
I was trying to create a query that can be exposed as a stored procedure (function actually) that would return a resultset with a random number of columns.

Unfortunately, it seems that unless I specify the ROWSPEC annotation on the Query method, I won't get any columns exposed. I was hoping to implement QueryNameGetInfo method and specify the names and number of columns I would be returning dynamically. But it seems that GetInfo information is simply ignored.

Here is my code:

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hi, i am new to Studio and also new to objectscript, but i am not new to programming and

want to implement some synonymfunctions e.g. LOCATE should be used as InStr (.. like in much languages ;o)

more generally spoken, i want to implement a library for my string routines BUT of course i want an need autocomplete.

defining a macro $$$InStr does no autocomplete when i type $$$In<CTRL-SPACE>

example: my lib is called STRINGS and the functions are: InString, Split, ...

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0 404


Alert emails are pretty terse - they are fine for me but I'd like something a bit more friendly when sending alerts to end users.

Instead of this

QueueWaitAlert: Message Header Id '522408569' queued for config item 'alerttoXXXsystemmanager' with priority 'Async' has been queued for more than 600 seconds

I'd like to send something like this:

Hi Bill,

1 2
1 394

Hello, has anyone tried to use Caché as a reverse proxy ?

We are trying to embed a dashboard server (Plotly Dash in this case, but it could be anything which runs on its application server) inside our application which is written in Caché.
The dashboard/report server runs locally (for example, or inside a LAN) on port 8080, and has no authentication features, so we have to implement them on a different layer, and we'd like to use Caché for it.

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0 462
· Sep 19, 2019
Credentials - Domain Account


I've a Service utilising the Adapter EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapter, which uses a Credentials item set with the details of a local SQL account. This currently works, however, we're looking to use the credentials of an AD domain account.

The domain account is a member of an AD security group, which has the required permissions on the source SQL database. I've checked that access is possible with this account via SQL studio.

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0 271

I am trying to use the %ListOfDataTypes functionality, but am hitting a limit of 50 characters for each entry, when being used in a Web Service. Is there a way to increase the number of characters that can be used in the %ListOfDataTypes through a web service?

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1 434

Hello everyone smiley

I have a server configuration in a CSP Gateway installed on a PC (let's call it S2) different from the main one (let's call it S1). This configuration allows me to access a web application that is installed on S1, from a client C asking S2 for this webapp. But for now it works only in HTTP between C and S2, and we would like to use HTTPS (as it already works between S2 and S1).

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0 1.8K
· Apr 10, 2019
Base64 Encoding Errors

I am trying to base64 encode a string with non standard characters encoded in utf-8 also tried windows 1252 and I am getting error like so

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zEncodeStream+18^ -- logged as '-' number - @' set encString = $TRANSLATE($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(streamString),$C(10,13))' 

any help appreciated if anyone has faced this before

1 2
0 707

Referencing this post:


I'm not sure how to actually interact with the result set I get from doing something like this. I want to return something like:

[{"field1":1, "field2":2}, {"field1":2, "field2":10}]

I'm finding it very difficult to get it in this format, since %Print appends a newline onto the end of the {} object it prints.

Here's the closest I've gotten:

1 5
3 1.2K

Way back when during our Siemens LCR days we had to limit the number of characters in OBX.5 to a length of 75. That was back when we had eGate.

Now I need to do the reversal of that and take loop through a string length and split the string up into multiple OBX or NTE based on a certain length. In reading documentation $EXTRACT can do this if you know the exact length, but in this case we don't.

So how would one loop through a string and say every 75 characters create a new OBX or NTE segment?



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0 2.5K

I learned about the Open Exchange tab here at Intersystems. I wanted to look at one of them, but when I clicked it, it tried to go to the site, then brought me back to openexchange.intersystems.com. I then saw a "not secure" icon in the browser bar. I tried this on IE, Chrome, and Firefox, and could never seem to get into the site to look at the site https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/Cach%25C3%25A9Quality.

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0 157
· Jan 17, 2019
Studio source control hooks

Hi there,

I've been busy setting up Perforce source control on a Cache 2017.2.2.865.0 instance. Everything is mostly done and working through studio hooks. Checking out, modifying and checking back in works correctly but I would like to know what the hook, override, setting is to force studio to check if the class needs to be checked out or is already checked out by another user before you are allowed to edit it.

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1 591

hi, everybody!

i wanna connect to a remote server through Terminal.

after i add a server in [Preferred Server] and click the server name( [Remote System Access]->[Terminal] -> server name)

i got an Error dialog telling me that:

Failed to establish security context.

Reason:(-2146893042, 0x8009030e)No credentials are available in the security package

so do i miss some configuration?

Grateful for your help!

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0 1.5K

I want to have a generic PercentOfAll measure that can be used for any dimension of the cube. This PercentOfAll should act like Count, but instead of showing the number of rows in a cell, it will show the percentage (100*number of rows for that member/all rows) .It should not matter what dimension is being viewed. Ex

There are a total of 100 rows in the source class.

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0 324

I have two local instances:

  • IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2 (Build 626_3U) Wed Jun 12 2019 19:07:59 EDT
  • IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2019.1 (Build 510U) Thu Mar 14 2019 14:13:37 EDT

I'm using Java Gateway to talk to external system.

Both instances are using the same:

  • jar
  • generated class
  • java version

They are calling the same method with this java signature:

1 1
1 196

Hi folks,

My fist post here and a tricky question right away!

I have a remote MySQL database table ("SomeData"; not under my control), and a Caché-class (remote.SomeDataAccess) linked to it via ODBC using the link table wizard.

The remote table has a field "id" which is the primary key and an autoincrement bigint value. This has been considered in the setup and the generated class has an

1 3
0 401

Hi everybody,

I am looking for a way to detimerine if a certain namespace is ensemble enabled. I´ve seen such a solution somewhere in the past but can´t find it anymore. Is there a simplistic api around for that?

My second question is in context of log some information to the console log file with a certain error level. Also, I´ve seen this in the past and can´t find it agian. I guess there was some kind of simple api to use for this.

Thank you for your help.

best regards,


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0 296

Let Say I have
Class Carrier Extends %Persistent

Property Employee As Array of Class Employees

Class Employees Extends %SerialObject

Property Name As %String

Property Address As Array of Class AddressDetail

Class AddressDetail Extends %SerialObject

Property Street1 As %String

Property Street2 As %String

I can get value for Employee Name as Employee_Name.

But I want to Get Value of Address Street1 and Street2 of Class AddressDetail using SQL Query
How can I get that?

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