· Sep 22, 2019

Run a cache expression stored in a variable

Hi All,

I have a class method, this can be any cache expression to execute (usually a class / method and args) and and args stored in a variable, for example;

set aa = "##Class(Utils.Test).Run(1,2,3)"

do aa

I tried using $classmethod(class,method,args..), by extracting the values but sometimes there can be no arguments, or arguments such as ;


which causes issues while running the $classmethod, (i am using $P to extract the Class, Method and args).


Is there any simpler way of doing this?

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Class dc.test Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod Run(
  w $$$FormatText("a=%1, b=%2",$g(a,"<null>"),$g(b,"<null>")),!

ClassMethod Test()

  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)
  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)

  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)

  d $classmethod(cName,mName,args...)



a=2019-01-01, b=1,2,3,4
a=77, b=<null>
a=<null>, b=33
a=<null>, b=<null>