· Sep 17, 2021

Record Map with Repeating Fields

I'm working on a project were we are going to be receiving a non-HL7 formatted flat file that will contain a single result message per line and each result messages may  contain repeating OBX fields that will need to be parsed out so that can be sent as an HL7 ORU messages that contains multiple OBX segments.

The record map I currently have doesn't appear to be able to parse out the repeating OBX fields in the source file, currently my Record Map uses the “|” as the first field separator and the “^” as the second and the “~” as the repeat separator.

Source file format:

|<PID-3>|<PID-5>|<PID-7>|<PID-8>|<PID-19>|<PV1-3>|<PV1-19>|<OBR-3>|<OBR-4>|<OBR-7>|<OBR-16>|<OBR-22>|<OBR-25>|<OBX-2( repetition 1)>^<OBX-3(repetition 1
)>^<OBX-5(repetition 1)>^<OBX-6(repetition 1)>^<OBX-7(repetition 1)>^<OBX-8(repetition 1)>^<OBX-11(repetition 1)>~<OBX-2( repetition 2)>^<OBX-3(repetition 2)>^<OBX-5(repetition 2)>^<OBX-6(repetition 2)>^<OBX-7(repetition 2)>^<OBX-8(repetition 2)>^<OBX-11(repetition 2)>~ETC>|



Target HL7 formatted OBX Segments:




Any assistance help would be greatly appreciated.



Product version: Ensemble 2018.1
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To use a complex record map I will need to have the source file format to be modified to something like this, correct?



OBR |<OBR-3>|<OBR-4>|<OBR-7>|<OBR-16>|<OBR-22>|<OBR-25>|

OBX |<OBX-2>|<OBX-3>|<OBX-5>|<OBX-6>|<OBX-7>|<OBX-8>|<OBX-11>|

OBX |<OBX-2>|<OBX-3>|<OBX-5>|<OBX-6>|<OBX-7>|<OBX-8>|<OBX-11>|

OBX |<OBX-2>|<OBX-3>|<OBX-5>|<OBX-6>|<OBX-7>|<OBX-8>|<OBX-11>|

Hey Doug,

It's been a very long time :)

So ... no, you don't need a complex record map to do this, but the mechanism takes just a little more work using a "simple" record map. The record map feature doesn't let you set a Composite field as repeating, which is why we need to deal with those "grouped" OBX segments/fields using a different method.

What I've done is define the RecordMap with individual fields for everything before the first OBX field, and then define the rest of the record as a single, repeating field. You can then iterate over that last field and parse out the individual HL7 field values with $PIECE, or turn them into a $LIST and  reference the elements by numeric index. The only delimiters you'll need to set for the record map are a "|" as the field delimiter and a "~" for the repetition delimiter.

Here's a sample record map layout:

Along with setting OBXSegs as repeating, I set the MAXLEN DataType parameter to something large enough to accommodate all of the fields. Also note the Discard field; the sample data in your post included a leading "|," so that needs to be treated as though there's an initial empty field in each record. Including a dummy field to consume it makes things a bit more understandable when addressing the subsequent fields.

Here's one way you might iterate over the repeating record map field:

As you surmised in a follow-up to Nora's earlier posts, the Complex Record Map functionality is really only required when the record structure varies from line to line in the input data.