· Jul 10, 2018
SOAP/Rest MPI call

Newbie question.

We have a desire to leverage apigee to do a call to our MPI system.

Not sure if this is something we can do via HealthShare.

Anyone doing a soap request or restful call from InterSystems through Apigee?

If I am overlooking the obvious (documentation) any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,777 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Oct 5, 2018
New to Caché

Can anyone tell me where to find good resources to learn Caché besides InterSystems. I am looking foe material (ie books, white paper, exercises, ect). There does not seem to be a lot of information on Caché.

Thank you for all of your help


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· Sep 25, 2018
Wireshark with ensemble


We see a lot of TCPIP connection error for few of the components not sure if it is a network glitch at the source/target or is it with us. And most of the times these errors are very transient and vanish on their own and the connection gets re established and the messages get processed. Here is the error we mostly see

ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: TCP Read timeout (30) expired waiting for terminator SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|50007|10620, data received =''


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1 1.4K

Using our cool new debugging extension for Visual Studio Code I'm trying to debug a CreateProjection method of a class, but when I compile it the work apparently gets done in one of the worker jobs, so my breakpoint never triggers.

Is there a compiler flag or qualifier to force the compilation to be done in-process rather than getting handed off to a worker job?

2 4
0 451

You have a global ^CODE("TNO","BIO",291,"AKI") that may or may not exist. On the data side of the global ref it can have a boolean value of 0 (false) or 1 (true) and this global is wrapped up in a Caché class accessible from myobject.AKI property. At the object level, how do you check whether the property is defined ie. is there a $DATA equivalent for Cache Object properties? Also, how would you kill /null the property as opposed to making the value 0 (false) or an empty string?

0 10
0 3.4K
· Oct 3, 2018
CreateProperty with curl


I have a question about creating properties with curl.

I already did create properties in Java with the following command.

<DO db.%CreateProperty("TotalSteps","%Integer","$.TotalSteps")>

It created the property TotalSteps with the type %Integer and the data path $.TotalSteps (since the header of my data source is also TotalSteps).

Now I would like to create the same property in curl with the following command

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0 447

Hi everyone,

I need submit a object have a json string as property of class, but I get an issue, object can't save to SQL table if I take json data to json property. I try making a test class with only json property and get the same issue, no data row in SQL table after run ClassMethod . Some one know what's problem, please help me. Here my test class:

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0 753


Atelier 1.2 as well 1.3 throws java.lang.NullPointerException when opening a class file.

Never mind how to open the class file, 1) witin project explorer 2) atelier explorer 3) open resources 4) switcing between tabs (open files) etc..., I get these errors every time.

Never seen this problem in Atelier 1.1.

Do I miss something within the Eclipse environment?

Does anyone has the same problem?

Best Regards,

Roger de Coninck.

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0 691
· Oct 2, 2018
%NOLOCK in insert query

I would like to know , if its safe to use %NOLOCK in insert query while doing some parallel processing in Ensemble. We will have pool size of more than 1 for a business process. The business process does an entry in internal meta data table , which will be used for some internal reporting. The same row might get updated by some other process later point of time. i could not produce any error or any issues . Looking forward to hear some opinion on this.

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0 1.1K

Hi Community!

I'm pleased to announce that we've just launched the new product in the family of InterSystems Data Platforms:

InterSystems IRIS for Health

IRIS for Health — is the world’s first and only data platform engineered specifically for healthcare. It empowers you to rapidly create and scale the industry’s next breakthrough applications.

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1 446

I have previously setup an Atelier project and it was running. I recently received the 1.3 release. Now, I am unable to click on the previously established connection to my Cache server (as seen in the Serve Explorer. I see the connection and the little arrow (implying that there is a hierarchy of items underneath). But, clicking that arrow opens nothing. Ultimately, I was trying to access files on the server so that I could add some new ones to my existing Atelier Project.

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0 273
· Sep 28, 2018
Impact of OREF support

There are some classes in our code base that contain Methods only (no properties). I told my colleagues that converting them into the ClassMethods should improve performance as it would eliminate unnecessary OREF support at run-time. Some of them replied that it would be microseconds, so what is the reason to bother.

Is it possible to estimate the impact of OREF support of method calls at run-time? E.g., as a % of all CPU load.

0 12
0 461

Hi Community!

We want to invite you to join the live broadcast in Developer Community Twitter!

@Evgeny Shvarov and @Joe Lichtenberg will present "Using Blockchain with InterSystems IRIS"!

This session will cover the applicability of blockchain technology to address current business challenges, and will present a live application using InterSystems IRIS with blockchain integration.

It will start in an hour!

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0 187

Hi, Community!

This is a digest of the Developer Community postings in September 2018.


