result = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(statement,"select top 0 0 from Example.Testing")
w result.%SQLCODE

The %SQLCODE is set to 0 in this case. The same happens if I use %Prepare and %Execute, e.g.

1 8
0 486

Hi all,

I've been looking for a way to extract the sorting from the ^CacheTemp.zenData global that contain the tablePane snapshot data in order to use it on a report following the current UI sorting criteria.

I could see that if the column is sorted by one column, new entries with this structure are created:


0 6
0 485

Well, we now have two different platforms Caché and IRIS. With so many changes, that it makes so many difficulties to have the same sources for both platforms. I'm not arguing about the reasons for it. Some of the changes are really reasonable.

It's good when I can import code from Caché to IRIS and get it worked after all background job was done. In Caché we have %CacheStorage type used for Storages. In IRIS it automatically converts to %Storage.Persistent. So, If I develop on IRIS, I will have incompatible sources for Caché.

0 6
0 485


So I am a front end developer working with REST API with Cache database on the BE. The BE guys are currently using Cache through a Windows virtual machine and they claim it is not possible to have a development server to work with. All the work they are doing is directly on the production server and changes are immediate and I think this is a bad idea going forward and we most definitely need a development server that has access to the same code base and different version (through git) to be able to do development. We also do all the testing on this production server with test accounts, but we cannot do automated testing with this setup.

0 11
0 485

Recently i've been using Restforms2 to create a CRUD API for a project. But it lacks some advanced functionality that we need, so we have created a production with a REST WS which handles those advanced methods. That works great but there's a drawback, it does not have authentication.

I would want to use the same authentication method as Restforms2 which is a basic auth using IRIS users and passwords.

0 4
0 485

Hi, we are trying to run a dynamically generated Oracle Insert SQL script using Do $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport("Oracle",""," sql.txt",[Error Log]) to insert multiple rows into a Linked Table within HealthConnect to an Oracle database.

We have tried using statements that are accepted within Oracle but not when using Intersystems DLL along the lines of :

0 4
0 484
· Nov 7, 2016
web service


I have created a asp web service and it is hosted in our internal server. How can i consume that web service in cache class method? It is a soap web service with xml input and xml output. It works fine in all the browser.

0 3
0 484

I have one Ensemble EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter which has several methods, each writing a different file. In my Ensemble Production I have configured this FileAdapter to write to a certain directory, but i'd rather have each method write to a different (sub)directory instead of writing all files to the same directory. How can I achieve that without splitting the methods into different business operations?

The current code just sets the filename and the output:

0 3
0 484