· Jun 19, 2019

Studio: How to open and edit a file saved on the server

If you know the path of a file that exists in the instance's install directory, how can that file be opened and edited in Studio? This file is not saved under the visible directories in Studio ex csp or mgr. For example if you have no access to the server operating system command line, how would you be able to modify a file using Studio?

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Wow, I would think this is a potential security risk. I'm assuming the smart IRIS/Cache Administrator would remove any permissions to create or modify web app settings ...

The answer, while very clever, also assumes access to tools other than Studio. Can the requested solution be provided with Studio alone, and, more importantly, will it be possible for the administrator to prevent this sort of access?

my personal rule:

  • In the development stage, programmers should have full access but data are anonymized.
  • In the test stage - only some qualified developers get limited access
  • in the production stage, neither users nor developers should have access to the studio or terminal.
    Access is given only temporary, to top experts for error analysis.
    That's like the doctors that take care of places of your body you won't' show to anybody else.