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· May 4, 2016
Bootstrap's $navbar

Hi, The ZEN Mojo Widget reference at ../csp/sys/%ZEN.Mojo.WidgetReference.bootstrap33xHomepage.cls is a great reference for viewing the different components available with each helper plugin - and it also supplies snippets of JSON code to use in your layout definitions.

I'm having problems with the Bootstrap $navbar component however. This is layout definition, with a navbar and button contained within the bar.:

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I was trying to modify the REST.DocServer sample in the SAMPLE namespaces to use the new %Object and %Array system objects (Ensemble 2016.2 build 636) with the following changes:

/// This method returns a list of namespaces for this server

ClassMethod GetNamespaces() As %Status


#dim tSC As %Status = $$$OK

#dim tList,tNS,tFilteredList,tValue As %String

#; Get the list of namespaces

Do List^%SYS.NAMESPACE(.tList)

Set tNS="" For {

Set tNS=$Order(tList(tNS),1,tValue) If tNS="" Quit

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I get NOROUTINE when I try to call a label in a routine in another namespace:

d someLabel^|”OTHERNAMESPACE”|someRoutine(inputVar,.resultByReference)

Two questions:

1. What is wrong with my syntax for calling a label in the other routine, versus just the root of the .int/mac?

2. Can I pass a parameter by reference when using extended routine reference?

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It is time for me to eat my own dog's food and start implementing unit test running with coverage :) I will be inundating IRC with questions at this point, but I have a more general question first.

In this tutorial, it is supposed that your unit tests are exported as XML first... But that's not very practical. Is there a way, instead, to run all tests from a given project without having this export?

My first thought on how to do this would be to:

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On the Mac...

I've defined a Cache Connection to my local server. It worked for the last two days, but after an uninstall/reinstall of Atelier, it stopped working. The stack trace has these entries:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't read from secure storage node /com.intersys.eclipse.connmgr/ensrc

Caused by: No password provided.

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Still related to the unit test with coverage support project, one goal is to make that package available to everyone.

One possible way I already know of is that all fully qualified class names (ie, the package + the class name) start with %, which mean that on installation all classes will end up in the %SYS namespace, but this requires that the install be done as a user with the necessary privileges to write to %SYS.

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Has anyone noticed that the Feature Map and Master Index was dropped from the 2016 version?

Anyone know why?

Please see the attached file of a screen shot.

Well, I have a screen shot file, but when I try to up load .docx, or .pdf, or html I am prevented, don't know why?

Yes, frustration!

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We are currently looking into a way to provide a group of end-users (i.e. non-Interface Development engineers) access to a pre-defined group of Ensemble-based Data Lookup Tables for purposes of viewing and editing. We do not want to give them access to ALL Data Lookup Tables due to security/continuity concerns.

My thinking is that a simple persistent Cache table with three columns (Role Name, Table Name, Access-Level [like View or Edit]) with a CSP front-end could potentially provide an easy way to make this solution a reality.

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0 972

What would be the preferred method to create an HL7 message from an input that is not HL7?

Would it be better to take the non-HL7 input and construct an HL7 message in the business service that then gets passed off to a routing process, or would it be best to just pass the non HL7 message to a routing process that called a data transformation to create the HL7 message?

My thought is the later, due to the fact that updates to the creation of the HL7 message are done using the graphical DTL editor rather than editing COS in the service.

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I have two servers in our TEST environment. One with HSBUS and one with HSREGISTRY. Let's call them "HSBUS01" and "HSDB01" respectively.

Now, I can access HSBUS with my SQL client by using the JDBC driver pointed to and port 1972 and specifying a namespace of "HSBUS". I am, however, unable to access the HSREGISTRY instance via SQL with a similar combination of information.

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0 409

We have a query that looks something like:

select a, b, c, d, e, f

from tbla inner join tblb on tbla.....

This query runs in the expected 200-400 ms range.

If we run the same query but reduce the select to just:

select a

from tbla inner join tblb on tbla.....

then the query runs for 30 minutes or more.

The rest of the query is identical. Is there a logical explanation for how this can happen?


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I have to disect thousands upon thousands of strings like this:


I've been able to pull out the first, second and final segments as separated by hyphens, but now I have a predicament where I need to use the second segment, the 2 shown in the example above, in a join to another table. Problem is Cache apparently doesn't like doing that. Just the same, I have to find a way.

Here's the code I'm using to pull that segment out into as separate field in the query results:

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Hi Community,

How can I create a JSON with the object ID by using the %Object:$toJSON API?

I have the following piece of code bellow where I create an object reference, create a %Object instance from %fromObject and them I am creating the JSON from $toJSON, but it does not expose the %ID (object id). How is the best approach to create a JSON with the respectives object IDs?

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0 1.5K

I'm trying to find a good way to control the Filename for X12 Acknowledgement files, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that without custom coding. Here's what I figured out so far:

EnsLib.EDI.X12.Service.FileService allows you to set a Reply Target Config, which would likely be an X12 File Operation. The Service doesn’t have any settings related to the name of the Acknowledgement file though. That’s determined entirely by the Operation.

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Starting with 2016.2 the Java XEP binding will no longer support the in-memory connection mode. The in-memory mode was deprecated in earlier versions and applications should switch to the TCP/IP connection mode instead.

The TCP/IP connection mode has bridged the gap in performance to a large extent over the past couple of years and enables the Java client to run on a remote machine.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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I'm posting this for the benefit of others. Not often one changes certificates in Cache, at least in my case. I run a system, that uses certificates to encrypt SOAP messages, and since the last time I ran it, my certificates expired.

So I renewed them using our PKI tool, so far so good. I gave all (3) certificates the same names (and filenames too) as to those expired, thinking that everything would just work fine next time I call the SOAP service.

Unfortunately, I got trapped.

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