· Jan 8, 2022

SQL LOAD DATA date values

I have csv date file with date values like this "4/10/2021" for April 10, 2021. I defined a table with this property: Property TranDate As %Library.Date.

I capture error

[SQLCODE: <-104>:<Field validation failed in INSERT, or value failed to convert in DisplayToLogical or OdbcToLogical>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [%msg: <Field 'dc_data_finance.transact.TranDate' (value '4/10/2021') failed validation Field ...

I do not really want to change TranDate to %String. How can I import "4/10/2021" into %Date property?

Product version: IRIS 2021.2
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64 Containers) 2021.2 (Build 617U) Thu Dec 9 2021 15:00:18 UTC
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