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We have msgs coming like below where line ending with \n then it throw error in router production but if msgs come with \r\n then router dont throw error.

any help?

EMR sending following msg.


Business Service read it like this as on line, and error msg shows in trace.


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0 787

I need to do some nifty string manipulation on a source property. I will not be able to do it with the functions available(with the knowledge that I have of what is available). Could I call a ClassMethod to do this for me? This is what I want to do: The source property is "". I need to add the text "test" to the beginning of that string. "".

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0 231
· Jan 14, 2021
SQL Inbound Adapter settings

In the Inbound SQL Adapter settings, is it possible to specify more than 1 field as the Key Field Name?

Because of the way the Query is being index in Ensemble by the Key Field Name, sometimes transactions get missed and I would like to see if we can add an additional key to the mix to ensure all the transactions are picked up. In this case the InterfaceTrigger is an ID that is auto generated by the table, and I would like to use that as well to ensure we don't miss transactions, and it does not throw any warning messages when it executes the Delete Query.

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0 277

For the benefit of those who want to use the Document Database (DocDB) capabilities within InterSystems IRIS, and specifically the REST API it provides, I put together a Postman Collection that provides samples for several basic calls.

For example:

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0 744
· Jan 14, 2021
Page break - Zen Report

I have two tables in a row in my report, but if the first table gets too big to the point that tables 1 and 2 don't fit on the page, the page breaks.

The problem is that the page break is happening in the middle of table 2 and I wanted the page to break and leave table 2 on the second page.

No table grows to the point of occupying more than one page alone.

Any tips on how to guarantee this?

Remembering that the reports were made using Zen Report.

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0 234

Hey Developers,

Our next community session from Virtual Summit 2020 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🏆 Best Applications of InterSystems Programming Contest Series 🏆
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0 208
· Jan 13, 2021
Handling Errors

I have a case where our EMR is sending data, but not all the values needed for the Ancillary are valued properly and causes that message to error/halt processing on the Ancillary system, not ideal but its what they do. I would expect them to still process the message except that 1 field, but they don't.

I want to add validation to make sure certain fields are valued correctly for the Vendor.

So I add some statements to take those items that don't pass this validation out to a batch file with headers.

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0 846
· Jan 18, 2021
ERROR #5012:


I have created a record map that I am going to use to parse a flat file coming into Ensemble. From there I am trying to send the parsed out data as emails to patients. I am getting this error when the Service tries to locate the file and send it finds the file (as it states in the error message). So why does it say it does not exist?

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0 364
· Jan 16, 2021 3m read
Creating and listing XData definitions

Hi InterSystems Community!

The ObjectScript language of InterSystems IRIS has the ability to extend classes using a very interesting feature called XData.

It is a section in your class that can be used to create custom definitions to be used within the class itself and also externally.

To create one or more XData definitions for your class is very easy, see the example:

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0 392

Hey Developers,

Gartner Peer Insights launched a new incentive for reviews and we are glad to announce it for you. If you have not reviewed InterSystems IRIS on Gartner yet, here is your chance to make it and get two prizes:

1. 🎁 Three months free access to exclusive Gartner research from Gartner Peer Insights:

Your Peer Insights Plus access will get you the most respected research across IT, allowing you to make better decisions. You’ll get regular email alerts on vendors and updates on markets. And you’ll be able to search reviews by topic, compare unlimited numbers of vendors, and personalize vendor shortlists.

2. 🎁 $25 VISA Card from InterSystems

How it works:

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0 981
· Jan 14, 2021
Saving image data from csp

I created a csp that will capture image data from a html canvas element. I created a button element to save the contents as a dataURL string from jpeg and make a server call.

the string is too long

I would appreciate any suggestions in saving the data into the server, currently just a global.

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0 364
· Jan 15, 2021
Multiple servers or CSPGateways

Hello to you all,

Strange titel, so I'll explain better:

I now have IIS-server with a CSPGateway installed. This works fine. But I want to use a rest-service (or another zen-page, whatever.) on another cache-server

So on IIS i have an application called CSP. (/csp) This contains the handler to map it to the CSPGateway.
It has been configured to acces a cache-server (X) which will handle the request. But now I want, in this case, the request to be executed on another cache-server(Y).

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0 269

I would like to examine the contents of my OBX-5 field and not route the message if it contains alphabetic characters. I've tried various combinations of the Match and Contains functions, with no luck. Should I be using the COS ? operator or plaini regular expressions?


OBX-5 Contains "\D"

OBX-5 Contains "?.A"

OBX-5 Contains "[A-Z]"

0 17
0 1.4K

Hi Community,

2020 was full of great applications!

Almost 400 apps have already been uploaded to InterSystems Open Exchange! And 200+ apps uploaded to our applications gallery in 2020!

We're so pleased to introduce the best Open Exchange developers and the most downloaded apps that you should definitely try!

Let's take a closer look at our heroes and remarkable apps:

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0 282

Does anybody know if there is an easy way to know if the execution of the command $System.SQL.PurgeForTable went well/wrong?

The documentation describes that a string is returned, but in fact there is a nice Quit "" in the code.

Maybe inside PurgeForTable^%apiSQL there is any process variable set when it goes well/wrong?

Thank you very much!

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