InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,769 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hey everyone as you may know I am a beginner and I am kindly asking for some assistance in a problem I have been solving. The problem is that I am calling a user defined function within a procedure called occupiedseatsAdj and the compiler comes up with this error.

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· Aug 4, 2021 3m read
IRIS Mirror in the cloud (AWS)

I have been working on redesigning a Health Connect production which runs on a mirrored instance of Healthshare 2019. We were told to take advantage of containers. We got to work on IRIS 2020.1 and split the database part from the Interoperability part. We had the IRIS mirror running on EC2 instances and used containers to run IRIS interoperability application. Eventually we decided to run the data tier in containers as well.

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The first installment of this article series discussed how to read a big chunk of data from the raw body of an HTTP POST method and save it to a database as a stream property of a class. The second installment discussed how to send files and their names wrapped in a JSON format.

Now let’s look closer at the idea of sending large files in parts to the server. There are several approaches we can use to do this. This article discusses using the Transfer-Encoding header to indicate chunked transfer. The HTTP/1.1 specification introduced the Transfer-Encoding header, and the RFC 7230 section 4.1 described it, but it’s absent from the HTTP/2 specification.

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Hi - Looking at encoding a .rtf file to Base64 - I've seen the Base64Encode Method and I can pass text but how would you pass a file? Or is there another method that can do this?

The end goal is to place the encoded output in a MDM^T02 (in OBX Segment) HL7 Message.

Appreciate any pointers - Thank You

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· Apr 21, 2021 1m read
Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V in IRIS Terminal

It's possible to enable Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V in IRIS Terminal for Windows.

To do that, open Terminal and select Edit > User Settings and enable Windows edit accelerators. This setting specifies whether the Terminal enables the common Windows edit shortcuts (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Shift+V), in addition to the basic Terminal edit shortcuts (Ctrl+Insert and Shift+Insert).

After that Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V would work.

Also <SYNTAX> errors after incorrect copy/paste go away.


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Good morning everybody,

In Html sometimes we need to use entities code for don't have problems with browsers all over the world. Ex. 'á' is converted to code: '&aacute;' / 'é' is converted to '&eacute;'.

I have a question, how can i convert a string like my name to this type of code? Ex. "Flávio" will be "Fl&aacute;vio". I tried this way:

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I'm wanting to write a query in SQL that will return a row with a count for each day for a given month or year for a specific operation or configname. The following is a start but I'm not finding what I want in the documentation to parse out the TimeLogged field of the table. Nay help is appreciated.

SELECT count(TimeLogged), ConfigName
FROM Ens_Util.Log
where TimeLogged like '2021-07%'
and ConfigName = 'operation_Name'
group by TimeLogged

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We need to upgrade our cache instance from 2016.2 to the latest version.

I find the documentation about the "Upgrade Path" but I cant find where I can get the files to upgrade in the documentation.

Also I cant find how to make this upgrade, they talk about strategies but dont talk how to perform the task to upgrade.

Is there any documentation of how to make and upgrade and where I can get the files?

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Hi developers,

We have just published an update to the Deltanji version control extension for Visual Studio Code.

When used in certain Deltanji workflows, triggering an automatic checkout on first keystroke could result in the developer working on an outdated copy of the code and only being notified of this later when saving their changes. In order to prevent this from happening checkout now reloads the document immediately.

Error messaging has been improved in two areas - when attempting to cancel code that is not checked out, and when trying to register new code onto a withdraw system.

We have also improved interoperability between the Deltanji extension and the InterSystems ObjectScript one, as well as its handling of multi-component objects.

If you're already a user of Deltanji then your extension with automatically update. You can find out more information on Deltanji and the latest release here.

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· Oct 2, 2020


This is a csvgen UI frontend in Angular 8.
The aim of this project is to easily import csv file to Iris from a web ui.



Install with ZPM

It will automatically install the dependency of csvgen and sslclient

zpm "install csvgen-ui"

This will create two new endpoints :

  • One for the Rest API for uploading files

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0 362

Hi everyone,

Learn how to build FHIR applications in the cloud using S3, Azure AD, and a FHIR service:

Build FHIR Provider & Patient-Facing Applications in the Cloud
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I have a handful of EnsLib.HL7.MessageRouter sending an HL7 message to a single Business Process (Ens.BusinessProcess).

In the OnRequest method, I am declaring pRequest as EnsLib.HL7.Message

What I need to do is determine which HL7 Router sent any given request to my BusinessProcess.

To do this, I know that I need to fetch the SourceConfigName property from the Ens.MessageHeader of the Request, but I am not sure how (or if) I can fetch this data from within the OnRequest Method.

Does anyone have any pointers?

Bill Casey

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Hey Developers,

Learn how to search for FHIR resources with a variety of query options:

FHIR Search @ Virtual Summit 2020
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I am looking for examples of implementations of a more robust forgot username and forgot password implementation. Does anyone have one to share, even just a link to the page so I can see how it works, or screenshots? We would like to implement a secure system for requesting username and resetting password.

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· Aug 5, 2021
DTL record testing error

In the Data Transformation Builder, I have a source record with several values that is connected to a target record with several properties. In the Tools tab, clicking on Test, I have an xml format set up to test the data transformation but I'm getting this error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrNoObjFromString: Failed to find element Record / class BI.process.prodTest.Record in String

Do you know what might be causing this error to happen?

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While starting newly created production I am getting below error:

17:14:05.498:Ens.Director: ERROR <Ens>ErrProductionSuspendedMismatch: Production 'Training.NewProduction' was suspended, a new production of a different name can not be started.

Please note that I can start and stop 'Training.NewProduction' successfully but still the status of the Training.NewProduction' is suspended.


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