Discussion (11)2
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I managed to install the update by uninstalling and reinstalling the Atelier plug-in:

  1. Close the Atelier perspective (see notes below)
  2. Navigate to the Eclipse Marketplace Installed tab, Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Installed
  3. Scroll to the InterSystems Atelier plugin and click on the Uninstall button
  4. Click on the Restart Now button
  5. Navigate to the Eclipse Marketplace; Help > Eclipse Marketplace
  6. Enter "atelier" in the Find text box and either press the Enter key or click on the Go button
  7. Click on the InterSystems Atelier plug-in Install button
  8. Accept the terms of the license agreements and click on the Finish button 
  9. Click on the Restart Now button


  • I noticed multiple ghost <Atelier> perspectives, the label Atelier surrounded by < and >.
  • Unconfirmed, but could they be the root cause of the automated update failing?
  • Closing the Atelier perspective before uninstalling the Atelier plug-in seems to eliminate this side effect.
  • I deleted the ghost <perspectives> by doing the following (this is macos): 
  1. Eclipse > Preferences > General > Perspectives
  2. Select the ghost <Atelier> perspective
  3. Click on the Delete button
  4. Repeat if necessary