· Dec 1, 2022 2m read

IPython IRIS Magic


%%iris magic for IPython, can run ObjectScript command in Notebooks

It can be run in any Notebook and does not require any special setup on IRIS or the Notebook.


Native Api


Embedded Python


As you can see, the first line load the magic, the second line connect to the server, the third line run the ObjectScript command.

All of this demo is in the example/Notebooks/Demo-Iris-Magic.ipynb

To run the demo run the following command in the root of the project:

docker-compose up

Then go to this url:

Load the magic

%load_ext iris_magic

Connect to the server

%%iris iris://superuser:SYS@localhost:1972/USER

Run the ObjectScript command

Set x = 1
Write x

You can also use the magic to run SQL query.

Load the magic

%load_ext sql

/!\ You need to install the sql extension first.

The sql extension is not part of the standard IPython installation. You can install it with the following command:

pip install ipython-sql

Connect to the server

%sql iris://superuser:SYS@localhost:1972/USER

Run the SQL query

%sql SELECT 1


In order to use this magic, you need to install the ipython-iris-magic package.

pip install ipython-iris-magic

All the dependencies will be installed automatically.


%load_ext iris_magic
%%iris iris://superuser:SYS@localhost:1972/USER 
set test = "toto"
zw test


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