· Mar 16, 2023 6m read
Kinds of properties in IRIS

InterSystems IRIS has quite a few different kinds properties. Let’s put them in order so that they make better sense.

First of all, I would divide them into categories:

  • Atomic or simple properties (all those %String, %Integer, %Data and other system or user datatypes)
  • References to stored objects
  • Built-in objects
  • Streams (both binary and character)
  • Collections (which are divided into arrays and lists)
  • Relationships (one-many and parent-children)

Some of these kinds of properties are quite straightforward. For example, atomic properties:

Property Name As %Name;
Property DoB As %Date
Property Age As %Integer

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I've been working for some days in the connectivity between NodeJS client applications and IRIS as server using web sockets.

You can get all the information in relation to the web socket connections using IRIS as a client or as a server from this URL:

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Say you have a receiving system that accepts HL7 and provides error messages in field ERR:3.9 in the ACK it returns. You require a different reply code action depending on the error message, however the Reply Code Actions settings for the operation do not provide this level of granularity. One option could be to create a process that takes the ACK and then completes the action you were expecting, however things can get a bit messy if the action is to retry the message, especially when trying to view a message trace.

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As an IT and cloud team manager with 18 years of experience with InterSystems technologies, I recently led our team in the transformation of our traditional on-premises ERP system to a cloud-based solution. We embarked on deploying InterSystems IRIS within a Kubernetes environment on AWS EKS, aiming to achieve a scalable, performant, and secure system. Central to this endeavor was the utilization of the AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) as our ingress controller.

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· Mar 15, 2024 5m read
How to start Using VsCode


In the next few weeks, my coworkers are planning to start using VSCode to code with InterSystems' products. Among the many advantages of that, I would emphasize being able to connect with other technologies, such as GitHub, with ease. Besides, VSCode also offers an extensive extensions store, where you can find many free add-ons that make coding faster and more efficient. Last but not least, to conquer the heart of every developer, it is open source.

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This article was written as an attempt to share the experience of installing the InterSystems Caché DBMS for production environment.
We all know that the development configuration of a DBMS is very different from real-life conditions.
As a rule, development is carried out in “hothouse conditions” with a bare minimum of security measures, but when we publish our project online, we must ensure its reliable and uninterrupted operation in a very aggressive environment.

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Hi Developers!

This post describes how you could publish your InterSystems application on Open Exchange.

What is the InterSystems application?

It could be anything, which is built with InterSystems data platforms or to help work with InterSystems data platforms: InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, InterSystems HealthShare, InterSystems Ensemble and InterSystems Caché. This could be tools, frameworks, adapters, examples and business solutions.

Why publish on Open Exchange?

InterSystems Open Exchange is an "App Central" for the solutions in InterSystems. It's the first place where the developer goes to look for tools, frameworks, and examples on InterSystems IRIS. And Open Exchange brings the added traffic to your solution which could be converted into leads.

We are having a set of business development tools for published Open Exchange applications. This definitely makes your InterSystems application more noticed.

Submitting an application

Suppose you have a library with open source published on Github which you want to publish on Open Exchange. For the purpose of a demo, I'll fork this remarkable project of @Peter Steiwer ObjectScript-Math which I forked and renamed to object script-super-math.

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In this tutorial, I will discuss how can you connect your IRIS data platform to sql server db .


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· Mar 2, 2023 4m read
Tutorial - Streams in Pieces

This tutorial is a follow on to Working with %Query
It was displaying the content of the input stream chopped in fixed-size chunks.
But often those streams are structured and have well-defined separators (e.g HL7)
So as a side subject of this tutorial, this chapter shows how to break a stream into PIECES.

It is exactly the same idea as the $PIECE() function for strings with some add-ons.

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or "So you just got yelled at by your boss, for sending him an unformatted Hello World webpage"

Our previous lesson ended with us serving a Message value obtained from a Caché REST service to the client, using Angular as a runtime. While there is a lot of moving parts involved in this process, the page is not especially exciting at the moment. Before we can start adding new features, we should take a step back and review our tools.

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I have been walking through this with a few team members and as such I thought there might be others out there who could use it, especially if you work with HL7 & Ensemble/HealthConnect/HealthShare and never venture out past the Interoperability section.

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The following post outlines a more flexible architectural design for DeepSee. As in the previous example, this implementation includes separate databases for storing the DeepSee cache, DeepSee implementation and settings, and synchronization globals. This example introduces one new databases to store the DeepSee indices. We will redefine the global mappings so that the DeepSee indices are not mapped together with the fact and dimension tables.

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What I find really useful about IRIS when teaching my subject of Postrelational databases is the fact that it is a multi model database. Which means that I can actually go into architecture and structure and all that only once but then show the usage of different models (like object, document, hierarchy) using the same language and approach. And it is not a huge leap to go from an object oriented programming language (like C#, Java etc) to an object oriented database.

