InterSystems is proud to announce the developer preview program for the 2022.3 releases. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and support to Oracle Linux 9 (not in this first preview).

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InterSystems announces another developer preview release, as part of the developer preview program for the 2022.3. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and support to Oracle Linux 9. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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Two extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect are now available.

✅ 2022.1.4

Release 2022.1.4 provides bug fixes for any of the previous 2022.1.x releases.

You can find the detailed change lists / upgrade checklists on these pages:

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance release of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1.3 is now available. This release provides a few selected features and bug fixes for the previous 2022.1.x releases.

You can find additional information about what has changed on these pages:

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InterSystems announces another developer preview release, as part of the developer preview program for the 2022.3. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and support to SUSE 15 SP4 and Oracle Linux 9. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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InterSystems announces its first preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2023.2 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health.


Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2023.2 and there are also brand-new capabilities, such as Time-Aware Modeling, enhancements of Foreign Tables, and the ability to use Ready-Only Federated Tables. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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· Sep 6, 2019
New Developments Newsletter

Hi Community,

Our latest issues of Developments and Developments Healthcare Edition have been posted to the Developments Archive site, where you'll also find other previous issues. Learn about InterSystems API Manager, preview releases of InterSystem IRIS and IRIS for Health, and live webinars this month about how you can easily move your Ensemble or Caché applications to InterSystems IRIS.

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This is the sixth in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Many updates, fixes and enhancements have been added in 2022.2, in SQL management, cloud integration, Kafka and JMS adapters, the SQL Loader, and other areas.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1.2 are now available. These releases provide a few selected features and bug fixes for the 2022.1.0 and 2022.1.1 releases.

You can find additional information about what has changed on these pages:

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June 26, 2017 – Alert: Data Corruption with Mixed Endian Mirror Shadowing

InterSystems has corrected a defect that may result in corruption of Unicode data on a shadow system whose source is an async mirror member.

This defect affects all currently released Caché, Ensemble, and HealthShare distributions beginning with version 2012.2.0. All platforms and operating systems are affected.

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InterSystems announces another developer preview release, as part of the developer preview program for the 2022.3. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and adds support to SUSE 15 SP4 and Oracle Linux 9. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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Hi, Community!

Here are some news on Developer Community enhancements.

In March we fixed a lot of bugs and rearranged the notification system, so I hope you'll be happy with it now.

Enhanced content of the notification

With this new release in every email notification you'll see the reason, why did you get this particular notification and the option to unsubscribe of this types of notifications.

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· Jan 2, 2018
Upgrading from 2014 .1.2

I am wondering about upgrading our Healthshare mirrored environment to the latest release. Has anyone upgraded recently to what version and what kind of effort was put into it. I am thinking it will take 2 analysts full time for 3 months. Am I out of the ball park on this estimate? We have bout 600 operations, Processes and services. What are some of the benefits we get from upgrading and what are some of the problems you ran into during the upgrade? Any information you have to share would be greatly appreciated.

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This is the seventh in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Many updates, fixes and enhancements have been added in 2022.2, in SQL management, cloud integration, Kafka and JMS adapters, the SQL Loader, and other areas.

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