· Mar 21, 2023
Read-only .cls?

Hi, could someone tell me please how can I "unlock" a .cls file which author is Intersystems? I want to make some modifications and add some trace messages there. The file resides in the HS.FHIRServer namespace and it looks like read-only

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I'm testing IRIS 2020.4 Preview with preview key.

I've access to the management portal but I can't connect with Studio.

This is my docker-command : docker run --name my-iris --detach --publish 9091:51773 --publish 9092:52773 --volume C:\Docker\iris_external:/external –-volume C:\Docker\iris_durable:/durable –-env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/durable/irissys --key /external/iris.key --password-file /external/password.txt

I notice that Caché Direct is disabled by the license.

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· Mar 15 5m read
How to start Using VsCode


In the next few weeks, my coworkers are planning to start using VSCode to code with InterSystems' products. Among the many advantages of that, I would emphasize being able to connect with other technologies, such as GitHub, with ease. Besides, VSCode also offers an extensive extensions store, where you can find many free add-ons that make coding faster and more efficient. Last but not least, to conquer the heart of every developer, it is open source.

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Good morning, evening, night,... wink

A small reflection/question for today... it's true that new IRIS for Health (I4H) releases are more and more powerful each time regarding FHIR capabilities. Nowadays it allows us to consume FHIR resources with extrem easiness, we can connect with end-points in external FHIR servers very easily and make I4H act as passthrough or consume their resources... or, even more, we can define, configure and run a FHIR repository in, literally, less than 5 minutes.

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It's well-known among Studio users that besides few predefined code fragments (for ObjectScript, Basic, MV Basic) it's possible to add user-defined code fragments. I found it rather convenient to use them as patterns that help to follow some conventions (internal standards) of writing, say, methods descriptions.

But I didn't find a way how to share these patterns, except dumb copy-pasting. Did somebody succeed with this task? Any help would be appreciated.

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Everything you need to know about VS Code for InterSystems technologies.

With the announcement of the deprecation of Studio, George James Software are here to make moving to VS Code as smooth as possible. Our expertise in InterSystems technologies and active contributions to the development of VS Code itself, as well as creating and maintaining a range of VS Code extensions, provide us with comprehensive knowledge and experience to guide you step-by-step so you're set up and ready to work in VS Code.

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In the wew versions of IRIS the Studio is going to be deprecated. In the Studio when editing classes there is an option to add information at package level, with the option "Package Information" that shows this dialog:

In VSCode there is the option to add/edit this package information? If no, how can one add/edit this information without the Studio?


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I would like to create a toolbar button in Cache Studio. After clicking on it, it would run a custom command (eg: to execute a routine that will clean a global).

I took a look at dialog that is shown after right clicking on a toolbar in Studio, then choosing "Customize" but AFAIK there is nothing there that allow such a thing.

I know it's possible to customize menu items by extending %Studio.SourceControl.Base class, is there something similar for toolbars ?

Here is some base code example (based on Danny Wijnschenk answer) :

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I have a Business Service that reads a file from a folder and sends it as a string to a Business Process. In the business process, I need to add a string to the end of the file string that is coming into the Business Process. I am trying to do this in object script in studio and I am struggling to figure out how to add the string to the end of the other string. I am still new to studio and object script I have been reading up on the documentation and I am not sure what is the best way to accomplish this.

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Atelier is not translating the indentation spaces used to format XDATA sections in Cache Studio. Lack of these spaces makes the XDATA difficult to read. The styling (coloring) of the code is working just fine. Also, it appears that other class code indentation works fine.

Is anyone else seeing this issue? Has there been any discussion when this issue might be addressed by InterSystems? How shall I get some attention to this issue?

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· Mar 26, 2018
error compilation studio

Good morning, employees

I'm having trouble compiling in studio, I already reported it to intersystems support, but it did not solve the problem.

when calling a method of a class by putting $, follows an example:

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I open a specific file into a studio by using this command : Cstudio.exe /Servername=HEALTHSHARE/Namespace=User /files=MyClass.CLS

I would like not open a new studio when i execute a second time the command with one other file.

I would like open the second file in the same studio that the first file (I have to keep 2 calls)

For exemple :

--> Studio is closed:

1 st call : Cstudio.exe /Servername=HEALTHSHARE/Namespace=User /files=MyClass.CLS

--> Studio open with my MyClass.CLS file

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· Jul 10, 2016 4m read
NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

Controlling Process Flow

Controlling Process Flow means controlling the execution path of code. The execution of code flows from the top to the bottom in a routine, except for the following:

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