However, along with advantages (which are many) come some drawbacks when we switch from object oriented model to relational. When I say that you can get access to the same data using different models I need to also explain how it is possible to work with lists and arrays from object model in relational table. With arrays it is very simple - by default they are represented as separate tables and that's the end of it. With lists - it's harder because by default it's a string. But one still wants to do something about it without damaging the structure and making this list unreadable in the object model.

So in this article I will showcase a couple of predicates and a function that are useful when working with lists, and not just as fields.

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· May 2, 2017 1m read
Atelier Tutorial Videos - Introduction

Greetings fellow Atelier users! To help new users get started, we are planning to make a list of video tutorials (e.g., how to create an Atelier project). The first one is "Introduction to Atelier", which is a brief tour of the Atelier user interface. We'd appreciate it if you could watch this video and let us know your comments. We'll be relying on your feedback to create more video tutorials to make it easier for new users to learn Atelier.

Please feel free to post your comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!

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IRIS configurations and user accounts contain various data elements that need to be tracked, and many people struggle to copy or sync those system configurations and user accounts between IRIS instances. So how can this process be simplified?

In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD is the set of combined practices of continuous integration (CI) and (more often) continuous delivery or (less often) continuous deployment (CD). Can CI/CD eliminate all our struggles?

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Quite a few enhancements have appeared over recent months in QEWD for easing and simplifying the creation of REST-based services. It's now even more slick and powerful, allowing you to very quickly create very high-performance, highly-scalable REST (and Web) services that make use of Cache.

I've therefore updated the training presentation deck (Part 31 on developing REST Services with QEWD). It describes all the new features with worked examples. See:

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· Apr 22, 2016

Hi this is my first post, so a little about my background. I've been programming in PHP/JavaScript for about 10 years.
I've got quite a bit of knowledge surrounding object orientated programming and know the basics.

Last year I looked into the Mirth integration engine and did some work around that.

I've now moved jobs and I'm doing some work (surprise, surprise) with Ensemble.

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If you ever wondered how to debug some requests that are being made to or from IRIS, well here is a little tutorial on how to do that.

During a complex project, usually you get the specifications and implement the communication between IRIS and other things based on that. But from the paper to the real world there's usually a huge gap and you need to know why you are receiving an error on a parameter, on a header, you are not receiving the data and so on.

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Updated 12/20/24

Hi Community,

You can unlock the full potential of InterSystems IRIS—and help your team onboard—with the full range of InterSystems learning resources offered online and in person, for every role in your organization. Developers, system administrators, data analysts, and integrators can quickly get up to speed.

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How can you allow computers to trust one another in your absence while maintaining security and privacy?

“A Dry Martini”, he said. “One. In a deep champagne goblet.”
“Oui, monsieur.”
“Just a moment. Three measures of Gordons, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?”
"Certainly, monsieur." The barman seemed pleased with the idea.
Casino Royale, Ian Fleming, 1953

OAuth helps to separate services with user credentials from “working” databases, both physically and geographically. It thereby strengthens the protection of identification data and, if necessary, helps you comply with the requirements of countries' data protection laws.

With OAuth, you can provide the user with the ability to work safely from multiple devices at once, while "exposing" personal data to various services and applications as little as possible. You can also avoid taking on "excess" data about users of your services (i.e. you can process data in a depersonalized form).

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One of the reasons why I love Cache and Iris is that not only you can do anything you can imagine, also you can do it in a lot of different ways!!.

Imagine that you have an integration running with IRIS connected by ODBC you probably only run SQL queries but you can also create stored procedures and inside write the code to do everything you can imagine.

I'm going to give you some examples but the limit is your imagination!!

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· Mar 2, 2023 5m read
Tutorial - Working with %Query #2

My previous article introduced you to SQL based Basic Class Query
where a clever wizard created all the required code for you and your essential
contribution was an SQL statement.

Now we enter the real Custom Class Query that provides more freedom but
requires a deeper understanding of the mechanic behind the scene.
The full code example is again on GitHub

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Make sure you have git installed.

I created a git folder inside the IRIS mgr directory. I right clicked the git folder and chose Git Bash Here from the context menu.

git clone

Clone my csp-log-tutorial GitHub repo if you like to try it out for yourself.

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Hi Developers!

Suppose you published your application on Open Exchange with version 1.00. And then you've added a new outstanding feature and you make a new release.

You can also make a new release of your application on Open Exchange.

Why make releases on Open Exchange?

This the way for you to highlight the new features of your application. When you publish a new release the following happens:

Release notes appear on the News page of Open Exchange

The version of your app changes

Version History tab is updated

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