If you are a supported customer (with the license under support - SUTA), please contact WRC. More details you can find at https://www.intersystems.com/support/
Please, what is definition of your stream property and how do you create its data?
If the stream is type of %Library.GlobalCharacterStream or %Library.GlobalBinaryStream, the location of the streams depends if you write data directly to the stream property or if you created the stream first and assign it to stream property:
Property MyStream As %GlobalCharacterStream;
USER>s x=##class(tv.test).%New()
USER>w x.MyStream.%Location
USER>w x.MyStream.Write("My Data")
USER>w x.%Save()
USER>zw x.MyStream.GetStreamId()
USER>s x=##class(tv.test).%New()
USER>s str=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
USER>w str.%Location
USER>s x.MyStream=str
USER>w x.MyStream.%Location
USER>w x.MyStream.Write("My Data")
USER>w x.%Save()
USER>zw x.MyStream.GetStreamId()
Therefore if you do not want to change the location of the stream, is better to use CopyFrom method insterad:
USER>s x=##class(tv.test).%New()
USER>s str=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
USER>w str.Write("My Data")
USER>w x.MyStream.CopyFrom(str)
USER>w x.%Save()
USER>zw x.MyStream.GetStreamId()
Please, let us know if it corresponds to your findings.
It was solved by WRC (InterSystems Support).
Anyway, the code above should work fine as tested by WRC. You can use HttpRequest.Post(tURL, 1, 1) to just display the request on the current device and compare it with the request sent by Postman, if there are any differences.