Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn what's in store for patient experience initiatives for our hospital clients:

Patient Experience and the EHR @ Global Summit 2022

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,195 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

While you don't need to take your exam before the end of 2022, the vouchers provided to the UK&I Summit 2022 must be redeemed before January 1, 2023. Please register for an exam before time runs out.

You can find additional information about the InterSystems Certification Program here.

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Hi InterSystems Developers!

Recently I've updated the FHIR dev template so that it now publishes an IPM package fhir-server that makes the setup of InterSystems FHIR server a trivial manual or automatic or programmatic procedure one command long.

Please see below how you can benefit from it.


USER>zpm "install fhir-server"

All the details below.

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What is Web Scraping:

In simple terms, Web scraping, web harvesting, or web data extraction is an automated process of collecting large data(unstructured) from websites. The user can extract all the data on particular sites or the specific data as per the requirement. The data collected can be stored in a structured format for further analysis.

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introduction to Analytics with InterSystems IRIS

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Was wondering if anyone had a simple way of calling ##class(Ens.Director).EnableConfigItem() within a Business Process or adding code to a Custom Service to start or stop the object?

The use case is that I have a Process that uploads a file into a external SQL table. When it is finished I want it to kick off another Service that does the processing of the data that it just uploaded. Once it is finished the response is sent back to the service and when the service receives the response from the process, I want to stop that service from running.


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Hi Friends ,

I have created inbound DB adapter business service. Now my requirement to trigger this service at 10am daily.

I used scheduler , but I don't know when should i configure for stop. this not suits for my requirement.

Is there any other way , where I need to trigger service only once , in configured times.



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What I can do:
Get a subset of HL7 messages.
Send the messages to a RecordMap (with key fields from the HL7 message).
Save each message to a file.

How can I send all messages until a set time (e.g. 9am each day) to single file?

In the period 09:00 1 Jan 2022 to 09:00 2 Jan 2022 there are say 50 messages to save to file: File001.txt
In the period 09:00 2 Jan 2022 to 09:00 3 Jan 2022 there are say 40 messages to save to file: File002.txt

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So, the next year will bring us a new way of installing IRIS. Always keep in mind that you have to bring your own web server. No matter how many instances of IRIS you have on your local machine. Or if you work in Docker, always keep in mind a bit more complicated configuration.

And I now want to understand the costs of this decision for end-developers like most of here.

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Hello everybody,

In the documentation I read the following:

Alerts are messages generated by production components. InterSystems IRIS automatically writes the alerts to a log file and sends then to the production component named Ens.Alert. If your production does not have a component named Ens.Alert, then InterSystems IRIS writes alerts to the log file but does not send them to any component. The component named Ens.Alert can be of any class. The most frequently used classes for Ens.Alert are:

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I have table

        name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, 
        parent VARCHAR(50), 
        PRIMARY KEY (name), 
        FOREIGN KEY(parent) REFERENCES nodes (name) ON UPDATE cascade

I put some data

INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n1', NULL);
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n11', 'n1');
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n12', 'n1');
INSERT INTO nodes (name, parent) VALUES ('n13', 'n1');

Let's delete all


Nope, no way.

SQL Error [124] [S1000]: [SQLCODE: <-124>:<FOREIGN KEY constraint failed referential check upon DELETE of row in referenced table>]
[Location: <ServerLoop>]
[%msg: <At least 1 Row exists in table 'SQLUser.nodes' which references key 'NODESPKey2' - Foreign Key Constraint 'NODESFKey3', Field(s) 'parent' failed on referential action of NO ACTION>]

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· Dec 20, 2022
TrakCare iprint


I'm trying to configure iprint for trakcare.

My trakcare runs on linux IRIS(SUSE).

iprint is from MicroFocus [previously Novell]

iprint is a print facility that many printers support where there is a virtual queue for each AD user.

You can log onto any iprint printer using your AD credentials and you can access your virtual print queue. You can then physical print from that virtual queue.

Has anyone configured this for their trakcare?
In order to do this I need to:
- map each trakcare user to their equivalent AD user

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· Dec 20, 2022
[Video] Updates in Security

Hey Community,

Join this session to learn more about security-related topics, starting with the change to the OpenSSL libraries and the general distribution of third-party libraries with InterSystems products (e.g., Web Server):

Updates in Security @ Global Summit 2022

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Similar to: "set obj = ##class(myClass).%OpenId(id)", which give the an instance of the object with given ID, is there a way to implement a function/classmethod to return the same by providing both class name and ID as a parameter, such as: getObjectInstanceByNameId(className As %String, id As %Integer), using ObjectScript code?

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