on red hat, but I would also be interested in a wider answer.

after running a benchmark for 40 minutes, I have been asked if any rollbacks occurred in that time. Rollbacks from SQL or objects.

The application does not record this, so I am looking for a system level record.

The journal entries do the necessary reverse sets and commit just like any transaction. So i don't think i can detect them there.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If the system does not stop for 24 hours, old journal files will be deleted at 0:30 according to the "Journal file deletion settings".

A possible cause of journal files remaining that are older than the "Journal file deletion settings" is that there are transactions that remain open.

In that case, you will be able to delete the journal file by searching for processes executing transactions and finalizing the transactions.

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In my previous articles, I described my Command Line Extension to NativeAPI.
Of course, this is also available for any other NativeAPI package.
So I created this example as a demo for the actual Java Contest.
The package contains also an IRIS server in Docker for the demo
It is evident that it also works with any remote IRIS server.
You just have to provide it with my NativeAPI CommandLine Extension.

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InterSystems IRIS provides a complete application development environment for building sophisticated data- and analytics-intensive applications that connect data and application silos. It is designed to work with all of the common development technologies in an open, standards-based fashion and supports both server-side and client-side programming.

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar in Hebrew:

👉VS Code - Beyond the Basics 👈

📅 Date & time: February 6th, 3:00 PM IDT

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· Sep 5, 2023
VSCode interop

When we add a new class in VSCode, the name automatically is set to <Folder>.<Filename>.

Because we are doing interoperability, we remove the default and type "interop" to get assistance on creating the class. This works fine on some machines, however on others it generates:

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Hi Interoperability experts!

Recently noticed an interesting conceptual discussion in our Interoperability Discord channel to which I want to give more exposure.

All we know that typical InterSystems Interoperability production consists of the following chain:

Inbound adapter->Business Service->Business Process->Business Operation->Outbound adapter.

And Business Process (BO) here is always considered as a passive "listener" either on port/folder/rest API for an incoming data.

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If Iris does propose to create keys following a sequence, how can we obtain a sequential number in another context?

In my case, I automatically create care centers, and I want to set them a number like:


APP = Name of the application used by the center
DD = center department number
999: sequential number in the department
It is of course possible that centers will be created in competition, so this possible competition must be managed.

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· Nov 17, 2023
Testing OAuth2

I am attempting to setup my first OAuth2 client, as we are adventuring into the realm of making FHIR API calls to our EMR from HealthShare Health Connect.

I have gone through and set up the Issuer Endpoint, and Client Configuration but now I want to test it and verify that the setup is correct. When I setup the Client Configuration, it would not allow me to use Discovery as it was saying I needed a "Client secret" but was not given one. So I set it up manually, thinking I hit all the information correctly.

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Hello Community,

SQL language remains the most practical way to retrieve information stored in a database.

The JSON format is very often used in data exchange.

It is therefore common to seek to obtain data in JSON format from SQL queries.

Below you will find simple examples that can help you meet this need using ObjectScript and Python code.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

If multiple InterSystems products are installed on the same system, the latest version of the InterSystems ODBC driver among the installed products will remain registered in the driver manager.

You can change to any driver by changing the registry entry below.

Please note that running RegFiles.bat does not change the ODBC driver.

The registry entry is as follows.

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a customer engineer asked me how to use Http basic authentication on a Ensemble SOAP service. Anyone has done this before?

When secure SOAP service from Web Application setting, by select "password" for "Allowed Authentication Methods", it expected WSS, username and password in SOAP head. The customer hospital would like to add user authentication on sopa service, but SOAP client team prefer to add it on http header, instead of on SOAP header.

Also, I am very confused with adding password on URL for SOAP service, like

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· Sep 7, 2023
Question about ISCAgent Config

We are noticing some issues with the communication between our Arbiter and our servers. Looking at the following documentation to limit connections, and logging...https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GHA_mirror_set_config#GHA_mirror_set_agent_port

if I am configuring the ISCAgent on the arbiter, would we set

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