· May 16, 2021
IRIS or Cache?

Hello all,

I am in a bit of a situation where I could get your help please.

I want to get certified with IRIS, but I also do see that there is an availability named Cache.

Are they both the same or different? if different please explain it to me as how?

Also what is the difference between IRIS, IRIS for Health, Deep Sea? Please explain to me.

Also what do you think I should get my self certified with?

Please leave your comments below.


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,785 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We've traditionally run a selection of development environments from a single cache instance using different namespaces for DEV TEST PREP etc. This has come with a few drawbacks, mainly that you then cant break down into namespaces per environment and everything is sharing various options.

Is there a massive overhead to running multiple cache instances from the same 'box' instead?

How best to share the memory setup in that situation, we usually pre-define around 80% for the instance, do we just share that evenly between the multi instance scenario?

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· May 27, 2021

User antiterrorism is assigned the following SQL procedure privileges:


SOURCE ELEMENT: %CSP.UI.Component.SQLTables (SQLProcs)

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Afternoon all,

Is there a way (at SQL level) to script out the definition of a Cache stored procedure from within SQL?

In SQL Server, I would do...

Select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_NAME = 'my_sproc_name'

But cant find anyway to do this in cache.

Note, its an old version of Cache, so "INFORMATION_SCHEMA" is not available.

I am trying to see the SQL definition in the sproc from SQL itself.

Thanks all

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· Jul 8, 2020 7m read
Tips for debugging with %Status


If you're solving complex problems in ObjectScript, you probably have a lot of code that works with %Status values. If you have interacted with persistent classes from an object perspective (%Save, %OpenId, etc.), you have almost certainly seen them. A %Status provides a wrapper around a localizable error message in InterSystems' platforms. An OK status ($$$OK) is just equal to 1, whereas a bad status ($$$ERROR(errorcode,arguments...)) is represented as a 0 followed by a space followed by a $ListBuild list with structured information about the error. $System.Status (see class reference) provides several handy APIs for working with %Status values; the class reference is helpful and I won't bother duplicating it here. There have been a few other useful articles/questions on the topic as well (see links at the end). My focus in this article will be on a few debugging tricks techniques rather than coding best practices (again, if you're looking for those, see links at the end).

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11 2.1K

I have some code in a mac routine that use indentation and the "." character :

 IF condition1 DO
     .WRITE YCR,...
     .WRITE YCR,...
     .WRITE YCR,...

I would like to add a try / catch block between the write statements.
I can't refactor the whole code and use indentation with curly braces instead (there is too much code, not written by me)

I have tried the following but it does not work (it compiles, but code stop running right before the try keyword)

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· May 26, 2021
Video: Cloud Backup Strategies

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Cloud Backup Strategies
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I believe most of you have encounted this problem: a healthconnect/ensemble user get a slow response and ask measurement on how long it takes ensmeble to process this request, the ensemble 'activity data' gives no clue of the delay.

The reason is HealthConnect message measurement was based on ensemble message, which can’t give a correct answer on when ensmeble recevie the request and what time it send back response. when there is delay on inbound/outbound adpter, or csp gateway, there is no way to find out the delay from "activity data" .

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I have run into two annoyances when using VS Code for server-side editing of Objectscript and was wondering if anyone knows of any solutions or workarounds.

1. In .mac routine files, class names that aren't fully qualified (e.g. ##class(example) instead of ##class(Package.example)) fail to be understood, so the class will have a red squiggly underneath it and a problem that reads

"Class 'example' does not exist. InterSystems Language Server".

0 2
0 244

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

FHIR Overview @ Virtual Summit 2020
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 183

Hi Developers!
Let me share with you some exercises from a workshop about developing interoperability components in Java using PEX (Production EXtension).

You will find slides and step by step exercises about:

  • Understanding simple PEX components coded in Java.
  • Making some changes on them.

All built using containers, so you don't need to build a local Java environment.

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· May 24, 2021 1m read
Data Platform Levels

It's a challenge when you need, as a software architect, design a corporate architecture to meet the current business requirements, you need achieve level 5. With InterSystems IRIS.
it's possible. With 1 product you get SQL + NoSQL + ESB + BI + Open Analytics + Real time virtual cubes + NLP + AutoML + ML (with Python) and Advanced cloud + Sharding support.

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Transaltion for the question:

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I am looking for an experienced IRIS for Health engineer to join the CVS Health family.

This position can be contractor, contractor for hire or direct hire.

We are doing our first implementation of the product and can use someone with experience.

The contractor role can be fully remote.

For a hire we are currently fully remote due to COVID, however, post CVID, we should be in a hybrid model (some remote and some onsite) in the Chicago area.

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1 408


First of all thank you for your time reading our topic

We would need some help from experienced people

We have a SOAP Service with more than 10 methods

Our aim is to include all classes being used by this SOAP Service, in a Studio project

The challenge is that there are plenty Data classes (which extends from (%SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor))

▶️ Is there a recommended way to include all project's classes in a Studio project?

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0 195

Hi Team,

I have a requirement to delete the Ensemble interfaces , as per User request. I would like to write a routine for that and once I execute, it should remove the interface components through code.
Could you please provide code samples for the following actions ?

  • Deleting an individual rule from a rule class
  • Deleting a class from Ensemble
  • Deleting a Host (Service/Operation/Process) from the Production.

Appreciate the help.



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As of today, the Angular Create CCR page is now live for CCR Beta Users. Beta testers will be sent to the Angular create page from anywhere you would normally create a CCR. No existing functionality will be lost.

Any issues or feedback can be reported here or in your regular support channels.

Many thanks to our CCR UI beta testers! If you would like to join the beta tester program, you can enable the checkbox on your CCR user page here.

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0 217

Hey I am very new to Intersystems Objectscript and I am trying to find a way of extract 4 digit numbers from a stream.

I have a stream full of results





And I am trying to remove each 4 digit grouping from the stream.

I have tried the following for loop

for i=1:1:$length(result) {

set curr = $extract(result, i)

write !, curr

set count(curr) = $get(count(curr)) + 1


Unfortunately the loop extracts one digit.

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0 435

I'm trying to set up VS Code for ObjectScript using the instructions found here. I've got both Cache 2018.1.2.309.0 and IRIS 2020. When I try to connect to either one of them the connection fails, and I get a notification in the bottom right corner that says "Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0". I've checked the JSON settings file that VS Code uses, and they're fine and formatted properly. All of the settings I've entered are correct.

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