· Jul 28, 2020
Enterprise Message Bank


I work with IRIS for Health 2020.1 and I attempted to set up Enterprise Systems to populate Message Bank. I see entries in Message Bank Event Log from the defined Enterprise Systems. I can browse Messages going back before I set up Enterprise Systems using Enterprise Message Viewer. However, I find no messages in Message Bank Viewer. Do I need anything extra to archive messages?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,774 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I want to add time slot and category metadata to complete my cinema application.

I am following the documentation of the cinema application "" and in that,

I was trying to add theater and time slot. But I was not able to do that.

I was also trying to filter the records as per the ratings and category selection on the search bar. but this is showing some error.

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· May 16, 2017 3m read
The COS Faker

Hi Community,

This post is to introduce one of my first project in COS, I created when started to learn the language and until today I'm keeping improve it.

The CosFaker(here on Github) is a pure COS library for generating fake data.

cosFaker vs Populate Utils

So why use cosFaker if caché has the populate data utility?

10 8
2 1K

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Machine Learning with IntegratedML & Data Robot
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· Jul 2, 2021
Use of $ZUTIL(12)

As you know the $ZUTIL method is deprecated and I'd like to replace this calls for the corresponding ones.

In my case I'm looking to replase $ZUTIL(12) by ##class(%Library.File).NormalizeDirectory("")

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Hi, I think it's a simple question this at the end of something fairly complex

I've a DTL to go to a target class in context

I get the error CLASS DOES NOT callrequest=##class(context.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()'

I attempted to add code to initate the context with

set context.ConnectDocumentRequest =##class(Penn.EDT.Messages.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()

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We need to upgrade from Healthshare 2016.2 to HealthConnect latest but we are too far behind the current version to do an upgrade in situ.

So I need to create a new instance of HealthConnect and the copy across all the database definitions, namespaces and classes.

I know its possible to script this stuff and pull all the definitions out of the old Healthshare system and then apply them to the new HealthConnect instance.

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· May 11, 2020 5m read
Work with SAML in IRIS

When a company is quite large and many different applications used by employees. But while those applications are mostly completely different, how to make it possible to not force users to enter credentials as many times as many applications they would like to use. The best way is to use SSO, so, it will be possible to have a portal, where users could launch any application used in a company. There are many different ways how to give access to your application by using the SSO mechanism, and some of them are:

  • OAuth2
  • Kerberos
  • SAML

InterSystems already supports OAuth2 and can be quite easily deal with Kerberos. But I would like to discuss about using SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language).

4 2
5 1.8K

Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems AI Contest Kick-Off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the InterSystems AI programming contest.

During the webinar, we will demo how to load data into IRIS, how to deal with it using ODBC/JDBC and REST, and how to use special AI/ML features of IRIS: IntegratedML, DataRobot, R Gateway, Embedded Python, PMML.

Date & Time: Monday, June 28 — 11:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Aleksandar Kovacevic, InterSystems Sales Engineer
🗣 @Théophile.Thierry, InterSystems Intern
🗣 @Bob Kuszewski, Product Manager - Developer Experience, InterSystems
🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager
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Currently have an SFTP server setup to deliver a CSV file to a company "Company XYZ"

Failed to move '\\dir-01\files\Company XYZ\Outbound\To Be Processed\Company XYZ data v1.csv' to Archive file '\\dir-01\files\Company XYZ\Outbound\Archive\Company_XYZ_v1.csv'

The Business Service File Spec : Company XYZ v1.csv

archive path same as listed above

Is it the File Spec that needs to be changed for this to prevent erroring out?

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0 201

Why do I upload files faster with webservice than with csp?

The soap protocol used by webservice has to go through http protocol. csp directly handles http, no xml encapsulation, so it should be faster.

After testing, for a 1M file, csp is about 0.1s slower. After the gateway connection to 1972, there is a stall of about 0.1s, not sure why.

Is there any way to make the file upload speed of csp faster than webservice?



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Hello everyone,

I created a Class with this 3 properties

Class TestDynamic Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Property number As %xsd.string;

Property exam As %xsd.string;

Property result As list Of %DynamicObject;


I'm adding objects to list normally

set objTest=##class(TestDynamic).%New()
set objDynamic={"field":"value"}
do objTest.result.Insert(objDynamic)

But when i use this method to convert to JSON

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Has anyone else seen this error? From the API Manager Catalog, I can select an API and use the "Try it Out" feature. An error is returned - TypeError: Failed to fetch.

The same Curl can be imported into Postman and executed successfully. For us, API Manager is in a container and the container can ping the server. Also, this error is in the Developer Tools/Console -

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· Jun 22, 2021
content assist

Currently we're using InterSystems Cache Studio Client 2017.2.2 Build 865

I'm currently going through training and one of the videos mentioned using Control+Space to bring up the content assist window.

It's in reference to Atelier IDE, but I'm curious if Studio also might have a tool similar to that?

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