Docker with overlay support
Just got the new beta version of Docker, with depreciation warning of AUFS. It's so bad news when InterSystems does not support used by default storage driver overlay2. Recently I thought to play with Google Kubernetes Engine, and realized that I can't work with InterSystems products there due to incompatibility with Storage Driver. Maybe it's already time to think about support?
Hi Dmitry,
It looks like they put up with us :-) for about a year (see reported issues)
We are addressing this. Stay tuned and thanks for your prompt alerting.
Luca thanks for the response. Can you also say something about GKE, I did not find how to change storage driver, IRIS does not work there?
Any news about how would you plan to address it? Without support of AUFS, all Mac & Win users will have to work within Linux VMs to work with IRIS containers which seems a bit redundant... and take out part of the simplicity of working with docker containers.
Hi Dmitry, sure.
So, GKE, if anything makes things easier in general. Also you might be interested to know that Google has just announced GKE for on-prem (it's Alpha (this is Google alpha ;) so expect it by the fall in beta)). This is a super-cool news IMO. You'll be able to seamlessly manage your K8s cluster on-prem and in the cloud. Furthermore, you'll also be able to grow or expand your on-prem cluster in the cloud as and how you might need more resources.
Anyway, back to your question: you need to define "pv" or persistent volumes in K8s. In GKE: go to Kubernetes Menu --> Storage and you'll be able to define your cluster-wide storage there.
2018.2 version which Preview already released recently, works well with overlay now.