· Jun 4, 2020 1m read
Easy data import into IRIS

Sometimes you need quickly and easily import data into IRIS. For this, an IRIS import manager has been developed.

This application allows you to import JSON data and also provides a really simple interface for transferring data from MongoDB collections to IRIS globals. It has never been so easy.

Let's look at examples.

Import JSON

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Hi, Community!

This article is an overview of SQLAlchemy, so let's begin!

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit that serves as a bridge between your Python code and the relational database system of your choice. Created by Michael Bayer, it is currently available as an open-source library under the MIT License. SQLAlchemy supports a wide range of database systems, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server, making it versatile and adaptable to different project requirements.

The SQLAlchemy SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper from a comprehensive set of tools for working with databases and Python. It has several distinct areas of functionality which you can use individually or in various combinations. The major components are illustrated below, with component dependencies organized into layers:


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On this GitHub you can find all the information on how to use a HuggingFace machine learning / AI model on the IRIS Framework using python.

1. iris-huggingface

Usage of Machine Learning models in IRIS using Python; For text-to-text, text-to-image or image-to-image models.

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· Jan 16, 2020 2m read
Python Gateway VI: Jupyter Notebook

This series of articles would cover Python Gateway for InterSystems Data Platforms. Execute Python code and more from InterSystems IRIS. This project brings you the power of Python right into your InterSystems IRIS environment:

  • Execute arbitrary Python code
  • Seamlessly transfer data from InterSystems IRIS into Python
  • Build intelligent Interoperability business processes with Python Interoperability Adapter
  • Save, examine, modify and restore Python context from InterSystems IRIS

Other articles

The plan for the series so far (subject to change).


The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.

This extension allows you to browse and edit InterSystems IRIS BPL processes as jupyter notebooks.

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The invention and popularization of Large Language Models (such as OpenAI's GPT-4) has launched a wave of innovative solutions that can leverage large volumes of unstructured data that was impractical or even impossible to process manually until recently.

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· Feb 27, 2022 2m read

We are happy to share interesting information with you, as well as tell you why Python is good, where it is used.

Among the most used libraries are NumPy and Pandas. NumPy (Numerical Python) is used to sort large datasets. It simplifies mathematical operations and their vectorization on arrays. Pandas offers two data structures: Series (a list of elements) and Data Frames (a table with multiple columns). This library converts data into a Data Frame, allowing you to remove and add new columns, as well as perform various operations.

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It seems like yesterday when we did a small project in Java to test the performance of IRIS, PostgreSQL and MySQL (you can review the article we wrote back in June at the end of this article). If you remember, IRIS was superior to PostgreSQL and clearly superior to MySQL in insertions, with no big difference in queries.

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Case description

Let’s imagine that you are a Python developer or have a well-trained team specialized in Python, but the deadline you got to analyze some data in IRIS is tight. Of course, InterSystems offers many tools for all kinds of analyses and treatments. However, in the given scenario, it is better to get the job done using the good old Pandas and leave the IRIS for another time.

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· Jan 29, 2022
Calling Python Class Methods


What is the Python syntax I can use from a ClassMethod (developed in an IRIS using embedded Python), in order to invoke another class method,

- in the same class; and

- in another class.

I see 'self' is synonymous to use $this (..) in ObjectScript, but these are ClassMethods I am invoking, and self did not seem to work.

thanks - Steve

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Part 1

  • Introducing Flask: a quick review of the Flask Docs, where you will find all the information you need for this tutorial;
  • Connecting to InterSystems IRIS: a detailed step-by-step of how to use SQLAlchemy to connect to an IRIS instance;

Part 2

  • A discussion about this kind of implementation: why we should use it and situations where it is applicable.
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While starting the development with IRIS we have a distribution kit or in case of Docker we are pulling the docker image and then often we need to initialize it and setup the development environment. We might need to create databases, namespaces, turn on/off some services, create resources. We often need to import code and data into IRIS instance and run some custom code to init the solution.

And there plenty of templates on Open Exchange where we suggest how to init REST, Interoperability, Analytics, Fullstack and many other templates with ObjectScript. What if we want to use only Python to setup the development environment for Embedded Python project with IRIS?

So, the recent release of Embedded Python template is the pure python boilerplate that could be a starting point for developers that build python projects with no need to use and learn ObjectScript. This article expresses how this template could be used to initialize IRIS. Here we go!

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· May 8, 2021
New to Learn Python

Hello I am in My 2nd year of Engineering, and want to learn Python Programing Language, Please suggest to me the best books and best online resources that will help me to learn the python language.

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· Feb 8, 2022 1m read

I have created a package to export a Global into JSON object file and to re-create it by reloading from this file
embeddedPython refers to the new available technologies. It should be understood as a learning exercise of
how to handle the language interfaces. Only Global nodes containing data are presented in the generated JSON file.
Differently from the previous example, this one is using embedded Python only, no ObjectScript. Therefore PURE

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Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems AI Programming Contest Kick-Off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the InterSystems IRIS AI Programming Contest.

On this webinar, we will talk and demo how to use IntegratedML and PythonGateway to build AI solutions using InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Monday, June 29 — 11:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Thomas Dyar, Product Specialist - Machine Learning, InterSystems
🗣 @Eduard Lebedyuk, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

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InterSystems Native SDK for Python is a lightweight interface to InterSystems IRIS APIs that were once available only through ObjectScript.

I'm especially interested in the ability to call ObjectScript methods, class methods, to be precise. It works, and it works great, but by default, calls only support scalar arguments: strings, booleans, integers, and floats.

But if you want to:
- Pass or return structures, such as dicts or lists
- Pass or return streams

You'll need to write some glue code or take this project (installs with pip install edpy). edpy package gives you one simple signature:

call(iris, class_name, method_name, args)

which allows you to call any ObjectScript method and get results back.

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