· Oct 28, 2020
New Video: ZPMshow Demo

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Robert Cemper on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

ZPMshow Demo
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· Oct 6, 2020 2m read
An overview of npm-iris

What is npm-iris?

N.P.M stands for "No Project Mess."

N.P.M. is a Project & Task Management app that uses InterSystems IRIS and Bootstrap 4.

No Project Mess is created to help developers and small business companies to reduce complexity in their daily problems, with a simple and intuitive projects and tasks management software.

It offers different views for your tasks, from a spreadsheet, kanban, calendar, or even Gantt!

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· Aug 2, 2020 1m read
Application Errors Analytics

Hi Developers!

As you know the application errors live in ^ERRORS global. They appear there if you call:

d e.Log() 

in a Catch section of Try-Catch.

With @Robert Cemper's approach, you can now use SQL to examine it.

Inspired by Robert's module I introduced a simple IRIS Analytics module which shows these errors in a dashboard:

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new coding talk on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Generate Modules for InterSystems Package Manager (ZPM)
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0 212


I believe the simplest is (to work with csv delimited by ";"):

set file = ##class(%File).%New( "data.csv" )
    set sc = file.Open( "R" ) 
    if $$$ISERR(sc) quit    ; or do smth

    while 'file.AtEnd {
        set str=file.ReadLine() 
        for i=1:1:$length( str, ";" ) {
            set id=$piece( str, ";" ,i ) 
            write !, id  // or do smth
    do file.Close()

Possible options:

different variants of error handling with sc code.

Embrace while loop into try/catch block.

And what's yours?

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0 6.5K

Hey Developers,

New "Coding Talk" video was specially recorded by @Maks Atygaev for the IRIS Programming Contest:

Declarative ObjectScript Promo
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Hi developers!

Suppose you have a Github repository with ObjectScript classes but without a Docker environment.

Recently I published a repository with a set of files that form a universal Docker and VSCode environment to let you either import and run your repository in InterSystems IRIS Community Edition on Docker or turn your repository into Docker and VSCode environment for InterSystems IRIS Community Edition.

So in one sentence:

Unpack these files in your folder and you have the Docker and VSCode environment for your InterSystems IRIS ObjectScript application!

See the details below.

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Have you ever needed a math function but could not find what you needed and ended up writing your own? Look no further! ObjectScript-Math is here to solve all your math related function needs.

ObjectScript-Math is an Open Source library for ObjectScript Math functions. It is now available on Open Exchange. This library contains a mix of new functions that are not currently available and functions that are available. The existing functions will be wrapped for use from ObjectScript-Math so that all Math functions can have a central location.

This library will continue to grow, so give it a try and give your feedback!

Don't see what you are looking for? Please feel free to submit requests for additional functions or contribute code yourself!

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1 424

Hi Community!

Sometimes I meet a method which accepts 10+ parameters.

And often I need only the 8th parameter to pass. And I call the method something like:

do ##class(Some.Feature).Method(,,,,,,,"flag")

And I don't like this method when I call it like this cause, you know, often I just miss the number of commas and raise some other flag I wanted.

How do you avoid this situations?

If you meet such a code, how do you call it and sure that you didn't miss the number of ","?

What is a good number of parameters in a method and f you need to pass more parameters in a method what do you do?

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· Feb 28, 2016
Mocking tools for Unit Testing

Hello everyone!

Does anyone know of a library that can be used to create Mock objects for Objectscript classes?

Right now, my team has been building mock objects by hand to help circumvent dependencies when writing and executing unit tests, but I always wondered if someone had ever created a Mock library like Mockito to help quicken the process.


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A SOLID Design in Cache Object

In this session, we will discussing SOLID Principle of Programming and will implement in a example.
I have used Cache Object Programming Language for examples.
We will go step by step to understand the requirement, then what common mistakes we use to do while designing, understanding each principles and then complete design with its implementation via Cache Objects.

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Hey Developers!

Do you want to reap the benefits of the advances in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning? With InterSystems IRIS and the Machine Learning (ML) Toolkit it’s easier than ever.

Join InterSystems Sales Engineers, @Sergey Lukyanchikov and @Eduard Lebedyuk, for the Machine Learning Toolkit for InterSystems IRIS webinar on Tuesday, April 23rd at 11 a.m. EDT to find out how InterSystems IRIS can be used as both a standalone development platform and an orchestration tool for predictive modelling that helps stitch together Python and other external tools.

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Hi guys!

Portrait of Madame X, Gustave Caillebotte.

One of the features I like in InterSystems ObjectScript is how you can process array transformations in a specific method or a function.

Usually when we say "process an array" we assume a very straightforward algorithm which loops through an array and does something with its entries upon a certain rule.

The trick is how you transfer an array to work with into a function.

One of the nice approaches on how to pass the information about an array is using $Name and Indirection operator.

Below you can find a very simple example which illustrates the thing.

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Hi Community!

We try a new approach to the InterSystems Developers YouTube Videos called "Coding Talks"!

Coding Talks is a short video in which the developer demonstrates a particular feature or functionality of InterSystems Data Platforms which he/she uses to in coding. Typical format: the face on side and editor with ObjectScript.

Check this video I made by myself participating in Advent of Code 2018 and coding with InterSystems ObjectScript in VSCode.

Coding Advent of Code 2018 Using InterSystems ObjectScript
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· Sep 6, 2018 1m read
Save a file using %Net.HttpRequest

This code snippet allows for a file on the web to be saved into the file system. Specify the server and GET request, as well as the directory the file should be saved to. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class objectscript.saveFileHTTP Extends %RegisteredObject
    classmethod test() {
        Set httprequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
        Set httprequest.Server = ""
        Do httprequest.Get("documentation/cache/20172/pdfs/GJSON.pdf")
        Do $System.OBJ.Dump(httprequest.HttpResponse)
        Set stream=##class(%FileBinaryStream).%New()
        Set stream.Filename="c:\test.pdf"

        Write stream.CopyFrom(httprequest.HttpResponse.Data)
        Write stream.%Save()

Here's a link to the code on GitHub

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