Most viewed

Atelier 1.3 Stable Release  324

Intersystems IRIS and the next applications generation  149

How the Intersystems IRIS ended to anemic databases era  141

Dynamic objects and JSON support in InterSystems products  141

UDL support  127

Global Summit 2018: Unconference topics to discuss  118

How I implemented GraphQL for InterSystems platforms  116

Is there a function similar to Oracle's CDC in the cache database?  116

Find a table given its name  113

parsing xml response  105


Most voted

Atelier 1.3 Stable Release  10

George James Software lunchtime meeting at Global Summit 2018  10

Save the date - DACH Symposium 2018  9

Sharding evaluation #1  8

Sharding evaluation #2  7

Atelier Source code versioning  5

Intersystems IRIS and the next applications generation  4

Global Summit 2018 - Make sure you hang out till Wednesday!  4

Developer Community September 2018 Release  4

New Video: Atelier – Debugging a Class  4


Most commented

How can I create properties (DocDB, Python)?  15

Is there a function similar to Oracle's CDC in the cache database?  15

parsing xml response  13

How to open Cache studio on Mac OS   11

Change time in message browser etc from UTC to local time  10

LDAP Connection/Configuration  9

class Ens.Queue visible to ODBC?  9

How to Open Terminal In Caché Mac OS  9

Impact of OREF support  9

Visual Report alternatives  8


Top 10 Authors to Follow by Views

Gevorg Arutunyan, Posts,  379

Yuri Gomes, Posts,  290

Robert Cemper, Posts,  190

Eduard Lebedyuk, Posts,  187

Dmitry Maslennikov, Posts,  185

Rustam Ibragimov, Posts,  127

Alexander Tsvetkov, Posts,  78

Mark Bolinsky, Posts,  60

Raymond Lawrence, Posts,  43

Irene Mikhaylova, Posts,  38


Top 10 Experts to Follow

Fred Gustafsson, Answers,  +5

Robert Cemper, Answers,  +4

Jolyon Smith, Answers,  +3

Nicole Aaron, Answers,  +3

Alexander Koblov, Answers,  +2

Tomas Vaverka, Answers,  +2

Len Goodkin, Answers,  +2

Herman Slagman, Answers,  +2

Evgeny Shvarov, Answers,  +1

Eduard Lebedyuk, Answers,  +1


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0 215

Hi all.

As part of my dysfunctional journey with FHIR, I'm looking at using the SDA3 within Healthshare to then convert to the HSFHIR format.

This is working surprisingly well, except I'm falling over when it comes to repeating fields within the SDA3 when creating the HS.SDA3.Patient object manually from within Cache.

If I take the Patient ID as an example - within a DTL, I can quite easily take an MRN and add that to the target PatientNumbers.(1).Number and then add an NHS number to the target PatientNumbers.(2).Number.

0 1
1 416
InterSystems Official
· Sep 29, 2018
InterSystems Caché and Ensemble 2018.1 Release

InterSystems is pleased to announce that InterSystems Caché and Ensemble 2018 are now released!

New in these releases are features that improve security and operations, including:

· Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) support
· Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) integration
· Integrated Windows Authentication support for HTTP
· SSH enhancements

5 0
0 1.7K
· Sep 27, 2018 2m read
Method to Create a Class

The following class method "test" contains code that can create a new class, create new properties for classes, or create new methods for classes. "test" runs all three of these processes once, and the code that performs each action is labelled by comments in the method:

ClassMethod test() As %Status
    set sc = $$$OK
    // Create a class
    set class = ##class(%ClassDefinition).%New("MyClass")
    set class.Description = "This is my test class"_$c(13,10)_"testing %ClassDefinition"
    set class.Super = "%Persistent"

    // Create a property and add it
    set property = ##class(%PropertyDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyProperty")
    set property.Type = "%String"
    set property.Description="This is a property"
    set sc1 = class.Properties.Insert(property)
    do:$$$ISERR(sc1) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc1)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc1)
    // Create a method and add it
    set method = ##class(%MethodDefinition).%New("MyClass.MyMethod")
    set method.ReturnType = "%Integer"
    set method.FormalSpec = "x:%Integer,y:%Integer=10"
    set method.Description = "Return product of x and y"
    set method.CodeMode = "code"
    set method.Code = " new result"_$c(13,10)_" set result=x*y"_$c(13,10)_" quit result"
    set sc2 = class.Methods.Insert(method)
    do:$$$ISERR(sc2) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc2)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc2)
    // Save the class definition
    set sc3 = class.%Save()
    do:$$$ISERR(sc3) $system.Status.DisplayError(sc3)
    set sc = $$$ADDSC(sc, sc3)
    return sc

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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0 590

Hi Community!

New video "Choosing a Shard Key" is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube:
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 253

Hi I'm just trying to make sure I'm not missing a trick here.

Basically our PAS doesn't do hl7 messages but does some XML which you can create. So I'm just trying to create some xml files and then get healthshare/ensemble to parse them and to process accordingly.

I'm getting some good results doing this. But maybe I've got a small hitch. In each of my xml files I've the data for the patient/client.

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