· Jun 17, 2018
Connect to hardware


If this question is in the wrong section, I apologise.

Has anyone ever used Cache Object Script to connect to any hardware such as a sensor?

What I mean is this :-

Lets assume that code has been written in Cache Object Script where it can detect breaks in electrical connections.

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome another "Coding Talk" video specially recorded for the second IRIS Programming Contest:

How to Build, Test and Publish ZPM Package with REST Application for InterSystems IRIS
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Hi all,

I might be losing my mind or do not understand how ObjectScript does string comparisons, but the following does not look right to me.

Is it really possible that you can't compare non-numerical strings other than with an equals or not equals?

USER>w ("45" < "46")
USER>w ("45" > "46")
USER>w ("V45" < "V46")
USER>w ("V45" > "V46")
USER>w ("V45" <= "V46")
USER>w ("V45" >= "V46")

In Python:

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Hi Developers,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Embedded Python for ObjectScript Developers: Working with Python and ObjectScript Side-By-Side
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Hey all,

I have been creating a class to handle file encryption by using GPG keys. I pushed my code out today and my encrypt and decrypt methods weren't working. About a half an hour later in troubleshooting I found out that it needed to be a syntax change. My method has three parameters to it. Examples below:

This is how I was calling it in the test system with no issues:

do gpg.Encrypt()

This is how I was having to call it in my production system to work with no issues:

do gpg.Encrypt("","","")

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· Jul 13, 2021
Initialise object list

How do you initialise a list of objects of a particular type?

I have tried the following code and I get an undefined when I try to insert.

I can do this and it works but I don't know if it is correct.

Is there any way to do something like this?

Set a= New list of Accciones()

Thank you.

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Hey Community,

Don't miss the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Working with ObjectScript Classes in VS Code for Client Side Editing
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· Jun 6, 2019
DICOM document path querying

Say you have a DICOM document with an input information sequence with many sequence items. You could access every item one by one by looping and querying the path by passing it to the GetValueAt method as demonsrated below.

This works but there are some performance issues on my system if the document has to be read for each query (as far as I know, that is the case on my system). Is there a way of querying a path, which would return the sequence items as an array? I think I am missing something. With 900 items the process takes around 20 seconds currently.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Importing Relational Data Using a DDL Script
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When for any particular reason I need to update a record and don't want to pull the triggers, the keyword %NOTRIGGER can be used. But I've been trying to do the same when I change the row using the object approach, but I can't find it. Anyone knows if it's possible to avoid pulling triggers when working with objects?

Sadly, the utility "DISABLE^%NOTRIGGER" doesn't seem to exist ;-)

Thank you,

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Hello developers,

In this article, I'll show you how to run code at compile time with ObjectScript macros.

Here's a use case that recently led me to use this feature:

As part of a medical application developed for more than 20 years, we have a large number of parameters. Although we have procedures for documenting these settings, it can be helpful to have a quick view of which settings are actually used by the application code.

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We are running Batch job in scheduled task and the messages are picking in single session and it is not easy to trace the record.

I used the Set ..%SessionId= "" at before sending the message to BP but I see the session Id is '1' created for each message.

Is there anyother way to create new session for each message sending to BP?


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· Dec 4, 2020
SQL Query returns x00

Hey Intersystems Community-Member,

Following Issue: When I update a SQL table like (update OnlineV3Admin.ParameterApp set popuptext = '' where ID = '1') and then read it for my Json WebService there is a /"x00" in my Json.

What is the best option to disable that? I need here a empty String and not /x00.

Any ideas?

Best regards,

Florian Hansmann

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· Nov 20, 2023
Working with Named Pipes

While creating my latest examples for the JavaContest I faced the need
to communicate with my code from a program in IRIS to my Java code.

Communication with |CPIPE| worked as READ or WRITE but not both?
In the Documentation Named PIPEs are explained rather shortly.
"Once open, a pipe acts like an ordinary device." Not so precise.
I failed to achieve my expected READ/WRITE as TCP would offer.

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Excuse if this is obvious to Python programmers but for those crossing over from ObjectScript this may be a useful tip.

The scenario is developing some Embedded python commands.

Testing out functionality is being confirmed via the shell:

Python 3.9.5 (default, Mar 14 2023, 06:58:44) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type quit() or Ctrl-D to exit this shell.

When Python evaluates an expression in the shell, it prints the result of the expression to the terminal.

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Announcing gj :: locate. A simple extension for VS Code that will help you get to the source of your errors.

In VS Code, using either the Serenji extension or the basic InterSystems objectscript extension, this small add-on will open the appropriate class or routine and position you at the exact line where an error occurred.

No more tedious counting of lines to find <UNDEFINED>zCredit+206^Ledger.Invoice.1. Instead, with gj :: locate you can get there with just a couple of clicks.

This 20 second video tells it all:

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