· Oct 13, 2022
JDBC Gateway Server Crash

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue I am having with the JDBC Gateway Server crashing at the %SYS level. I have numerous Linked Tables that are using JDBC to connect to a MS SQL database/tables to query values. I have written queries in other class files and within the class definition of the linked table to do the queries.

1. Should I be running the query in the class definition of the linked table as a class method? or is it best practice to run the query as a class method outside of the class definition of the linked table?

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I am working with a CSP page with among other fields a checkbox.

Based on the checkbox I want to populate a drop-down box with specific options with a server side method using &html<....>.

I have the status of the checkbox in a javascript var.

Can I access this var or maybe the checkbox setting in the server side method?

Basically how do I know the status of the checkbox to populate the drop-down box correctly?

Any suggestions are appreciated!


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I'm often required to copy the database from production to test.

This is to 'refresh' the database on test.

To achieve this I copy all required IRIS.DAT files from production to test.

The nodes are mirrored on production.

The nodes are not mirrored on test.

Each of the database files IRIS.DAT has a mirror attribute.

Is there a way of checking if the mirror attribute is set for the database file? eg. an objectScript program

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I have installed Visual Studio on my PC and connecting to IRIS on my Linux server.

I have installed the InterSystems extensions.

I click on the InterSystems icon on left->Click on "Choose Server and Namespace" -> Pick my server myTrak.

However I get this error:
request to https://mytrak:52773/api/atelier/ failed,
reason: write EPROTO 18648712:error:100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:../../third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/

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Hi all,

I am new in Cache. I have to update a record with a long text field, for that, I am using ODBC but the issue is that it is returning an error when I execute the ODBC SQL statement because the field contains some commas, colon, double quotes, single quotes, and CR LF characters.

There is a way to escape this chars? I have seen I can save the field when I replace the single quotes with a double single quote (it's -> it''s) but I can not save the information when the field contains double quote chars. What about the other chars?

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Hello Community,

when trying to send HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request objects to an external FHIR server, I get errors: ERROR #6156: No match between server name '...' and SSL certificate values '...'. The reason is pretty clear, the problem is that we don't get correct certificates in time, but have some pressure to go live with the interface.

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Hi all,

Does anyone know if a process (which is using a license unit) does an OPEN or USE to send data (to a label printer as an example) through TCP, will result on license slot usage?

If so, will use a new connection of the currently used one by the process or will get a new slot?

Kind regards

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Hello everyone,

I talked to a colleague and he said that at the other company he worked, they converted a routine into a line and used that in the terminal like a command. So, I want to know if we have this function native in Intersystems products, or maybe was a program they created, my colleague doesn't remember and this would be useful for me now.


Example of function:

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Morning guys I have a SQL operation that I use to read data and results to a record map. But seems to have trouble saving the objects to a record map as I get this message

ERROR ErrException:
zInsertObject+2^%Library.RelationshipObject.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

please help here is my code let me know if I missing anything thank you in advance

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I am trying to migrate our SQL Connections from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.2 using the Data Export/Import Wizard through the Management Portal. I am able to export the data fine, but I am running into issues trying to Import it into 2022.2 using the Data Import Wizard. When I run through the steps it is not importing everything from the txt file I created from 2018.1.3. I would rather not have to rekey all the connections if possible.

Here is the Background Task Error Log

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we are receiving the MDM document from one Data Source , we need to convert the MDM to ORU to send to the receiving Data Source.
Does HS components could make this conversion or we need to use Ensemble mapping to convert the MDM to ORU message?


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I'm new to the system I'm working on, and I have a part of a statement that needs to grab the previous month.

....and MONTH(TX3.date_of_service)= MONTH(dateadd(mm,-1,GETDATE()))

However, when it hits January, I'm left with month 0.

Does anyone know a workaround to grab December of the previous year, while still functioning normally for the rest of the current year.

Thank you!

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Hi *,

I want to dynamically generate the arguments of a method during compile time.

'For example, I want the following method

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf() As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    do %code.WriteLine("    Set tSC = $$$OK")

to look like this in the .int code.

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf(pValue1 As %Integer, pValue2 As %String) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    // some generated code will be here

Is this possible? Or alternativel;y, can I generate a whole method at compile time?


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I need to redirect user to a url, which is 5000+ characters long.
To do that I set:

set %response.Redirect = url

However, in the browser I receive this header:

LOCATION: <First 3972 characters of the 'url' variable>

In WriteHTTPHeader method of %CSP.Response, where the LOCATION header is

Write "Location: ", <Redirect>,!

After I added a buffer flush, after the above-mentioned line:

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I was wondering if there is a way of adding additional headings under the settings tab for services etc?

I'm aware its possible to add items under the additional settings heading, but being able to split these out into separate headings would look a lot nicer.

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· Jun 6, 2018
Send PATCH http call

I need to send a PATCH call from the server to a given url.

Until now I was using %Net.HttpRequest to issue calls for get/post/put but today I had to make a PATCH and I can't find a way to do it.

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Hello, I want to show a fellow DC member how to convert JSON file into HL7 message. I personally do not work with HL7. I set up a production with EnsLib.File.PassthroughService. It passes Ens.StreamContainer to BPL process. I call a DTL to transform StreamContainer to HL7 message. I run into an error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP JSON2HL7 # due to error: ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''
> ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

The code is in this GitHub repo:

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