· Jan 18, 2024


Hello, I am writing to you because I am receiving a strange error on our Integration server after restoring a Production copy.

On other occasions we had restored the Production copy on this server without problems (in fact it was done weekly)

After restoring the copy when entering the Studio this error appears:


I've checked the documentation about this error:


But I don't know what I must check.

Do you know what it could be?

Thank you!

Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.8 (Build 766) Wed Mar 8 2023 22:01:03 EST
Discussion (3)2
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Hi @Daniel Aguilar 
for every DB you have a default collation that is tied to DB:
you can see it in SMP  System > Configuration > Local Databases > Database Properties

this is the standard.
If the collation of your source server is Spanish, German, Fench, , .... 
the DB may have used this national collation as default.

On your target serve you need to have this collation to be installed.
in SMP  System > Configuration > Locale Definitions you see what is installed on your Caché instance

You may need to add the missing collation table to your Caché instance: