Does InterSystems IRIS will support Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition (Visual Basic)?

We are in the process of transitioning Intersystems Cache 2017 to Intersystems IRIS 2020 version.

For terminal based applications we can able to use the same DAT file used for Cache with minor changes.

For Web based we are using Visual studio 6.0(Visual Basic). Will IRIS supports Visual Studio 6?

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· Apr 24, 2019
80 bytes wrapped X12 files

Hello, our X12 File Service won't process files we encountered X12 files where they inserted CR LF after 80 bytes repeatedly in the middle of segments. X12 Parser does not seem to like it. I see there is a Whitespace property in Adapter. I am not sure if it ignores white space in the middle of a segment. I also heard about TolerateNewLine setting but I believe this also does not tolerate New Lines in the middle of a segment. We will probably have to read the file, strip out any CR and LF, write to a new file that the X12 file service can process.

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· Aug 12, 2019
Expand EnsPortal


How should I go about it to add a page to the EnsPortal? I want to display a dashboard like page and I would like to be able to have it accessible from Management Portal. I hope there is a better way than typing the URL in address bar. Is the menu for Management Portal editable?



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In over a decade of using Ensemble/HealthShare, we have been able to use a single message type (doc type) for all HL7 ADT event types. We now have an application for which the HL7 segment sequence is different for A03s than it is for other ADT event types. The content of the segments is the same across event types; only the segment sequence differs. The data transformation has to do some custom logic, so we can't just use the "copy" variety of the transformation Create property.

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We are developing a Transformation and we are wondering: how could we debug and show a XML message which is being an output from a transformation, without storing it into request/response/callrequest/callresponse? We mean, how could we show a context variable in the production?

For example, let's have a transformation which stores an appointment in a variable called: context.especializadasConFormatoPrimarias

How could we show in the Production?

Currently it is being stored as the Transformation's output:

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0 204
· Oct 12, 2021
Localize Text in an XData Block

Hi everyone!

I am trying to localize text in an XData block using the $$$Text macro. A snippet of code is included below. Is there an easy way to localize the text included in an XData block? So far, using the $$$Text macro is not working; when I export the %MessageDictionary, the text to be localized isn't included in the export.

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0 204

Good morning:

Thank you very much for reading the doubt and above all thank you very much for answering.

Given the following use case:

If we have a Destination Service that through a HTTP GET by REST gives us a certain JSON response, where it should be noted that it is a list of objects where each object in the list does NOT have a key:

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0 204

Forgive me but our System Administrator who knows how the networking works is OOO...

How does IRIS know which local adapters are available to populate in an Inbound or Outbound TCP Adapter Object? We recently moved from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1. When we migrated we moved the VIP over to the new box and set it at the hardware level.

On RedHat when I do an ifconfig I have two ens192 adapaters..

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0 203
· Nov 23, 2019
Clearing my cube of data

Hi I am experienced with Ensemble but working in my first DeepSee project, so forgive me if this seems elementary.

My question is, how do I clear the data out? Every time I build I am adding more and more data. But I would like to revert my cube to being 0 so I can reload it and start over? Set my row count back to 0?

I am unable to remove/purge through the management portal

-I've tried to kill my cube Do ##class(%DeepSee.Utils).%KillCube("MyCube.Cube") and then Rebuild it.

Thanks In advance

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0 203
· Feb 9, 2022
Change UI Locale Code

What is the best way to add an en-uk.json or an en-za.json file to the custum folder, since the default is en-us.json?


Where can I get the json files for UK and Za ?

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0 203

Hi Community,

Please give me an example on how to configure email alerting based on the rules and send out emails accrordingly.

As a message comes into the business service component I want to check specific fields and if a field for example active = true i want to send it to a different email and if active = false I want to send it to a different email as well.

Guide me on how to accomplish this requirement and let me know if InterSystems uses a default SMTP server or I must have that server in place.


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0 203
· Oct 26, 2021
Parse ACK msgs sample

Hello - basic question. Looking for sample code to parse inbound ACK messages. Messages are coming in a SOAP envelope. The ACKs will have MSH/MSA/ERR segments (other segments for QBP messages down the road). Looking at common, established way(s) to parse the messages HS would be a great help to get started on this. Thanks in advance.

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0 203

The 2023.1 Clinical Viewer appears to have data dependencies that need to be met in order for data to surface from the SDA to the chart. Examples:

1. Lab results need to have a collection date or they will not display.

2. Observations need to have their UoM and codes in the portal txt files in order to display.

Are all of these requirements documented?

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0 203

Trying to setup my first OAuth 2 client to authenticate against Epic's Interconnect instance that is hosting FHIR/Web Service API's. Epic's documentation says the JWT request has to be sent as a POST request..





automatically put the request into a POST request, or do I need to format a %Net.HttpRequest to POST?



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0 203

I try to create a column with computeonchange.

Its works with CREATE TABLE sql command, but if i use ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN sql command this computeonchange doesn't works.

any reason why?


CREATE TABLE MyStudents ( Name VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, surname VARCHAR(16))

alter table MyStudents add column fullname Varchar(50) COMPUTECODE { SET {fullname}={Name}_ "?" _{surname}} COMPUTEONCHANGE (Name,surname)

insert into SQLUser.MyStudents (Name, surname) values ('name1',null)

update MyStudents set name = 'name' where name = 'name1'

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0 203
· Oct 29, 2021
Use Rule to call WS 1 to n

Hi all.

I'm trying to create a route rule that can call to a web service according to a parameter of a message.

My first attempt is the following:

I have a common class with all information, BuscarHuecoRequest, and check what is the value of property "CodigoProveedor".

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