Connected Data London Conference

TRIADB is an emerging unique and valuable technology in NoSQL database modelling and BI analytics. The following video is from a presentation and demonstration of TRIADB prototype implemented on top of Intersystems Cache database and driven with a CLI in Python (Jupyter-Pandas). In fact this is the second time in the past year that a prototype based on this technology is implemented and demonstrated. The first one was built on top of OrientDB multi-model database and driven by a Mathematica notebook.
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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,459 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Jan 2, 2018

Hi I am new using atelier and i want to use some of the InterSystems server for me to train so is there any server connections that i can use. Please help me on this.

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Can I get "Window Size" from terminal? By command line.

Terminal > Edit > Window Size

I already tried to use 'do CURRENT^%IS', but without success. It does not return the change, for example, when the column is 132.

Is there any routine or method for this?

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Newbie question. So bear with me please.

We have a requirement to extract or build a file off of our local db to feed to HealthShare.

The requirement is for us to create the extract and send it to HealthShare the SDA format.

My initial thought is why would you do that when the SDA is native to HS. We could create a file in any format csv,tab etc let HS consume it, convert it to HL7 2.5.1 and then let HS do the work with the SDA.

However, the current direction is for us to query, get the data and map it to an xml file built off of the SDA.

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Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Disaster Recovery for Federated Systems
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· Dec 28, 2017
Atelier 1.1 Release

InterSystems is ready for 2018 since Atelier 1.1 is now available as a stable release! Bring on the new year!

To subscribe to the NEW Atelier release channel, please follow the instructions on the Atelier Download page.

Stick with the beta update channel if you want to be an Atelier insider and get the latest new features and enhancements before anyone else. #VIP

With this release, you can:

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Hi, Community!

Please welcome a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Data Visualization: The Choice is Yours
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What is difference between using a command $classmethod rather than just invoking them straight away?

For example if i need to call a class and its method i can just use like

do ##class(circle).radius()

rather than using

do $classmethod("circle",radius)

(I suppose both of them doing the same function i am not aware of it)

Please help me understand what is different and is there any specific usage.

Correct me if i have made mistake.

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I have made a complete copy of our test namespace into a secondary test namespace. Thereby we can test with our current EHR version and our soon to be deployed EHR version simultaneously. However, we have a number of saved searches within the Message Viewer that we would like to have available within our secondary namespace. Is it possible to export the saved searches within the message viewer?


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Is there any config setting in Net.SSH.Session that I can use to set StrictHostKeyChecking to no, I am getting an error about unable to exchange encryption keys. Also how would I set keyboard-interactive I dont see any option to set this?

aSSH Error [80101012]: Authentication failed (username/password) [80101012]

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0 416

Hi everyone

How can I connect using the Terminal to a remote server?

I changed the server indication on the Healthshare icon on the Windows toolbar.

The management portal works but not the Terminal. When I open the terminal it displays only some information about the server ("SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.2"), but it doesn't give the possibility to log in.

Do you have any suggestions how I could fix it?

Thanks a lot and best regards


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· Dec 26, 2017
API resources acces

Hi community ,

i worked this last time on the access token generate method , now it's ok, i want use the received access token to have access for asking the resources server.

i found the [%SYS.OAuth2.AccessToken] class which describes how add access token in the http request header , but i don't know how use it in my project.

Do me take only this class or the full package %SYS.OAuth2.

Thank you for helping .

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[Update] The problem has been fixed.

The update sites listed on the Atelier download page will be temporarily down for some time. We will notify the community here once the servers are brought back up.

As a result, you will not be able to install Atelier 1.1.391 from the beta update site until this work is completed.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

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Let's say I have Macro.Parent class:

Include Parent
Class Macro.Parent

ClassMethod Test()
    write "Class: " _ $classname() _ $c(10,13) _ "Value: " _ $$$name


which references macro name:

#define name "Parent"

Now, I want in my subclass Macro.Child to have Test method with the same code, but to redefine value of name macro.

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Hi, Community!

I'm pleased to announce that in this December 2017 we have 2 years of InterSystems Developer Community up and running!

Together we did a lot this year, and a lot more is planned for the next year!

Our Community is growing: In November we had 3,700 registered members (2,200 last November) and 13,000 web users visited the site in November 2017 (7,000 last year).

Thank you for using it, thanks for making it useful, thanks for your knowledge, experience, and your passion!

And, may I ask you to share in the comments the article or question which was most helpful for you this year?

Happy Birthday, Developer Community!

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Hi, Community!

Check the second Developer Community Video of the week:

Deal with Dynamic (Schema-less) Data
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With the release of Cache 2016.1, JSON support was re-architected and made part of the core object model with the creation of %Object and %Array classes, which allow you to create dynamic JSON enabled objects and arrays.

On a recent demonstration I was working on, I had the need to create a REST web service that returned a JSON representation of a persistent object. After searching for methods that would allow me to accomplish this, ultimately I found none, until now.

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