I was wondering if there is a way of adding additional headings under the settings tab for services etc?
I'm aware its possible to add items under the additional settings heading, but being able to split these out into separate headings would look a lot nicer.
I have created a class that extends Ens.BusinessOperation, and in my class I have defined a custom property. How can I change the property's heading that is displayed on the Management Portal Settings tab?
We have received a dead job alert. We want to know when occurs this, I mean, Ensemble kills a job automatically if it is consuming a lot of memory or CPU? Or is the operating system who kills the job and Ensembe detects it and alerts?
We want to monitor an Ensemble Production and send custom email alerts in function of some Rules. For example, if we normally receive 1 message per second, if suddenly we receive 5 or more messages per second, we want to send an email alert. And if tomorrow we don't want to check this again, we want to disable it through Ensemble Business Rules.
But in my Business Process when I refer to request.GetValueAt("FT1:16.4.2") its not recognizing that this field contains information. Is my syntax wrong?
While testing Atelier 1.0.255 I noticed that the namespace subtree of my Atelier project used different icon shading for the top-level Classes folder compared with the top-level Routines one:
Drilling down into parts of the Wasabi package helped me work out the significance of white-filled icons versus brown-filled ones:
A package is white if there are no classes in it, but only subpackages.
Hi - is anyone successfully using Atelier on a Mac? I seemed to have installed everything correctly but I cannot create Atelier projects or edit mac routines. Eclipse is giving a lot of spurious errors. I have yet to find anyone that has a good word to say about Eclipse and they all use other IDEs but that's what Intersystems have chosen. If people are able to use it on the Mac then fine, I'll just carry on googling... Thanks
If you're using Firefox, you probably know that there are search engine addons that allow us to use website search directly. Now, docs.intersystems.com is also available as a search engine here. Here's how it looks:
Has anyone used ClearRuntimeAppData, I am using the EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapter and pulls the SQL query fine, but if the service needs to keep pulling the same rows the next time the service is started but it will not, due to the parameter “key Field Name”
https://www.youtube.com/embed/7fQ_ozYtAqk [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]
I need to load data from excel to a class in cache, but this class has foreign key and property like AS ..... (other class). This class represent an item product that belongs to a line, the line blelongs a group and the group belongs a Category.
Hi, I created a REST service that works well if called via VPN, for example the url returns a JSON string as expected. If I replace the ip with the ip used for our public website nothing happens. If I remove the port :57772 the browser returns a 404 error page. Do I have to use a different port or is this caused by the settings of our web server? (We are using Apache Web Server: Apache Cache_Server_Pages-Apache_Module/2016.1.0.656.0-1601.1554d)
Hello; we have users on the system with cache logins. They have access to a specific namespace, and no access to %SYS of course. I'd like to give each user the ability to change his own password from within our application, using Security.User.PasswordExternal. This only exists in the %SYS namespace, and the average user can't get to it.
Should I give the users access to this column in this table (column Password, table Security.Users)? What about access to the namespace? Is this possible? Has anyone done this before?
I'm upgrading Cache 2008 to 2014, and for two clients so far all good, but with this third one and while trying to mount the main database that includes the data, I'm getting error #36 "database is not mountable"!?
but cache instances the old 2008 and the new 2014 at installed the same way (8 bit) and Cache.dat is (archive) NOT read only so I don't know what could be the problem?
Some of the templates in Atelier display "on" in the "Auto Insert" column. I can't figure out how they differ from the ones that aren't so marked. Some Googling suggests that it should insert without displaying the template popup if there is only one matching template. However, I see the popup every time.
We upgraded from 2017.1 to 2017.2 today and noticed that when shutting down we must do it as an administrator. Attempting to shut down as a non-admin result in a failure to shut down message. We are curious if there was an issue with our upgrade or if there is a change that requires an administrator to shut down Cache in 2017.2.
Operating System is Windows Server 2012 R2. We run Cache in a cluster using Windows Failover Cluster where we swing the drive from one machine to another when failing.
I want to create an interface specific purge job. Please let me know if there are any holes in my approach. I realize that an interface that went from HospitalAService to HospitalARouter to PracticeBOperation would require two separate executes in my example below, but I want that granularity as there are some intermediate steps in our workflows that we don't need to retain messages for.
I have a very large logistics software running Chache.
I need to build an external application ( Web & Mobile) . I was thinking of using Angular. Does anyone have experience with this infrastructure ? What would be the best way to extract the data ?